Hi Aspirants,
We have come up with some Important Questions from ECONOMIC SURVEY 2016-17. Hope it helps
List of Questions: Economic survey summary 2016-2017
Chapter 2: The Economic Vision for Precocious, Cleavaged India
1) India is a “precocious” and a “cleavaged” democracy. Discuss the above statement in the context of the “remarkable” economic growth witnessed in India based on “Washington Consensus”.
2) Is redistribution an answer to the “cleavage” that has emerged out of the economic reforms undertaken in India post 1991? How has redistribution worked in India so far? Analyze.
3) While the Indian economy has gained in robustness in the post reforms period, the Indian Sate has remained weak in its capacity. Discuss.
Chapter 3: Demonetization: To Deify or Demonize?
1) What do you understand by the term “Demonitization”? What are the factors that have led to the implementation of Demonitization? Discuss its long term and short termimplications.
2) Demonetisation is the culmination of a series of steps taken to curb black money in the economy. Explain.
3) “Digitization is not a panacea against black money”. Analyze.
4) Examine the impediments, the recent initiatives and the way forward for digitization of economy in India.
Chapter 4: The Festering Twin Balance Sheet Problem
1) What is the “Twin Balance Sheet “problem? What are the reasons that have given rise to this problem in the Indian economy? Discuss its implications.
2) What are Non-Performing-Assets (NPA’s)? Discuss the various initiatives undertaken to tackle the problem of increasing Non-Performing-Assets (NPA’s) in the Indian banking sector.
Chapter 5: Fiscal Framework: The World is Changing, Should India Change Too?
1) Discuss the importance of a fiscal policy. Analyse the impact of fiscal policy in India and make suggestions for the future.
Chapter 6- Fiscal Rules: Lessons from the States
1) Discuss how Fiscal Responsibility Legislations (FRL’s) have brought about some degree of fiscal discipline in the states. Also, discuss the various external factors that have contributed in improvement in fiscalmanagement of states.
Chapter 7: Clothes and Shoes: Can India Reclaim Low Skill Manufacturing?
1) The Apparel and Leather sectors generally have the potential to create low skilled jobs required in India. However, various impediments have ensured underperformance of these sectors in India. Discuss.
2) Discuss the various initiatives and measures undertaken by the government for promotion of apparel and leather sectors in India.
Economic Survey 2016–17 reviews the developments in the Indian economy over the previous 12 months, summarizes the performance on major development programmes, and highlights the policy initiatives of the government and the prospects of the economy in the short to medium term. This document is presented to both houses of Parliament during the Budget Session.
Economic Survey 2016-17 summary is very important for UPSC Civil Services Exam Preparation.
Download Summary of Economic Survey 2016-17 Here
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