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[OFFICIAL] SFG 2021 | Level 3 | The Last SFG for Prelims 2021 | Details and Important Announcements | Updated 1st August @6:30 PM

@sator But imp topics like AIPA (Paris committee), IAIS being asked in SFG tests are missing. How to handle them? Even topics that are mentioned (like ADMM Plus) are mentioned like the subscript in MF forms. Cannot solve qns even after a thorough read. How do you attempt them? CA is giving a hard time.


You may feel lost sometimes, but trust me you are not. You need to be very clear with your strategy,

And at this point it should be -

#1 I will do one magazine thoroughly, and answer anything that comes from it.

#2 I will try to do test papers, and if something is from the monthlies, I should solve it, or revise the monthlies. If it is not from the monthlies, I will just add to my knowledge / database.

You are good to go, daughter of the Mountains ( if that is what your screen name means ! ) 

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

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