Mains Marathon: Essay Test – February 11

Instructions:  Write an essay on any one of the following in about 1000-1200 words.
Time : 90 minutes

Marks : 125

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1.Education should be accessible to people of all economic backgrounds.

शिक्षा सभी आर्थिक पृष्ठभूमि के लोगों के लिए होनी चाहिए।


2.What is freedom? The power to live as one wishes.

स्वतंत्रता क्या है? अपने मर्ज़ी से जीने की आज़ादी।




166 responses to “Mains Marathon: Essay Test – February 11”

  1. thank you sir
    will keep your suggestions in mind

  2. Hey Hidden warrior, You have good points and content…good quotes…but finetune your language…don’t use terms like “hopeless” people..Try to bring in comparison with other nations…subsidised education,quality education…Geraman education,Japanese model of learning the disciplined way…!!…Well written..:)…Keep writing!!

  3. Thanks for the review hiddenwarrior..:)..Yepp..will add more points regarding freedom misuse…:)..sure..will review urs..!!

  4. Rhythm 2017 Avatar
    Rhythm 2017

    nice work castro
    structure is nice.

  5. good elaboration of points , keep writing

  6. thanks for your reviews , will improve and will keep in mind

  7. thanks bro , will keep in mind and will do surely

  8. hiddenwarrior Avatar

    yes LEARNER….i agree………next time i would try to include more dimensions……thnks for review..

  9. Thank You Frnd..

  10. You have written mostly on Indian Education System – Outlook, Problems, Challenges – here suggestions, positivity and a bit more of optimism would have made it more wonderful.
    citing examples from other part of world where inclusive education had helped them to grow. i.e. japan, s.korea, etc. how india can adopt it.

    Liked :
    Data, quotes,
    wonderful expression
    Interesting to read


  11. Thanks so much for kind review..:)

    I believe that Man had more freedom in primitive state , but did not value as much as survival/security.. That is why he chose to give it up in exchange for security.. Renaissance/Liberalism changed that.. Man began valuing liberty so much that he was ready to sacrifice even his life for it..

  12. Thanks!! Will keep these points in mind for next time..:)

  13. hiddenwarrior Avatar

    nice Rithisha……you have written well….but plzz enlarge your font …and leave margin on both sides of the paper…….underline important points…..include some quotes…..some examples of successful education models….some reports…… govt. schemes….would make it more better

  14. micro_CASTRO Avatar

    Sir plz revie mine also….Long time waiting 🙂

  15. hiddenwarrior Avatar

    increase words…….
    monitoring of schools and training of techers could be added…..add examples from across globe about successful education models…….keep writing…and review mine too..

  16. hiddenwarrior Avatar

    well written bro….you touched all aspects………review mine too…

  17. hiddenwarrior Avatar

    well written DEVI……since the ancient time to present …you elaborated different dimensions……. i thinks you should have written more on the misuse of freedom…… on social platforms…etc……overall ok…handwriting too must be appreciated……keep writing
    review mine too…

  18. hiddenwarrior Avatar

    अच्छा लिखा है मित्र।
    इसमें आपने स्वतंत्रता को इतिहास के सन्दर्भ में बहुत ही अच्छे से समझाया है , लेकिन आप इसमें वर्तमान उदाहरण भी शामिल कर सकते थे।। साथ ही आज के समय में स्वतंत्रता के बदलते हुए मायने ।।।अलग अलग पीढ़ियों के लिए अलग अलग परिभाषा।। इस तरह से थोडा और रोचक बना सकते थे।।।।।
    लिखते रहो।।।

  19. micro_CASTRO Avatar

    Only the society which is free can be a just society. True justice cannot be manifetsed without providing every individual in the society the freedom and opportunity to achieve their innate talent.

    The history of humankind can be seen from he lens of Quest for Freedom. The early slave society rebelled against the opressor to get freedom from animalist existence. Later expedtions of Columbus and Marco Polo marked an end of exploitative feudal society and gave way to capitalism and trade.

  20. micro_CASTRO Avatar

    Gr8 content..

    We are slave of our own mind…added new dimension to the essay.

    Role of free mind in shaping the soicety like Gandhi and Kalam are well discussed…

    how do you prepare the quotes for the essay. Can you please share the trick to remember quotes 😛 🙂

    Good attempt..

    Plese review mine also

  21. Hello Madmax,..You have written well,good ideas..use of philosophers appropriate…also elaborate more on freedom from personal angle…true freedom means freedom from mental bondages,stereotypical way of thinking etc.

    All the best!!..Keep writing..:)

  22. sure..:)

  23. Rhythm 2017 Avatar
    Rhythm 2017

    understood broda!

  24. Serene Buddha Avatar
    Serene Buddha

    Madmax good one 🙂 shows the depth and skills of PSIR student 😛 🙂 however one concern with statement “man’s love for freedom is product of renaissance” it sounds incorrect because primitive man had more freedom than the present one! but Renaissance era metamorphised the idea of freedom!! hope the difference is maintained

  25. Serene Buddha Avatar
    Serene Buddha

    Rythm Good one 🙂 Especially Quotes! just to add, essay is more or less on the basis of freedom in ‘absence of constraint’ only! and you gave the shades very well to that, but essay doesn’t note that how freedom means to disadvantaged, minorities, disabled groups etc. in that context, just mention about Development as freedom and Amartya Sen and John Rawls views of Positive freedom to address the essay in complete manner!

  26. hiddenwarrior Avatar

    heyyyy……i think you are also a beginner like me… have written well touching many dimensions…but in esaay.we have to elaborate on all point ……work on that…..stretch the points….and fill them with certain reports…statistics…govt policies…suggestions….etc….

    keep writing…and review mine too.

  27. Could you review mine?

  28. Thanks for the comprehensive review Madmax..:)..Good points..i ll note them down as well..:)

  29. Hi,

    You have not addresses the topic..The topic deals with “Access to Education”… “Importance to Education” could serve as an intro to the essay..What you have written can be a great intro to the topic..

    Continuing from here, you could write about the problem rural kids face in getting education (both quality and qty), measures taken by govt, How technology can help to overcome this gap..

    Also another dimension could be how families give preference to male child for education, The steps taken by Govt, “Beti Padao, Beti Bachao” etc..

    And finally you can conclude by talking about how India has a great demographic dividend that can turn into demographic disaster if education is not given and population is not skilled


  30. hiddenwarrior Avatar

    thank you so much…madmax… are right…..thnks for pointing out…..i will take care of this point next time……..and actually…i was mentioning…art 41..of DPSP….
    …….I will review yours too

  31. Geetanjali Joshi Avatar
    Geetanjali Joshi

    amazing essay the examples are really nice… 🙂

  32. Nice use of examples and quotes. Language is good overall nicely written

  33. Education is a bridge which makes an ignorant soul enlightened . It acts as a saviour and uplifts people from shallow world to the world of horizons
    During ancient times education was restricted to privilege class.Even philosophers from Plato to Kautilya placed a great emphasis on education.
    And during the colonial times, Dr Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi are the two inspiring figures who being educated played a big role in the freedom struggle.

    The purpose of education is to place an empty mind with an open one.True education is one which proves useful in life and makes one industrious. Education not out of colonial legacy which is based on rote learning
    but one which imbibes one with virtues of honesty,character,curiosity , innovativeness and a responsible citizen.

