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[OFFICIAL] Upcoming Programs for CSE 2021 & 2022 | Updated 14th June

@Neyawn Will ForumIas start SFG 3.0 since prelims is postponed?

P.S SFG is immensely helpful in maintaining discipline. So, if possible please do start it.


2nd@slightedge109 . Came here to request for the same specifically. Please consider the request of starting an SFG early at least mid July for people who are not confident of prelims, which can accommodate 3 revisions before prelims. The discipline the program brings, sustainability, improvement and consistency is unparalleled.  It is needed all the more because of disruption in preparation after postponement and cluelessness.

Have already put this request to@farejul .

please consider the same@forumiasacademy @Neyawn 

looking forward to it 

@forumiasacademy @Neyawn Please consider this request to start SFG again. Though not all students are going to request but there are many who want to do SFG.

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