9 Common Mistakes by UPSC IAS Aspirants

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16 responses to “9 Common Mistakes by UPSC IAS Aspirants”


    Thnx alot for help for more http://www.risingias.co.in

  2. Snow white Avatar
    Snow white

    Wow u actually opened r eyes ! Plz every one share ur experience !

  3. Paritosh Munot Avatar
    Paritosh Munot

    Sorry Forum IAS but because of your 9PM daily news I have stopped reading News paper
    now after my selection it will define was it a good or bad strategy
    but I have faith in you ForumIAS CD Insight and IAS baba
    Yaar dekho time change hooo raha haii uske saat humko bhii change hona chiye
    jaab internet naai thaa tabki baat alag hai ajj tho hum Digital India ke Baare mai soch rahe haii
    Bhaaiyo Aur bheeno start E-learning and use Forum IAS

  4. kingka2 Avatar

    Really many thanks to Mr: Surbendu Thakur and ForumIAS!!

  5. Bhavika Avatar

    Thank you for the timely article which was insightful and interesting.

  6. Pradeep Sheoran Avatar
    Pradeep Sheoran

    i totally agree with good group circle. we shall make frds only serious candidate,good frds keep u going..otherwise we end up with 5 year plan…

  7. Concisely and aptly summarized all the sins what an aspirant can do to stay out from the preliminary or final list.
    I am not experienced but have felt all the mistakes and corrected them when I have still time.
    I have one more mistake to add (might not be generalized but its what I felt) – Hours of studies. Most aspirant get scared to know that some (read most) of the others are claiming to study for 36 hours in a day (hope you got the sarcasm?). Its ultimately the quality of the study and your understanding of the subject which matters, not hours!

    Study well and B+.

  8. 9004433824 Avatar

    Goog insight Sr….

  9. Glad 🙂

    BTW the full article is by @modernashoka .

  10. Woodpecker Avatar

    kudos neyawn, you summed the mistakes in the most humble and precise manner.

    unfortunately i committed most of the mistakes. 🙁

  11. I would like to add two three things

    1) Have a biss towards action – If you think that a certain teacher or class can be helpful, always go ahead and take that. Instead of procrastinating – which I think is the biggest wastage of time. If you have to do something – do it today ( or at least have a timeline when you think you should be able to complete it ) Indecision is expensive

    2) Making notes on topics for which standard content is not there – for example, it may be pointless ( or least low RoI ) to make notes of say Laxmikant, for parts of the syllabus ( or issues ) which are not covered in a single place, one must make notes from different sources. Such that you dont need to refer to those sources again and again. This especially applies to culture topics etc.

  12. Great Article, Surbendu ! 🙂

    Very insightful! Wish you the best for this years results ! 🙂

  13. priya123 Avatar

    very good Article..kudos..anything anyone ever needs in terms of strategy for upsc prep !!!…equally true for freshers and experienced ones

  14. Dead_Man Avatar

    ok sir..

  15. Dead_Man Avatar

    very helpful sir.. thank you so much..

  16. If you feel that there are other mistakes as well, then write it there in comment section, we would incorporate the same in the article, so that new comers do not repeat the same mistake.

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