    Education is that passport which can build the future of the individual which in turn builds the Nation.
    India having the largest youth population , it is imminent for the Country to take education seriously. To support economically weaker section in the pursuit of education is of utmost importance for eg when Brazil was had a largest youth population,it didn’t took adequate steps resulting into poor young individuals falling into crime,drugs .

    Youth today having no opportunity to study will fall in the trap of crime,terror which will jeopardize its future and also cause harm to the Nation.
    Education will help the individual to imbibe a rational outlook and change the way he/she thinks which will help also to tackle social and racial discrimination and make him an informed citizen
    Govt policies should be directed to imbibing individuals with contemporary education in which relevant skill sets are involved which helps in getting job and also building the personality of the individual.

  34. Vivek Patel Avatar
    Vivek Patel

    Nice writing,content is awesome

  35. Sure

  36. Great one for a first time..

    Can u review mine?

  37. Thanku for ur suggestions. This is my first essay. I will try to improve.

  38. Geetanjali Joshi Avatar
    Geetanjali Joshi

    Sure sir?

  39. Can you review mine?

  40. Geetanjali Joshi Avatar
    Geetanjali Joshi

    Thankyou for taking the time out to review? Even i felt the same that essay lacked freedom from global perpective. Will keep ur suggestions in mind ?

  41. Hi..

    My review (to be taken with fistful of salt)

    Liked the way you brought the story in introduction in the conclusion..
    I feel that you have structured the essay well, however,

    1. The content in sub headings have little relationship with content:
    The introduction in Political freedom section could have been used before that..I dont see how that is an introduction to Political freedom..
    Beef ban. leather issue is written in “Political freedom”. At most, you could have written in economic freedom..
    However , quote from Voltaire was good and came at right place

    2. Beti Bachao, Beti padao should have come under social freedom, but put under economic freedom

    3. The classification is inconsistent, after “Political freedom” and “Economic freedom, one would hope to see “Social freedom”, but we see freedom to choose, which in my opinion is an overarching theme..

    After the dealing with the women issue (which was nicely written), you move again to economic freedom..

    One clarification regarding UBI: Survey says that UBI may not be good for rural women, because the subsidies that they get in form of essentials may be diverted by men towards unnecessary things.

    Anyways a nice attempt, but could have done better by doing away with sub headings and going with flow once the basic structure was in place

  42. Hi,

    You have given a broad coverage of topics..Liked the way you have said how we have increased coverage but not improved quality…emphasis on importance of education part is also good..

    Some of things:
    1. You mentioned stress on Public spending.. Would be better to write the % of GDP that we spend on education and compare it with more progressive countries
    2. When you mentioned quality, you could have talked about ASER survey that 5th standard students are not able to read 2nd standard text books ..

    Apart from this an anecdote or quote here or there would have made the essay interesting

    I noticed that the length of sentences kept increasing towards middle of essay. Try to keep them short (even i have same issue and am trying to do the same; An enlightened soul had told me that we should do everthing that makes an examiner’s job easy).

    Please feel free to review mine..:)


  43. Please review

  44. Liked your intro..The emphasis on importance of eductaion is also great

    Some of the things that I would have included if I were writing:
    1. Rural /Urban divide in access to quality education
    2. In conclusion I would focus more on How demographic dividend can be a demographic disaster..

    I wished you had focussed more on lack of access to eductaion and what can be done about it..


  45. Wow.. They are opposing reservation because they are not educated enough is a very bold statement to make!!

  46. Great to read your essay onceagain..
    Simple, lucid and clear language and captivates readers attention.. Examples and quotes used effectively. I felt that your essay would have been complete by adding an international dimension of some thing that other country has done that could serve as a model of India (heard that Scandinavain countries have good model..though not sure) and give some way forward for India..

    And one small correction..Right to Education is Art 21, not 41..:)


  47. Hi.. good work.. U have included many points that I wished that I could have included my essay; especially control in the 21st century by neo imperialism.. Also you have used rhetorical questions very well, for maximum impact..

    If I would have written the points that you have (and this is strictly my opinion) , I would have elaborated more on the hegemonic part (How we are led to believe that we have freedom, but are misled through media and advertising)..

  48. Please review mine

  49. Thanks for the review..But that is my point exactly…. I am not saying that uniform are bad..I am only saying that to bring uniformity you have to sacrifice the independence of some (however noble the cause)

  50. Education should be accessible to people of all economic backgrounds.

    Education is fundamental to development and growth. Access to education, which is a basic human right enshrined in the universal declaration of human rights and the United nations convention on the rights of the child.
    The human mind makes possible all other development achievements from health advances and agricultural innovation to infrastructure construction and private sector growth. For developing countries to reap these benefits fully- both by learning from the stock of global ideas and through innovation- they need to unleash the potential of the human mind. And there is no better tool for doing so than education.
    Educated individuals are more employable,able to earn higher wages,cope better with economic shocks and produce healthier children. But although developing countries have made great strides over the past decade towards the MDGs of universal primary education and gender equality, an abundance of evidence shows that many children and youth in developing countries leave schools without having learned much at all.
    Across the world there has been a remarkable and unprecedented expansion in access to education at all levels.globally enrolment in primary education has increased. Improvement in net primary enrollment have reduced the number of out-of-school children and adolescents by almost half since 2000. Access to secondary education has also expanded over the past decade. There has been significant progress in narrowing the gender gap in education in the world since 2000.
    However, despite this formidable expansion of access to education some global education monitoring reports clearly indicates the large extent to which we have collectively failed to reach education for all goals or even the much narrower goal of universalizing primary education.indeed some 58 million children and 70 million adolescents worldwide are out of school and an estimated 100 million children or one in six children in low and middle income countries drop out before completing primary education.
    Moreover education of poor quality all too often leads to insufficient levels of basic skills acquisition even for those in school. Millions of children still leave school without basic skills. The progressive acknowledgement of the alarming scale of the quality deficit in the ‘global learning crisis’ has shifted the global conversation from a traditional focus on access to greater concern for the learning actually taking place.
    Furthermore inequality in education has also increased with the poorest and most disadvantaged least likely to attend school and when they do, to complete the primary scale and acquire basic literacy and numeracy skills.persistent and widening inequalities in access to basic education and learning outcomes remain both across and within countries- indeed, national averages in many countries mask striking inequalities in levels of educational attainment and outcomes. Traditional factors of marginalisation in education such as gender and urban/rural residence, continue to combine with income, socio-economic backgrounds ,language,ethnicity,HIV-AIDS, age- particularly in the case of adolescent girls and disability to create ‘mutually reinforcing disadvantages’ particularly in low income and conflict-affected countries.
    Technological development the spectacular growth in internet connectivity and mobile penetration and expansion of cyber world is radically transforming the methods,content and spaces of learning. The increased availability of and access to diverse source of knowledge are expanding opportunities for learning which may be less structured and more innovative.this transformation has led to a growing recognition of the importance and relevance of learning taking place outside formal institutions.what we need is a more fluid approach to learning as a order to operationalize open and flexible lifelong learning system,we need effective systems for the recognition,validation and assessment of competencies acquired,regardless of the formal, non-formal or informal pathways through which they were acquired.
    The expansion of access to basic schooling over the past decade has led to a growing demand for secondary and tertairy education as well as for technical and vocational education and training. This growing demand has placed increasing pressure on public financing available for education. There is a consequent need to ensure more efficient use of limited resources and to promote greater accountability in the investment of public resources for education. Moreover it is necessary to seek ways in which to supplement public education budgets through greater fiscal capacity,new partnership with non-state actors as well as through advocacy for increased official development assistance.
    In most low and middle income countries children with disabilities are still less likely to go to school,more likely to drop out early and less likely to learn key skills such as reading, writing than this without disabilities. The lack of an overall system and teacher capacity to operationalize inclusive education inaccessible schools and absence of learning material, negative attitudes towards disability insufficient investment are critical bottlenecks which prevents children with disabilities from accessing inclusive education.
    School-related gender-based violence has recently emerged as a global concern. It is both of violation of human rights and a major barrier to education in particular for girls. Gender equality in education has often been regarded to gender parity in participation.the concept needs to be understood in a much broader sense and embedded in wider social cultural and political realities.
    Education can be an equaliser and the sole mechanism that can contribute to halting the cycle of discrimination and inequality in wider education system reflects wider societal power relations. Education can only be an equaliser if there is political will and deliberate attempt to address inequality.
    The multiple aspects of inequalities/discrimination therefore need to be addressed together.this integrated approach is necessary from local situation analysis to policy development implementation and monitoring. Otherwise it is the symptoms only that are being addressed. Addressing inequality and marginalized groups through education has to be cannot be a matter of specific initiatives or projects.teachers are a key to solution.
    Bearing in mind these persistent patterns of inequality and exclusion the most marginalized disadvantaged and hardest to reach groups must be the priority focus of the education in coming years.realizing our collective commitment to meet the basic learning needs of all children,youth and adults is a necessary precondition for sustainable human and social development in the 21st century.

