Note: These questions has been asked from previous year prelims question papers
[WpProQuiz 53]
Note: These questions has been asked from previous year prelims question papers
[WpProQuiz 53]
You have reached 3 of 6 scores, (50%)
Fuck off …..
6th solution is should be B
6th ques solution is wrong..its b..
3 of 6 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:04:45
You have reached 3 of 6 scores, (50%)
Q 5. no food chain exist within a population of a species..????
Q6. Lichens is a symbiotic association of algae and fungus………??????
Q6 is wrong its algae and fungi
How can food chains be found within the population of a species? Should it not have been different species?
Daily Quiz: March 4
1 of 6 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:02:16
You have reached 1 of 6 scores, (16.67%)
I think Either ForumIAS should improve the content and quality of answers and english so that concept will not be confused by their practice sets.
wiki me Algae or Cyanobacteria dekha aur answer set kar diya. Arrey yaar wo toh OR hain.
To the ones boasting 6/6, that Lichens are Fungi and Algae is a fact you shouldve known well. Lichens are fascinating creatures, please dont call them bacterial cultures
@disqus_Ww9jBZzqUp …
The solution of 6th question is wrong.. In wrong answers ko de karo confusion mt create kro Sir.
Lichens are the symbiotic relationship of algae and fungi.
Request u all to cross check the answers
You r right.xylem is innermost layer it transports water from roots to leaves,whereas phloem transports glucose formed in leaves to roots.Glucose is energy required by roots.Roots will die first followed by shoot eg leaves and branches.
6 of 6 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:05:56
There seem some mistake in Q no. 2
4 of 6 questions answered correctly (66.67%)
Hilly regions.
Contour bunding decreases the flow of water down the slope, facilitates collection of water at regular intervals and hence help in fighting soil erosion.
where is contour bunding practised ?
Same here 4/6
Got 6/6 Shocked!
Daily Quiz: March 4…………Band bazz Gaiii…!!
5 of 6 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:02:42
You have reached 5 of 6 scores, (83.33%)Average score 42.68%Your score
5 of 6 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:02:22
You have reached 5 of 6 scores, (83.33%)
Average score 43.01%
Your score 83.33%
Thanks for attempting the Quiz
Can I know the source of this question. I could not find this thing mentioned – phloem being the innermost layer of the bark in new NCERT of 9th class ?
4 of 6 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:01:14
You have reached 4 of 6 scores, (66.67%)
Yes bains.
2 of 6 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:02:06
You have reached 2 of 6 scores, (33.33%)
2 of 6 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:05:32
The question wants you to know about the Xylem and Phloem and their functions. Phloem is the innermost layer of the bark and its job is to do the transport of soluble organic material made during photosynthesis (photosynthate) , the process is called translocation. So, whatever that is produced in the leaves , if not sent to the parts such as roots, they will be starved of energy and Water will keep rising till we don’t cut the tree’s xylem parts.
The question wants you to know about the Xylem and Phloem and their functions. Phloem is the innermost layer of the bark and its job is to do the transport of soluble organic material made during photosynthesis (photosynthate) , the process is called translocation. So, whatever that is produced in the leaves , if not sent to the parts such as roots, they will be starved of energy and ….:) Water will keep rising till we don’t cut the tree’s xylem parts. Correct Option B
2011 ya 2012 ka ques hai
Same here!!
me too
@night_thinker:disqus 6/6
give explanation
a lagaye the ham to
EXPLANATION for Q2 – anyone ?
Same pinch
Daily Quiz: March 4
4 of 6 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:01:56
Daily Quiz: March 4
5 of 6 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:02:49
You have reached 5 of 6 scores, (83.33%)
Guess I’m doing it right with previous year questions
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