GSFP 2026
ForumIAS General
Studies Foundation Program
“Your One Stop Solution to Make Your First Attempt Your Best
GSFP 2026 is a pre cum mains foundation program for students preparing
for Civil Services Examination 2026. GSFP 2026 will provide for
comprehensive preparation for complete prelims syllabus (both GS and
CSAT) and will also provide for comprehensive preparation of GS Paper
1, GS Paper 2, GS Paper 3, GS Paper 4 and Essay for mains examination.
It encompasses value addition through Current Affair Classes which are
included in the program.
GSFP 2026 is a classroom-based mentor led prelims-cum-mains guidance
Program that provides a single and unified 360-degree preparation
roadmap for UPSC Civil Services Examination.
The program focusses to provide you with quantitative and qualitative
capacity building which can ensure that you can fight for selection in
the very same year of doing foundation/1st attempt.