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What reforms would you suggest in the Civil Services Examination if you had a choice?

1) To finish number of attempts and introduce only age limit criteria.

2) It becomes a test of speed and presentation rather than creativity... So 10, Twenty markers questions and 1 Fifty marker question in GS paper will be a good option.

3) Essay questions asked are good (welcome reform) though it has it's advantages and disadvantages.

4) Ethics paper should only contain case studies( 9 case studies, 5 of 30 marks, 4 of 25 marks.

5) If optional is so important then why compulsory language papers are not. So, both language papers should also be included in merit list.

6) Each question to contain contemporary as well as static section, to check wholesome knowledge.(Not to give edge to one's who focuses only on current or to one's who focuses more on static)

@Sevpuri Not only till 300 Rank. If anyone has joined service through civil services exam, should not be allowed to sit again.

If anyone wants to sit, she/he should not join the service.

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