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[TEST SERIES] How effective are Test series for prelims? I find the questions unnecessarily complicated and out of context in most of them just to appear tough.

@Neyawn @Yo_Yo_Choti_Singh @Jack__Sparrow  Sir any insights?


Sir, the generally poor condition of Roads in Eastern UP and Bihar can be attributed to the following reason

 Lack of Socio-Economic Development of the region. 

I think all reasons like strong monsoon zone and softer soil and other environmental reasons do not hold. Neither do a political will or lack of industrialisation are very solid reasons. They are very legit issues but the very crux is the human resource of these areas has not been transformed into human capital.  Take Japan, for example, a land devoid of natural resources and prone to earthquakes but is a leader in world affairs. Only due to high HDI index. 

There is no coincidence that eastern UP and Bihar are at the bottom in many Human Development rankings and also have bad roads.  With high levels of human development, other things follow I believe.


And, is there any minimum threshold beyond which I should care less about the marks and focus more on my errors? Like if I am getting above 90 consistently, should I not let marks bother me that much?

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