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[Official] ForumIAS SFG 2021 - Level 1 Details and Important Updates

@forumiasacademy  I have paid for RLG but it's not reflecting on portal. It says u have not subscribed to any course...Plz help

Same issue. I can't find the 'upcoming test' like the one above


As per Laxmikanth, 

The Preamble declares that fraternity has to assure 'dignity of individual', this dignity is guaranteed through FR, FD and DPSP

Thus to interpret broadly, DPSPs also promote fraternity 


SFG Test #04: Question 10

Seats in the Legislative assembly are allotted as per the population of the state, so shouldn't the ratio of [Population/ No. of elected MLAs] be same across states? Thus ensuring parity in value of vote across states? 


Good Morning everyone.. :)
Can someone please throw clarity on the 1st option of Q26 (I couldnt understand why this is incorrect, it is mentioned in Laxmikanth under mutual delegation of functions.... or am I reading it out of context)

With reference to Centre- State Administrative Relations, which of the following statements is/ are correct?

1. The Constitution makes provision for the entrustment of the executive functions of the Centre to a state by President without the consent of that State.

When executive function are to be entrustedwithout the consent of the state->onlyParliamentcan do that (Not President)

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