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Should Civil Servants be appointed as State Election Commissioners?

If CEC of ECI can be retired bureaucrats why not the SEC given though they should be appointed through a 3 member panel CM,Leader of opposition of Vidahan sabha & CJ HC ,the service & removal conditions same as HC judge (same sort of recommendation law commission for CEC too) ; one more safeguard can be added that the person concerned should be retired from some other state cadre and the appointing state should not be its home state too.

There can be altogether other way for it is that there should be only ECI in India no State Election Commission & ECI should have its regional office at desired places & ECI would be responsible for all elections in India from Panchyati Raj to Presidential office and the officials to be recruited directly by UPSC and they all should be trained professionals for conducting elections; the regional head should be of EC rank , service conditions similar to HC judge & CEC having service conditions similar to SC Judge.

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