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What Not to do for Psychology Optional?

This has been written keeping in mind the vacuum and limited sources for the preparation of CSE Psychology Optional. 

The one  What not to do I wanted to address is ,  do not join Magnus IAS for your preparation

In my case, I was duped by them, unfortunately it was right when I needed a coach desperately, that is in November 2021, right before Mains 2022. Now I know of 26 others (and counting) who were duped.

What did they do ?In a few words , took our money and disappeared. 

How did I fall for them then ?Quora it, and you'll get numerous (paid) glorifying reviews.

Now I have come to know of few people were compelled to write such reviews in order to get their money back. And also that they have been duping aspirants for years .

Why didn't anyone voice out ?The only thing I can think of is that we're aspirants loaded with our luggage and any disruption seems devastating. What we've learnt is to let go.

I paid 10.5k, others paid varying amounts, cumulatively amounts to  6 Lakhs  or more .

What did we do about it ?We approached all formal channels and we're awestruck with the hassles one has to go through yet in order to get their deserved share of earning back :  Not one procedure has been helpful yet.

While I'm trying to enlighten you with what not to do,I'm also hoping you would circulate this, so that our fellows do not get duped, find courage to voice out some misdeed and do not fall prey to 'acceptance'

Sometimes it is because we accept our misfortunes, that we fail to look beyond , a better place that we could have reached had we fought back.

Attaching the few links where one can find details, evidence, and again hoping your sense of justice will encourage you to share these. 


Quora Review

Much Good Wishes and Fortunes to you ! :)

D503,Oasisand10 otherslike this


I second the review. Paid around 10k and it vanished into thin air. Do not even think about joining this institute
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