  51. Geetanjali Joshi Avatar
    Geetanjali Joshi

  52. Well written Rhythm..:)..appropriate quotes..:)..Could u review mine??

  53. I think 4th and 5th is para missing the 2nd part of essay i.e… “ALL ECONOMIC BACKGROUNDS “part in the essay .
    Overall good flow of essay .

  54. hiddenwarrior Avatar

    yes…….i agree…and thnks for your time….actually…
    here in rajasthan.
    ..really..state run schools are near to patheatic…..but i should write an holistic view of india….i will take care of that next time……
    and that university example was for….showing importance of imparting MORAL part in education….where we are lacking …..and actually when i started ..
    i had in my mind the idea of malala…and kailash satyarthi….but in the last i forgot…i will write more systematically next time…including positive points….keeping in mind all your suggestions……….thnks again….kwar…

  55. Thanks for advice 🙂

  56. thanks for your review I will work on it.

  57. Agreed, may be choosing the other topic might have helped, some tips which I try to follow – 1.Try and create an outline first, if your outline satisfies you fill in the meat from start to end. Many a times, I reject a topic after creating an outline as I realise I wont do justice till the end. Will wait for your next piece of writing.

  58. Lot of India! Kindly work on the coverage from multiple perspectives, word limit to be increased, hope you are writing on paper too. Review for mine is requested.

  59. Ohk sure.. No i dnt hv political science as optional.. Even i felt while writing that it got too much of constitution but was in the middle and leaving in the middle wud hv been bad idea too.. So.. This is what finally came out 😛

    Anyways.. I hope i write better essays next time

  60. Informative essay however certain points like uniforms in school curb the right to wear!Really? It is meant to bring uniformity amongst all in a classroom irrespective of the background. Examples are good and relevant. Nice to read your thoughts!

  61. Raashi, you have Political Science as optional? I thought I was revising Polity here but then the effort is appreciated. You have a very nice handwriting. Let me write tomorrow on the same topic, might give you a different perspective on Freedom, would obviously request for your review. All the best!

  62. Okay so here are my personal views –
    Your handwriting is legible, language is simple and lucid. The content is loaded with “India” and not so shining portrait of Indian education. I was shocked to see a diagram showing poor quality of education in government schools – I disagree there! Also some lines about “a university learnt might steal the whole railroad” was atrocious, as no education institution can guarantee that a person wouldnt be corrupt after he or she passes out, its a very personal thing so I disagree there too! I was expecting some real positives through this essay as there is lots happening in the world which is positive to bring a change but then we can work together to add some meat to this. Keep writing and reviewing!

  63. wide coverage and nice one.

  64. U got some to review mine please?

  65. Thank you for giving time.

  66. Oho relax…This is my second essay in life and I have just tried too. Wait, let me read yours and will revert in 5

  67. hiddenwarrior Avatar

    very nice…..after reading yours…i m thinking about editing my essay……as i have started recently…..but through yours i have come to know that how to cover all different dimensions….play with words…giving recent examples…… mine..and give some suggestions plz…

  68. What I meant by Nagaland Crisis is the clash of traditional values and issues with women empowerment due to lack of education in tribals. They have a problem with 33% reservation being given to women in the assembly as they aren’t educated enough to realise the contribution of women in civic society.
    Thanks for your kind words Rasshi, will review yours in a while.

  69. Nagaland crisis related to lack of education?? Women’s literacy there is more than national average.. and do not generalize it.. even mizoram has 2nd highest literacy

    Very nice essay though 🙂

  70. Good Review!

  71. Make conclusion more apt to the topic..
    In 5th page u suddenly jumped from value based education and then to opportunities.. kink is missing here
    Also, somehow i feel your essay is more on constraints to education which got a little deviated from the demand of the ques

    Though it was good read.. good use of quotes..

    U could have added privatization and how even economically weaker section in upward caste cant afford education these days.. struggle of Patidars relates to it

    Give some good examples like Finland which are doing really good in education

    Suggest some solutions like incentivizing children, cycles given in Bihar to empower girls to attend schools, reservation reform etc

  72. Varsha, the language is very simple and easy to understand however, I missed some important points in your essay like the work NGOs are doing or remote platforms for making education available to all.

  73. A lot went into making education free, you could have added more from an issues perspective.

  74. “Education should be accessible to people of all economic backgrounds”

    Education is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, beliefs and habits, this is what Wiki would tell us about the definition of education. But, when I ask myself a question as what education has given me, I instantly say – “Education has given me wings to fly and the ground to stand on my feet”

    Our informal education starts from the time we are in mother’s womb, our wiring starts there about how will we accept, sense and acquire knowledge once we step into the outside world, the indispensable lessons learnt initially helps keep the building blocks for the rest of our lives from a toddler to a grown up adult and the learning continues thought he formal and informal education stop after some years. Though we have no control over birth and death but we have a right to life bestowed to us as a human right similarly right to education should be bestowed to us as a human right irrespective of creed, color, gender or race.

    The formal education gives us a chance to earn our living by getting a job or it simply helps us to communicate and contribute in the society we live in. Education infuses in us a sense of responsibility towards self and others improving the quality of life in a broader sense. Our interactions in the society increases through education as we all depend on each other for our living. Though education has no correlation to success but indeed education is a benchmark of respect and acceptance in the society and that’s the reason education is given a prime importance in our families, government agendas and world as a whole.

