Atomic clocks on indigenous navigation satellite develop snag

The Hindu



Article concerns with the NavIC, the indigenously built satellite-based positioning system


What has happened?

NavIC, the indigenously built satellite- based positioning system, has developed a technical snag in the atomic clocks on its first satellite



In the NavIC, a constellation of seven satellites, one of the three crucial rubidium timekeepers on IRNSS-1A spacecraft failed six months ago. The other two followed subsequently.

  • NavIC has 21 atomic clocks on seven spacecraft
  • The troubled IRNSS-1A spacecraft was put in space in July 2013 and has an expected life span of 10 years. The seventh navigation satellite, IRNSS-1G, was launched in April 2016


Atomic clock

It is an extremely accurate clock which is regulated by the vibrations of an atomic or molecular system such as cesium or ammonia


Read More: NavIC has been covered in detail here

View: Learn about the working of atomic clock in this short YouTube clip