Newspaper Must Read Articles of The Day – 27 August 2015

Newspaper analysis from The Hindu bearing
to Civil Services preparation

Front Page/National

  • No Significant News on Front Page today which amounts to an issue . Anything important will be covered in subsequent Editorials of The Hindu


  • Looming Crisis : Citing the hardships faced by the Indian Textile Industry the author feels that such a labour intensive textile sector should be given impetus in the Make in India Initiative. Conversely a healthy textile sector could potentially create millions of jobs, averting the threats that could endanger livelihood on a large scale.
  • Historic is still some way away : Emphasises the fact that the Historic accord in Naga issue is only a framework agreement and a final settlement has a long way to go. Suggesting the concept of Shared sovereignty as the basis of final settlement ,the article showcases the bottlenecks  in the issue and the puts forth  the concerns of the various stakeholders.
  • Missing the big picture on OROP : Recognising the legitimacy in the cause of OROP agitations the article cautions that any victory achieved through bellicose (aggressively hostile) means can lead to a bitter legacy. It also suggests private sector intervention to provide dignified post retirement livelihood options for Ex-service men.

International/World Affairs

  • India – Seychelles pact to curb black money : Secychelles being one of the safe havens for routing of funds ,the Union cabinet has signed a pact to curb black money by allowing exchange of Information to avoid tax evasion and avoidance. Agreement in Maritime Security, cooperation in Blue economy and future space cooperation were also explored.
  • Decks cleared for India’s Role in Iranian Port : The obstructions in the India- Iran agreement on Chabahar port got sorted out . This development has a dual benefit of reducing the transportation cost of crude oil to India and also will offset the Chinese presence in Gwadar port of Pakistan.
  • USA to collaborate with Sri Lanka at UNHRC : US has offered to work together with Srilanka and other key stakeholders in drafting the resolution on the alleged Human Rights violation which will reflect the way forward.


  • Global Oil Prices Stabilise :Following the China’s Central bank move to support the country’s economy, global oil prices have stabilised though the physical markets are still weak. Due to high US production, record oil productions in Middle east countries and falling demand from Asian economies ,oil has lost a third of its value since June.


2 responses to “Newspaper Must Read Articles of The Day – 27 August 2015”

  1. Atul Das Avatar
    Atul Das

    Very good initiative…. Quite helpful in covering important articles manytimes on hectic days…..

  2. bnsgoku great Avatar
    bnsgoku great

    if you can post this early everyday it would be awesome

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