    There are plethora of schemes and initiatives that governments take to imbibe inclusivity in the field of education at all societal levels with no distinction or discrimination. Human Resource development has a huge stake in all matters of education, its means and measures as education is the essence of human resource development which plays a significant and remedial role in balancing the socio-economic fabric of the country. Right from elementary , to secondary uptil adult levels governments are trying to revolutionize and bring a change in making education an area of mass involvement. Golbally, UN is spearheading in promoting quality education through inclusive and equitable means and to promote life long learning opportunities for all through it Sustainable Development Goals and Millenium Development Goals. These goals not only give importance to providing access to education but also look at the quality of education imparted through non-discriminatory ways Education For All(EFA) is a global movement led by UNESCO aiming to meet the learning needs of all children and adults. UNESCO has developed an EDI(Education Development Index) to measure 6 of its goals –
    1)Expand early childhood care and education
    2)Provide free and compulsory primary education for all
    3) Promote learning and life skills for young people and adults
    4) Increase adult literacy
    5) Achieve gender parity and gender equality
    6) Improve the quality of overall education
    The EDI value is given to all countries basis their performance in achieving the above goals in a particular year.
    World Bank runs projects in different countries to boost education and employment opportunities for all. There is also a major role that Private Organizations play towards education both in India and around the globe. The STEM(Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths)initiative is very common amongst the tech-companies where children from very young age group are invites to the board rooms to tach them the technological know-how in a simple manner through games and role plays. Cryptology, Coding, Patenting etc are the words fed in the young minds so that they begin to take interest in such fields from a very tender age. Many organization send Corporate professionals to schools and colleges in remote areas to teach the youth about Business communication, resume creation to develop in them the soft skills like to how to face a job interview by conducting mock interviews with them. There are organizations which adopt students every year to sponsor their entire education, these kids are usually picked up from the lower strata of society but is encouraged to complete education through financial help and very close mentoring. These CSR goals are very strictly monitored by the management and board members of the reputes organizations.

    Such efforts to make education inclusive and accessible helps a nation tackle so many internal issues, example – The Nagaland Crisis offlate where there is a mass protest against the government to propogate the role of women in the government machinery is all due to lack of education in the tribals in Nagaland and other such remote areas. States like Rajasthan, UP and Bihar are still struggling with issues of rampant superstition and conservative practices only due to lack of awareness and education which tells us that though we have achieved quite a lot but still there are miles to go before we sleep in the words of Robert Frost.

    Concluding, I want to bring into forefront some unique examples where young people’s work is celebrated and appreciated in the field of education. Malala Yousufzai was awarded with the Nobel Peace Prize in the year 2014for her advocacy for education for millions of children in the Taliban struck areas. The Youth participation is incredible in framing the SDGs and MDGs as they voice out their opinions for making education a global agenda. Youth with disabilities are given accolades for their courage and perseverance to pursue education and to not let the adversities deter them from achieving their goals of education and employment. Credible work from the youth was very much in news from Nepal in 2015 when the earthquake hit the country but schools were re-built at a dynamic pace by them which highlights the strong sense of the yearning to learn and get education in those young minds. Even in countries like Nigeria and Uganda youth has been incredible in propagating the idea of education in young kids and teen mothers to complete their education and to have the light of hope still shine in their hearts and mind. The baton has to be passed from one and all to inculcate, advocate, propagate and to celebrate the importance of education devoid of any barriers.

  75. Insulator Avatar

    Plz review my essay… thanks for your efforts in advance

  76. Balram Singh Avatar
    Balram Singh

    “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
    – Nelson Mandela

    Education is a process through which a person learn from different subjects, teachers and others which bring in a change in thought and helps in enlightening a person’s mind and his actions.

    A society or a nation, where education is restricted to a section of people is bound to remain underdeveloped. To realise its full potential, every member of the society should be able to learn or educate himself without any discrimination on the basis of economic, Social or cultural status. Education tries to impart some importatant aspects of humanity – Morality, Ethics, Honesty, Truth, Dignity, etc.

    Sadly, the education system in the world is currently being layered – Rich background students willing to pay high gets best standards of education. whereas poor remains out of the higher education because of high fees.

    The are many problems in developing countires including India, these are :

    The main problem lies in primary education system where students from economically backward sections are given poor qwality of education in state run schools and also in some of the private institutions. This impact their basic understandings of subject required for secondary learning.

    Sometimes their poverty surpasses their calbre to study and they drop out of the school before reaching secondary level of school education. They then migrate to cities and do an unskilled work and gradually falls into the visious cycle of poverty, hunger and malnutrition.

    Education is nowdays have become very expensive in terms of fees, tutions, stationaries, etc due to commericialisation of educational institutions. This have affected india’s demographic divedent and created a workforce which is half ready for the economy.

    Lack of Infrastructure on the government sides to provide subsidy in school fee, scholarship programmes, school construction and attracting student is again a challenge where more than 30% of people lives below one USD/Day.

    The Mindset of the poor regarding education is also a hurdle against imparting education. They feel that the instead of sending thier children to school, they must tell them to work to earn money for the family as education do not gives wages.

    People still preffer sending their male child into school than females and this trend is sometimes visible in higher studies also where the level of gender ineqwality is in fact higher.

    These were some of the major challenges faced by countries such as india when it got independence from the british rule. The main concerns of our national builders were that, Given the resources at hand, how it could help to reduce poverty rate (Around 70%) and low litaracy rate ( Around 7%).

    Institutions were opened but it remain largely closed to people belonging from the lower strata and government also lacked resouces to provide free education, meal and subsides to such a large number of poor. The things changed after economic reforms of 1991.

    As the indian economic conditions improved, it tried to develop human capital and it started off with the primary education system : Sarva Siksha Abhayan Was launched: Mid day Meal; Sainik Schools; RTE Act;

    Government shifted its focus higher education which was still not affordable for many of the economically vulnerable sections and for which it introduced Reservations in IITs, NIITs and IIMs among other higher education institutions; Apart from these, they provided scholarships programme; etc.

    At present their are still a large section of people are economically not well established to send their childrens to school with a good infrastructure, faculties and environment because of their economic backgrounds, there are some recommendations/suggestions given by various committees and expert groups which needs to be looked into, these are :

    A) Dedicated schools for these vulnerable section of society from primary to higher education providing all the facilities i.e. hostel, uniforms, food, stationaries, medicines, etc.

    B) Reservations of the economically weaker school of students in private schools offering better education services.

    C) Role of NGOs in operating schools and higher education institutions where poor students can enrol and become a human resource and latter contribute their organisation to grow.

    D) The corporate sector should also come forward in making donations to the schools enroling poor students and under their CSR helps these schools to function.

    E) Providing scholarships, student loans, support, etc to students who can’t afford the expensive education.

    Countries which are poor in terms of natural and economic resources must invest in their human capital like japan, south korea and isreal. It must also take care of the fact that, education imparted is inclusive in its character and intent. It must bring societal and behavioural changes in imparting education to excluded.

    In the words of aristotle “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all”

  77. Thanks 🙂

  78. I liked your introduction part but in main part very less analysis and India- centric as Rhythm said below.
    Not much wide coverage infact almost essay seems like reading the Indian constitution. Can be improved. Conclusion is good.
    overall simple and lucid language also nice handwriting. Awesome attempt.

