FREE Open Mock Test by ForumIAS for Prelims 2017 : February 15th at 11:00 AM – Registration Open!

Dear Aspirants,

We all are waiting for the UPSC Mains Results. Meanwhile, we thought that a meaningful – study related initiative is due, apart from the Daily Mains Marathon, and Prelims Marathon 🙂

We invite you to register for an Open Mock with us. Kindly register at this link.

The Open Test is toughly contested with usually 3000-4000 and upto 6000 candidates, so you do get a good ranking to measure your performance.

The questions will be general in nature and should be answerable by you if you have read the basic books and have been reading the newspaper.

Good Luck 🙂



14 responses to “FREE Open Mock Test by ForumIAS for Prelims 2017 : February 15th at 11:00 AM – Registration Open!”

  1. Please, someone provide the link of the open test.

  2. Yes, I agree, it should be open for whole day and results were published at the end of the day.

  3. Hi, I am working professional and its very difficult to find time sometimes.
    Can I give test in evening?

  4. Lord Vorminious Avatar
    Lord Vorminious

    Hello ForumIAS, what is the closing time for the Test taking? It would be better to publish results after all possible candidates have taken the test so as to make it more relevant.

  5. Morning 11 AM.

  6. Yes, you can.

  7. mahi returns Avatar
    mahi returns

    sir when the test will commence morning or evening

  8. Really great start

  9. can we appear it after 2 p.m?

  10. Yes.

  11. Thanks.

  12. Great initiative.. Thank you @forumias-c51ce410c124a10e0db5e4b97fc2af39:disqus.

    Weekend would have more convenient.

  13. online only?

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