Author: ForumIAS

  • Must read articles of the day – August 25

    National Surrogate children only for married couples: Bill : The Union Cabinet, on Wednesday, cleared the Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, 2016, banning commercial surrogacy in India Air-breather propulsion test on August 28: ISRO : ISRO is looking forward to conducting the air-breathing propulsion test using the two-stage, three-tonne RH-560 rocket because it involves cutting edge technologies. Private sector bears higher…

  • Mains Marathon : Current Affairs Questions – August 25

    Read the following questions and answer them in your own words in not more than 200 words: Time: 45 Minutes 1. Open defecation has long been a major health and sanitation problem in India. Critically analyze the policy measure taken by government to eliminate the problem of open defecation. Link 1 | Link 2  2. Collapse of…

  • Must Read News Articles of the Day- August 24

    National PMO open to single water panel : Central government is planning to form the proposed National Water Commission (NWC) by merging the Central Water Commission (CWC) and the Central Ground Water Board (CGWB). Central Services cadre under review : The Centre has formed a task force for a comprehensive study of the cadre structure of all Group ‘A’…

  • Mains Marathon : Current Affairs Questions – August 24

    Read the following questions and answer them in your own words in not more than 200 words: Time: 45 Minutes 1. The law must uphold the dignity of women irrespective of the marital status. In this context, critically analyse the need for criminalising marital rape in India.  Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3  2. Uniform civil code is…

  • Answered Mains Marathon – 5 Questions on Contemporary Issues – August 23

    Click here for Answers list Click on the questions below for reference material [Answered] Skill India without  Make in India is an empty agenda. Critically analyse. Also highlight steps taken by the government to promote manufacturing in India. Why has it not been successful? [Answered] Discuss the rationale behind the recent Amendment to the RBI…

  • Must Read News Articles of the Day- August 23

    National Centre notifies Good Samaritan SOPs :The notification is in response to Supreme Court directions in an October 2014 case of SaveLIFE Foundation asking the Centre to issue directions to save Good Samaritans until Parliament frames a law. SC pitches for a political solution : Supreme Court indicated on Monday that a political solution across party lines might…

  • Mains Marathon : Current Affairs Questions – August 23

    Read the following questions and answer them in your own words in not more than 200 words: Time: 45 Minutes 1.Skill India without Make in India is an empty agenda. Critically analyse. Also highlight steps taken by the government to promote manufacturing in India. Why has it not been successful? Links 1 | Links 2 2.Discuss the…

  • Answered Mains Marathon – 5 Questions on Contemporary Issues – August 22

    Click here for Answers list Click on the questions below for reference material [Answered] Flash floods in India’s urban areas are not merely nature’s fury but man made disasters. Discuss in the light of recent events. What policy measures can be taken to counter this? [Answered] How far is state intervention in the cultural space of…

  • Mains Marathon 2016 – GS Test -1

    Read the following questions and answer them by clicking the links below ( 200 words each  / 1 Hour Duration) 1) Was capitalism a cause or effect of the Industrial Revolution? What factors led to the rise of Capitalism? 2) Before World War 1, Europe could manage it’s colonial issues successfully, but could not manage the European…

  • Mains Marathon : Current Affairs Questions – Day 1

    Note: These questions are based on Current Events From December 2015- and will cover events till November 2016. The goal of this initiative is to cover all relevant current affairs issues for Mains 2016 in the minimum number of questions possible.     1. Flash floods in India’s urban areas are not merely nature’s fury but…