  79. sure i will
    and by the way i am reading yours

  80. Now give my essay too some time.. i feel ignored today 😛

    Also, make a rough outline before writing.. forgot writing earlier

  81. Wow! a great review Raashi:)
    And yes i felt after writing that i have deviated from the topic.
    Points given by you are awesome will certainly add it in my notebook.
    Thanks for giving time.

  82. Review mine too 🙂

  83. Nice essay.. specially Abraham Lincoln Para.. and v both have written same Vivekananda quote too 😛
    I found your esssay is more about Importance of education.. importance was to be written but then immediately write something like that though it is important but its not available to all… So that one can feel you are still writing on topic and haven’t deviated

    Then u focussed only on school education.. there are many examples in which peopls got themselves educated without schools like there was a girl some time back in newspaper who was denied admission in IIT but was given admission in foreign university.. also Edison was thrown out of school

    Additionally u cud have written success of ancient indian institutions too which is lacking today..
    In a small para linking could be done to health too like high health expenditure pushes people into poverty and in such situations educating children is seen as burden. Therefore education can be provided to all by focussing on other suppporting factors too

    U cud have importance of education in India to reap demographic dividend

    Then u cud state some NGOs work who are working to provide education in remote areas which highlights the willingness to provide education is more important
    Tele-education cud also be written

  84. As stated by NELSON MANDELA —“EDUCATION IS THE MOST IMPORTANT WEAPON WHICH YOU CAN USE IT TO CHANGE THE WORLD”. But in contemporary world , Is it really accessible to every corner of the world and all ECONOMIC backgrounds.? Now this question cannot be answered in positive way because large part of India is still inaccessible to education due to superiority complexes , faraway from schools , less importance for women education , costly education , lack of knowledge on education.

    In ancient time education was open to all seen as one of the methods to achieve moksha (or) Enlightenment.
    As time progressed due to superiority complexes education was imparted based on caste. So lower economic backgrounds became inaccessible to education.
    People living in the remote areas are not accessible to education due to faraway from schools , lacking the importance of education for better future and less importance to women education. so people from remote areas are becoming inaccessible to education.

    Many International institutions have taken steps to eradicate illiteracy . Treaties like UNESCO’s convention against the discrimination of education in 1960 to provide education to all economic backgrounds.
    Since independence Indian government has taken important measures to eradicate illiteracy ,accessible and affordable education to citizens to improve economic standards of people. Schemes such as SARVA SHIKSHA ABHIYAN for improving human capabilities in a mission mode to all backgrounds of the society.
    RIGHT TO EDUCATION which provides free and compulsory education to every citizen of India irrespective of various economic backgrounds.
    Providing RESERVATIONS to the economically backwards sections ensuring SOCIAL JUSTICE.
    NITI AAYOG is measuring SCHOOL EDUCATION QUALITY INDEX ensuring the quality standard of education.
    Providing SCHOLARSHIPS to economically weaker sections such that no one is left behind in education.
    Encouraging STUDENTS in research & innovative technologies like IOT(INTERNET OF THINGS) and Preparing students ready for INDUSTRIAL market , so that increase in the level of world economic forum’s COMPETITIVENESS INDEX is achieved further.
    Government should ensure ACCOUNTABILITY AND TRANSPARENCY in implementing these schemes.
    Government should work from panchayat and municipality level for better implementation of schemes.

    Recent ASER REPORT 2016 has given some positive results but still India has compete with global level.These are some areas where Government should improve
    For inclusion of all the ECONOMIC BACKGROUNDS teaching standards should also be improved .
    IMPLEMENTING biometric attendance system to teachers.
    FURTHER implementing on conditional schemes such as mid day meal .
    Stringent rules who violates CHILD LABOUR PROHIBITION ACT
    Hike in salaries to teachers based on performance.
    Increase in budget allocation

    India is in transformation stage , where more number of working age group is increasing and to improve the quality of the demographic dividend effective policies and proper technical education should be provided.
    Aspirations of India being global leader can only be achieved through effective implementation of policies in mission mode . Leakages in government schemes such as mid day meal and diverting funds allocated to schemes should be strictly stopped.Increase in the govt allocation for education and state govt should monitor schemes with regular short term targets. India should compete with the global level in research and technology .This can be achieved only when inclusion of various economical backgrounds and encouraged in education.
    “To succeed in your mission, you must have single minded devotion to your goal” – As our former president APJ Abdul Kalam said to succeed in achieving the global standards in education and aspiration of India becoming GLOBAL leader can be achieved through MISSION MODE.

  85. Thanks! Yeah..reading now, it seems that it should have been more general and to the point..?

  86. the green bird Avatar
    the green bird


  87. wide coverage
    Nice one.

  88. Yes i also felt like you after completing my essay. Thanks for giving time i will work upon your suggestion.

  89. thanks for compliment and your valuable review i will surely take care of your feedback.

  90. No..political science and international relations..

  91. Would be grateful if you could review mine..

  92. Nice attempt it is. examples used are very good. But you should Have written in general perspective also you should have focused on writing what is freedom. Overall a wide coverage and comprehensive essay.

  93. the green bird Avatar
    the green bird

    Sociology Optional?

  94. And great much time did you take to write it?

  95. the green bird Avatar
    the green bird

    Hi Varsha! Overall nice answer.
    You could have started the essay with Lincoln’s letter to have an impressive appeal.
    4 A’s of education are great.
    Language is simple and Lucid
    But you wrote about education as a whole, focus should have been more on educational access despite economic background.
    Points are good. Re-framing them would lead to better allignment. 🙂

  96. Thanks!!will keep this in mind..:)

  97. Hi, you have covered a good amount of breath..but some amount of rearranging is 1st page..u have explained the importance of education..”thus education is important…” indicated that you are done explaining importance of education..but you move back to explaining the importance..

    Similarly, you have used “thus adaptability, availability…” ..but you move back explaining it in more detail…seems you have concluded first and are then explaining..

    Anyways, all good points are there, only needs some rearranging..


  98. sure

  99. the green bird Avatar
    the green bird

    Hi, nice essay! Great examples.
    But I will suggest not to use first person (I, you etc) in the essay. Go for third person.
    Plus I felt I am reading some hard core sociological perspective on freedom. Keeping essay a little general (with more of your views and less of philosopher/thinker’s) can be great. (Personal Views strictly)
    Overall comprehensive!

  100. Sure..but only if you review mine..:P

  101. Thanks

  102. the green bird Avatar
    the green bird

    Will be a pleasure! 🙂

  103. the green bird Avatar
    the green bird


  104. plz review mine raashi

  105. Hi.. I’m little clueless about what to say in review..
    I think you have covered origin, growth and constraints to freedom.. but what i feel is u shud have focussed on what is freedom
    Otherwise its a nice essay

  106. review mine plz

  107. review mine also

  108. Plz review mine also

  109. Can you review mine?

  110. the green bird Avatar
    the green bird

    Hi Max, thanks for reading and reviewing.
    The patent thing is a sad reality and a corollary of poor access of quality education. I should have dedicated a small paragraph on this. Thanks for pointing it out. 🙂
    After reading my essay I felt the conclusion also came abrupt.
    Lots to learn!

