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Hey what's the answer of cyber insurance wala question?????

2 is to be included or not??

@Sappling where does the physical damage is written?????

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A big Noooo.......

Cyber means 9only cyber no physical harm covered

1.) Physical damage?? Where is that written in question

2.) Question doesn't mention whose computer... His own or someone else's


2 reason for that...... its hindi translation

2.willfully implied that someone phsically harm it.....else the cyber attack wont need to insert the wilful nature.....the statement clearly said it so if damage by accident not cover only by obviously that some1 broken it or punch it

Wilfully doesn't mean physically, it means deliberately.

Yup I have read Hindi translation as well. Both mean same... In hindi it is written "jaan-bhujh kar"


2 reason for that...... its hindi translation

2.willfully implied that someone phsically harm it.....else the cyber attack wont need to insert the wilful nature.....the statement clearly said it so if damage by accident not cover only by obviously that some1 broken it or punch it

Wilfully doesn't mean physically, it means deliberately.

Yup I have read Hindi translation as well. Both means same

Then does cyber attack could be possible without the wilful nature as well......

Cyber attack/ cyber related security incident may be accidental or delibrate..


2 reason for that...... its hindi translation

2.willfully implied that someone phsically harm it.....else the cyber attack wont need to insert the wilful nature.....the statement clearly said it so if damage by accident not cover only by obviously that some1 broken it or punch it

Wilfully doesn't mean physically, it means deliberately.

Yup I have read Hindi translation as well. Both means same

Then does cyber attack could be possible without the wilful nature as well......

Cyber attack/ cyber related security incident may be accidental or delibrate..

Do u think other as spoon feeder......attack always deliberate and wilful......else it mark with word "incidental" not wilful

I didnt mean to offend anyone

What I meant to say is

1.) Accidental: someone (you or someone else) connected any other device without the knowledge of that being infected by malware

2.) Delibrate: someone knowingly infected the computer with malware/spyware etc.

The point I am raising is that in second statement, it is not clear whose computer, we are talking about.

No other interpolation/extrapolation/interpretation.

Therefore I was looking for advice to whether make a representation on this ambiguity or not??


2 reason for that...... its hindi translation

2.willfully implied that someone phsically harm it.....else the cyber attack wont need to insert the wilful nature.....the statement clearly said it so if damage by accident not cover only by obviously that some1 broken it or punch it

Wilfully doesn't mean physically, it means deliberately.

Yup I have read Hindi translation as well. Both means same

Then does cyber attack could be possible without the wilful nature as well......

Cyber attack/ cyber related security incident may be accidental or delibrate..

Do u think other as spoon feeder......attack always deliberate and wilful......else it mark with word "incidental" not wilful

I didnt mean to offend anyone

What I meant to say is

1.) Accidental: someone (you or someone else) connected any other device without the knowledge of that being infected by malware

2.) Delibrate: someone knowingly infected the computer with malware/spyware etc.

The point I am raising is that in second statement, it is not clear whose computer, we are talking about.

No other interpolation/extrapolation/interpretation.

Therefore I was looking for advice to whether make a representation on this ambiguity or not??

Bro i was also in that position when read it out but for that reason sometimes i also read hindi so that narrative came out......when i read hindi i was sure that its talking abt physical atb

Just request you to read hindi for once

Bro I'm trying to understand your point of view.. please let me know what does prompt to interpret it about physical harm..

Which word in hindi???

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