  111. Hi.. Conclusion was good..:) Hoped you had written more.. Your essay is wayyy below the word limit.

  112. Himanshu Bhardwaj Avatar
    Himanshu Bhardwaj

    Beautiful language..
    Quotations are adding value..
    But little work on flow will make it perfect..

  113. Hey, good one….U covered RTE, Demogarphic dividend and linked with social problems also..

    Only thing that I would have added in the “quality part” is how despite having record number of graduates passing, we have less number of patents, low research output..

    Also an example of something that other country has done would have made your essay stand out..


  114. Thanks so much…great point.. Will keep this in mind if there is an essay again remotely connected to freedom, liberty..:)

  115. the green bird Avatar
    the green bird


  116. Rhythm 2017 Avatar
    Rhythm 2017

    oh yes i will
    From various levels i mean when there is freedom it is manifested at:
    1. individual level which includes – mental peace, clear vision and increased efficiency.
    2. At societal level – it leads to mutual harmony and increased sense of responsibility that comes with freedom, (i’am my neighbour’s keeper)
    3. at national or international level – the contribution of free minds can lead to best policy decision with holistic approach, growth in the fields of science and technology. At international level mutual respect of each others sovereignty and increased cooperation.

  117. Could you pls elaborate on what you mean by various levels?

  118. Rhythm 2017 Avatar
    Rhythm 2017

    thank you bird

  119. Rhythm 2017 Avatar
    Rhythm 2017

    right on!

  120. Thanks friend for ur valuable suggestion…would try to apply the same

  121. Rhythm 2017 Avatar
    Rhythm 2017

    very nicely put madmax
    I liked your examples very much. excellent use of quotes.
    You can add more on what are advantages of freedom at various levels
    otherwise, Seems complete

    keep writing!

  122. the green bird Avatar
    the green bird

    Beautiful essay!

  123. Rhythm 2017 Avatar
    Rhythm 2017

    roger that @forumias-c51ce410c124a10e0db5e4b97fc2af39:disqus and @forumias-7f07ca326ce76cdde680e4b3d568bce8:disqus

  124. could you pls review mine..:)

  125. Rhythm 2017 Avatar
    Rhythm 2017

    Hey Raashi !
    Nice language but not adequate content.
    I mean it seems very India-centric and less analysis..
    Cold have include lot more perspectives.
    At some point it felt like Revising Part III of the Indian Constitution,

    Increase the width.

    Keep writing 🙂

  126. Haha.. That was Said by Lord Acton 😛 (source-Lexicon)

    But even this quote makes sense, i will quote it with my name 😛

  127. the green bird Avatar
    the green bird

    “Dad why can I not go to school?” Asked Vidya with a little hope and equal disappointment in her eyes.

    Her father reacted as if he did not hear anything, cursing his inability to provide his wards quality education or even education, forget the quality.

    High levels of poverty, lack of connectivity to their tribal settlement, lack of job opportunities, skilling and training and the like have forced him into a life of penury where the cost of education seems good to be avoided over the cost of food. The general pauperisation of the community with no avenues of development has resulted into disabilities much larger than visible.

    This is the sorry state even after almost 70 years of independence. India made a constitutional commitment to provide free and compulsory education to all the children upto the age of 14 in the year 1950 and in 2002 a constitutional amendment made it a Fundamental Right for children aged 6 to 14 years, However, the universal access to elementary education remains elusive and protean.

    One might argue about the Gross Enrollment Ratio of India nearing almost 100% or the success of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, but the quantitative figures do not completely reflect the qualitative realities. Schooling provisions favour better-off and the disadvantaged sections have less access and access to lesser quality education. Social stratification, gender inequities, location and poverty are major hindrances to access to education, despite all the earnest efforts of the government. Thanks to the discriminatory social structure that the children of the poor tend to be relegated to the margins of the system, and eventually pushed out altogether. The economic impoverishment leads to lack of access to education which eventually results into more poverty and economic persecution. It is a vicious circle that can end only if education becomes accessible to all, despite economic or social disabilities.

    “Education for All” should be followed in letter and spirit. Presently, India has almost 65% population below the age of 35 and in order to reap this demographic dividend the efforts must be on spreading the net of quality education to the remotest nook and corners of the country. Building physical infrastructure and providing quality resources (including Human Resource) is a big challenge and time consuming as well therefore the initiatives like Digital India are a boon in this space. Providing e-connectivity through National Optical Fibre Network will help lakhs of rural youth to attain quality education via Massive Online Open Courses, Project SWAYAM etc. This is complemented by employment initiatives like Project UDAAN, Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana, Nayi Manzil etc to ensure quality jobs as well.

    As per National Crime Records Beureau data, the percentage of crime committed by the uneducated poor is quite large. Therefore it becomes all the more important to provide education to the people who can not afford it as the absence of education makes them vulnerable and prone to radicalisation. It is in the greatest interest of the nation to channelise the energy of youth in constructive nation-building activities and thus the government must ensure to spend quite a large sum on providing quality education. If not, then the cost of the same will become much higher than the investment that could have been made and also much larger in scope.

    With the current pace and trends of progress of the world, the importance of Knowledge Economies can not be ignored, These will the future when the world is grappled with bigger challenges like climate change, global warming, nuclear proliferation, immense radicalisation, superbugs and medicine resistant bacteria, pollution, high desertification etc. The need for research and development is too large to ignore. These problems can be solved only when there is enough spread of education among the people. The nation can only progress now on the basis of knowledge it can generate and offer solutions to the giant problems of the world. Big data, Artificial Intelligence and Satellite based technologies are the need of the hour. In this view, the meaningful access to education to all holds topmost priority as the world moves its focus and priorities from Tertiary to Quaternary sectors.

    The Indian Society is diverse and still finds itself in the shackles of caste system, male-chauvinism, gender defined roles etc which has resulted into gendered patterns of education and complete denial in many cases. Efforts must be directed towards inclusion of both economically and socially disadvantaged groups into the education net. The access must be holistic and meaningful. Not only this, the first generation learners and adult learners must be given priority as they often do not find supportive environment at homes. Street Children, Migrants and Children with special needs must be given due attention. Because when education spreads, everything else recedes – the ignorance, doubts, insecurities, exploitation, problems – making the world a better place to live.

  128. And I believe that the quote is ” With great power comes great responsibilty”- Spiderman’s uncle..:)

  129. Obviously i will but give me some time.. In the middle of smthng.. I will finish that and then read your essay 🙂

  130. Can you review mine?

  131. Thanks madmax 🙂

  132. Nicely written.. Nice intro and conclusion.. Inclusion of the constitution perspective was great but it would have been better if you could have limited it to a page or two and written about the restrictions part more..

    Anyways, language is precise and concise and great handwriting..


  133. Please avoid bullet points..

  134. Great essay.. loved the conclusion..:)

  135. Thank yo Sir

  136. Hi,
    Half your essay deals only with what pledges the world has taken so far. Yet it did not include MDGS or SDGs.
    Moreover, the topic is not free education, it is about making education “accessible” to people of all backgrounds. Free education will thus occupy only one part of the scope of the topic.
    Structure and content both are lacking.
    You assumed that all parents want to send their kids th school, when they most clearly don’t.
    You assumed that “education is one of the main driving forces of poverty in both countries” which is patently incorrect.
    YOu did not address women issues and gender inequality and other barriers to education besides economic background like social barriers, proximity and safety issues etc.
    After identifying the barriers, you should’ve moved to solutions to remove those barriers. The conclusion could’ve dealt with how education helps transform lives and it’s necessity. A few points of this could be added just after the intro as well.
    Do practice more, your essay prep needs work. 🙂

  137. Awesome content and expression

  138. Thanks sir…I understood my mistakes…would regularly write so as to improve

  139. Umm, this is not a GS answer. I hope you knew that beforehand, otherwise your essay writing skills need serious work.

    1. Does the topic mention India anywhere? Then why did you focus solely on India?
    2. Why did you focus only on governmental efforts and not on parental mindset, non-state actors such as NGOs etc.
    3. Mention SDGs, HDI and other global indices/goals/reports
    4. Mention on opportunities that education provides, skills education, role of education ind eradicating superstition, inculcating scientific thinking, women empowerment etc etc etc, so many dimensions.

    Do write essays and upload, we’ll review them. They need work. 🙂

  140. @Forum… kindly review mine essay and suggest improvements.

  141. Hi Rhythm,
    Content and language both are very good.
    However, I could not find a proper structure in this essay.
    And as previous experience suggests, structure at least matters more than content.
    You could’ve delineated the content properly into what freedom actually is, freedom from different perspectives (SPELT), consequences of enslavement, and the outcome of actual freedom. You can include the risks with absolute freedom in the same para itself.
    The content is there, you just have to rearrange it properly.
    Keep writing!

  142. Rhythm 2017 Avatar
    Rhythm 2017

    anytime brother

  143. Thanks Rthythm for showing the path…just started essay writing which is an art in itself….so i know it would take time…hope that all friends writing here would support through their critical reviews…ATB

  144. Haha….the reason is that I attempted it like a GS question…I needs to work a lot on essay writing

  145. Thanks Rhythm….for ur critical review….and showing path of writing an essay….essay writing is an art in itself and i know it would take time….hope to get support of friends writing here

  146. The Invictus Avatar
    The Invictus

    Its astonishing to see you remind all schemes related to education in flow .

  147. Rhythm 2017 Avatar
    Rhythm 2017

    @ved_vyas:disqus i will make some points
    1. How your essay would have been different if the topic was – “State Of Education in India since Independence”
    2. The topic didn’t mention the words – “India, Independence, Government”
    3. The essay asks you to explore the reasons, the importance of providing education to all the people.
    4. You should have explored the ‘why’ part of the topic.
    5. finaly, Essay is not like GS answers bombarded with facts, but essay has an element of creativity and original thought on the given topic.

    You can improve a lot.. keep writing

  148. Education is an important part of everyone’s life and it plays a very important role in the growth of an individual. Making education free for everyone and managing all by the government will be a very big step towards the rapid growth of a society. All parents want to make the children educated by sending them to school,colleges but sometimes due to lack of resources they have to deprive their children even from the basic education. By making education free of all will ensure that nobody will miss education just because they can’t afford to pay.

    International standards:

    The universal declaration of human rights states , “Everyone has the right to education . In addition , it says that it shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit and technical and professional education shall be made generally available.

    International covenant on economic , social and cultural rights(ICESCR) :

    Article 13 and 14 of ICESCR set out detailed formulations of the right to education. Article 13 contains everyone has the right to education and that education should contribute to the full development of human personality
    * Primary education shall be compulsory and available free to all
    *Secondary education, including technical and vocational education,shall be made generally available and accessible to all
    * Higher education shall be made equally accessible to all on the basis of capacity
    * Fundamental education shall be intensified for those persons who have not received or completed the whole period of their primary education
    * In addition Article 13 recognises the liberty of parents or guardians to ensure the religions and moral education of their children in conformity with their own convictions
    * Article 14 requires each state party that has not been able to secure compulsory primary education free of charge, to undertake ,” within two years, to work out and adopt a detailed plan of action for the progressive implementation of compulsory primary education free of charge for all .

    A governments step of making the education free will set an example in one society. It will show that if you have a strong will and determination to study and prosper not having any money or resource will not stop you from making a paradigm shift .

    Education with no fees will identify all those talents which can be at top given education and guidance but get lost because their parents can’t afford to pay for schools. Everyone will stand equal chance to succeed. It will increase the literacy rate of the country and will improve the growth of that country as well . It was seen in the past that countries having higher literacy rates have been more successful. By making education free a majority of people will educated making overall a positive environment in our society. There will be fewer crimes in society . Educating people will be making them more responsible

    The opinion that every citizen should have the right to study at school or university for free is very controversial one . Those who disagree refer to enormous expenditures of government in case of establishing such laws. Although I hold the viewpoint that not charging people for education could become very beneficial for a country and it’s economy

    First , young people from poor families could be very smart. Looking back to history and biographies of distinguished people raised in poverty can illustrate this best . Making schooling available only for fortunate is not fair, moreover the state well being could also be affected , because there would be a lack of talented specialist, whose skills was not discovered and developed by proper training

    Another advantage of making education free of charge is the happiness of the nation. An individual inability to collect the amount of money he needs to pay school or university fee cause stress and anxiety in the middle class society, which can even keep them from having children. Nowadays we can see that the lowest birth rate in countries where prices of enrollment to higher education institutions are very high . This clearly indicates the fact that citizens of rich countries do not feel able to provide this future offspring proper education

    Finally nothing seems to be more beneficial to a country’s economy than an educated and intelligent nation. Free courses and study programs can prepare excellent specialist who would work to bring profit themselves and hence their country. That would surely compensate most expenses of state budget caused by education of no charge

    To sum up, even though making all schools free can be very expensive for a states economy , advantages are invaluable. After several years such improvements would bring fruits of happy, intelligent nation confident about its future

    Between india and Pakistan have 40 million children out of school over one third of global total.
    Education is one of the main driving forces of poverty in both countries. Yet their governments spend more on armaments and creating new balance of nuclear terror than on primary education

    Governments should put more emphasis on education by making it free just like food and shelter education should also be a basic right and free for everyone

  149. Yes u are right…just started writing esaays..will soon switch to paper format…thanks for review

  150. Nice one.

  151. Amazing essay….However I hope you are invested in writing on paper.


    Education is the virtue which opens the doors of Intellectualism and morality in an individual. It imbibes a person with several qualities like understand ability,decision making,classification between right and wrong and overall personality development.

    After getting rid of colonial rule,India tried to provide access to education and increase literacy level of its citizens which was abysmally low post independence.The challenges that were present in front of Govt in education sector post independence were:-
    1. Low literacy level among masses
    2. Impoverishment
    3. Social and caste barriers
    4. Irrational custom and religious beliefs
    5. Lack of Infrastructure
    6. Lack of teachers
    However despite these challenges GOI took the task of enhancing literacy level among people of all economic backgrounds through various measures such as:-
    1. Right to education act:- Govt recognised primary education as fundamental right and implemented it through constitutional amendment in which free and cumpolsary education to be provided to all children below 14 years.
    2. Sarva Siksha Abhiyaan (SSA):- A flagship scheme which aims to provide infrastructure, stationary, uniforms, drinking water and sanitation to the school going children free of cost.
    3. Mid day Meal scheme:- Most children from poor economic background left from schooling due to involvement in bread earning activities, Govt through MDS provided free lunch in all govt schools
    4. Opening new Schools,KVs,NVs,IIT,IIM,NIT,AIIMS etc:- Opened new educational facilities in various regions of the country, more focus was to cover B/C towns and remote areas so that quality education can be provided to everyone.
    5. Scholarship programmes:- Started to promote meritorious students from economic weaker backgrounds to Complete/take up higher studies in various fields.
    6. Reservation in Higher education govt Institutes:- To provide access to education to socially weaker sections like SC/ST/OBC
    7. School Education quality Index:- Prepared by think tank NITI aayog to judge educational institutes on quality of educational outcomes and implement corrective measures.
    8. E Paathshala:- Portal/App to provide free access of text books in multiple language to student community
    9. NPTEL:- Portal to provide lectures and videos of IIT professors free of cost to student community.
    10. Tribal university:- First tribal university set up in Madhya pradesh (Amarkantak) to provide education access to tribal society. Few other planned for Andhra pradesh.
    11. Open University:- Like IGNOU provides cheap and distant learning courses with full recognition to economically weaker and remotely located students.
    12. 25% quota for EWS: – Applied in Pvt Schools getting aid or got land from the govt for EWS students

    The steps took by GOI showed some positive results which are corroborated from the facts produced by various reports like ASER 2016 which are described below:
    1. Increase in gross enrolment ratio:- GER increased in both primary and secondary education
    2. Increase in literacy rates:- Increase in literacy rates of both men and women
    3. Decrease in dropout rates:- Especially girls and students of economically weaker sections
    4. Improvement in schools facilities and infrastructure
    5. Access of schools in close proximity to students

    Despite these positive outcomes there is still more to achieve since India has still not achieved universal gross enrolment ratio, various other challenges that need’s to be addressed are:-
    1. Poverty among masses:- India still have 24% population below poverty line, getting education to those children would be a distant dream
    2. Child labour/Trafficking:- Although the country has strict provision and laws against child labour/trafficking but its implementation is very lax, still lot of children can be seen working at shops , factories in the age when they need to study.
    3. Quality of teachers:- this is a major concern since teaching becomes an non remunerative profession no body wants to become teacher, teachers pool in india lacks talented people which reflects in the teaching outcomes.
    4. No Detention policy:- This policy had also helped in deterioration of education quality leading to ultimate blunder to child’s career at higher stages.
    5. Teachers and students attendance:- Despite high enrolment students attendance in schools and even teachers attendance remains low in lack of suitable monitoring mechanism.

    To overcome these problems govt should take necessary steps such as:-
    1. Biometric attendance system:- for both students and teachers in all schools
    2. Take away no detention policy as suggested by Niti Aayog
    3. Stringent implementation of Child labour prohibition act
    4. Making teaching profession remunerative so that best talent can be attracted
    5. Collaboration with foreign countries/World bank:- Funds from foreign countries can be used for the benefit of education sector
    6. Increased budgetary allocation

    Education is the pillar on which future of our country rests and it is the duty of the every govt to handle the crisis in education sector diligently otherwise India could never become a global leader.

  153. Rhythm 2017 Avatar
    Rhythm 2017


  154. Rhythm 2017 Avatar
    Rhythm 2017

    What is freedom? The power to live as one wishes

    Freedom consists not in doing what we like, but in having the right to do what we ought. – Pope John Paul II

    The notion of freedom lies in being able to express oneself to the world without interfering with someone else’s freedom. Our minds are like parachutes and they only work when open. As long as we are tangled in the limits, constraints and boundaries the best will not come out of us.
    No one wants to be slaved, no one wants to be told every time what to do, how to do it and when to do it. The phrase, “power to live as one wishes” came into existence in the first place because the history is full of events when people those who were deprived of freedom rose to claim it. Mankind realized that the importance of freedom in all spheres is essential for the growth of individual, society, science and the world itself.

    “The power to live as one wishes” is manifested again and again, which is evident from the revolutions and war fought by people across time and space. For example French revolution which was inspired by the ideas of liberty and equality, Martin L. King’s civil rights movement in the US that gave us the basic truth of nature – All men are created equal, or the struggle for freedom by Indians against the mighty British empire which was brought to its knees after 200 years of tyranny are the examples of wars fought by people to claim what is inherently theirs.

    It must be understood that by curtailing someone’s freedom will not just manifest itself by making that individual less productive, unhealthy, depressed but can go on to hamper the progress of the society, nation and ultimately the world. This can be understood by just doing a thought experiment – Imagine a world where there was no history of slavery, no limits to freedom of women, no spirit of colonizing states to increase influence, acceptance to homosexuality and no cold war. The world would if not less be at least 500 years ahead of its time and progressive in its nature. As said by John F Kennedy – “Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.”

    But it will be grossly wrong to think that freedom is always curtailed by someone who is more powerful, rich or evil because we are often slaves to our own mind. Some people are slaves to the idea of making more money, some to becoming more powerful, some are slaves of fame and influence. Anything that can cloud our mind from expressing itself and directed to some or other type of personal gain amounts to not being free.
    Also it’s not just humans who wants to live free, but also animals. They must also not be confined or forced to do something that they are not comfortable with. For example “Jalikattu” is an ancient traditional sport in southern India, but it is a sport for humans who enjoy it but not for the bulls who are tortured by poking with sharp needles, having infused with chili powder in their eyes. It’s time that we must look beyond species and embrace life in all its form as other species can’t speak in our language to express their pain but we have evolved enough to understand theirs. Sparrows have left Delhi under the influence of rising pollution is a very apt example to understand this notion.

    Besides there are many advantages of being free and exercising freedom. For when a person is free his mind works at its maximum potential and creativity thrives. She can put in all her abilities to create that one piece of absolute beauty that will not only be an inspiration for others but also be unique as it will have something that is exclusive to her. Something which can never be manifested under strict chain of commands and rules that must be followed by everyone.

    According to former President and Missile Man of India, Dr. Kalam qualities of a leader includes 5 important elements – Clear vision, Ability to share success and absorb failure, Transparent in approach, Courage and ability to travel an unexplored path. All these qualities requires one essential thing common which is freedom to express oneself. True leadership can evolve when the environment is free from constraints and bounds.

    The path chosen by an individual under complete freedom will go on to inspire million others. As said by Mahatma Gandhi – “If intolerance becomes a habit we run the risk of omission of truth. It is openness of mind that strengthens the truth. I believe no school of thought can claim a monopoly of right judgment in a vast country like ours. We must have room for all schools of honest thought.”
    Freedom is not curtailed by the rule of law, because they are not framed to undermine the thoughts of an individual and is applicable to all the individuals. The only problem arises is in their narrow interpretation. The judiciary which is entrusted with interpretation of laws must take a wider approach to accommodate more and more under its ambit. SC of India, increased the scope of Fundamental right in A-21 which is Right to life and went beyond and included in its ambit privacy, shelter, education, livelihood, etc.
    Therefore all in all it can be said that Freedom is a concept that allows one to express oneself to the fullest of capabilities without compromising with others’ freedom or forgetting the people who fought so that we can have it. This is nicely captured by Jim Morrision when he says – “A true friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself – and especially to feel. Or, not feel. Whatever you happen to be feeling at the moment is fine with them. That’s what real love amounts to – letting a person be what he really is.”

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