IAS RANK 103: J Snehaja, Hyderabad Girl , 206 Marks in Interview

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62 responses to “IAS RANK 103: J Snehaja, Hyderabad Girl , 206 Marks in Interview”

  1. Mam!! can you help in sharing your strategy for commerce and accoountancy optional?

  2. Explorer Avatar

    Hey! this is sachin here. CA,2014. Dad- practicing CA. Taught IPCC and final students after exam and practicing simultaneously. Dint make through prelims this time and felt really upset because all i know is i must have missed by a single question, considering that i was getting 115+ in all three solutions i checked. All i want to ensure now is secure as much as possible for next attempt, be it Pre,Mains, Interview. Considering the similar background that we have, could you please share your interview preparation material, like whatever ques and probable ans or anything else you may have collected.
    Dint find you on facebook and no mail found either. You can mail me on sachinrathi278@gmail.com
    Appreciate the help 🙂

  3. Congrats mam ! Please help me how to prepare for interview? and how to keep cool while facing interview.

  4. Chandramouli Avatar

    Hello Mam…firstly congratulations. I joined GS coaching in vajiram and ravi 2015 July batch.Can you please share your prelims strategy and also I am facing some difficulty in answer writing as I am from Telugu medium student from my childhood onwards. Can u plzz share ur strategy in answer writting. If possible plzzz share ur mail I’d to clarify few doughts during my preparation

  5. Okay tell me your email ID, we’ll converse further action plan over there.

  6. Triumphant Avatar

    Yes…the same profile…path2victory….


    Snehaja garu congratulations . 2016 is going to be my first attempt , ippativaraku answer writing practice cheyaledu , is this right time to do while preparing for prelims . Is time sufficient after prelims for answer writing practice thank you madam

  8. Are you the same with profile name ‘Path2Victory’ or this is someone else ? I’m new to this forum. Don’t know how to do the PM.

  9. Triumphant Avatar

    Hello tagg…we can plan and discuss the strategy for this year…wat was ur score…where did u fall short..u can PM me

    Hello…we can plan and discuss the strategy for this year…what was ur score…where did u fall short…U can PM me

  10. Hello, I am having commerce as optional. I appeared for mains last year, but couldn’t make to the shortlist for interview.

  11. rickster:D! Avatar

    Hey ! tx for your guidance ! but i also needed some exam candidates view too ! so that i can have a different viewpoint and put something extra in answers ! i will be thankful for ur help 🙂 !

  12. Jogi Inder Avatar
    Jogi Inder

    Can you please share some ideas for optional paper commerce and accountancy !!

    How to prepare …which books to refer…??

    Thanks in advance 🙂

  13. TELgy Avatar

    hey congrats for your success.. considering this year marking you got very good matks in ethics paper. can you inform the strategy you followed (in prep and in answer writing) for this paper.?

  14. snehaja Avatar

    Hey! Thank u 🙂 I am the wrong person to answer this question. I am extremely bad at making notes. I initially start making them but then lose track in between. So I have always preferred to read them from the books. Regarding newspaper articles, I used to copy the article as it is and highlighted the points in a word document or Evernote. Later just used to read those points. However never made any notes for the static part! Good luck 🙂

  15. snehaja Avatar

    Hey! Thank u 🙂 they started mentorship program last year. I am really not sure about the process this year. You can always start practicing answer writing and get feedback from teachers and peers in the initial stage 🙂

  16. snehaja Avatar

    Hey! Well I am a student just like you. So I really don’t think I could evaluate your answers and give feedback. Try to seek the guidance of teachers if possible. But an honest critical self assessment is the best way to improve yourself 🙂

  17. snehaja Avatar

    Hey! I don’t know about your study pattern or schedule. Either ways, whatever you study for prelims is also needed for mains. So try to understand the concepts. Good luck 🙂

  18. aspirant2764 Avatar

    hii snehaja,congratulations for your grand success….can you please enlighten us on note making regarding GS…!!!!

  19. furiousmonkey Avatar

    Congrats Mam

    Regarding the mentorship program:
    Will they provide mentorship program to everyone or is there any criteria and how effective is the program
    Because I’m doing self study and I need assistance on answer writing

  20. Anand Avatar

    thanks alot for the feedback.

  21. rickster:D! Avatar

    Hi ! thanx for your guidance ! could we please mail u our answers/essays and get your help ? would be thankful 🙂 !

  22. girish kumar Avatar
    girish kumar

    congrats..mam…i started to focussed only on p.t now till pre.exam n stopped to study as mains perspective,is it right decision mam??

  23. Jonnalagadda Snehaja Avatar
    Jonnalagadda Snehaja

    thank u 🙂 good luck 🙂

  24. Jonnalagadda Snehaja Avatar
    Jonnalagadda Snehaja

    Hey! Thank u 🙂 I prepared accounts from ICAI study material. I have already posted the book list in the comments above. Regarding OT, i read it from Chabbra book. Try to incorporate flow charts and examples wherever necessary. Try to practice as much as possible! good luck 🙂

  25. Thank u very much mam for sharing ur experiences and suggestions 🙂

  26. rajan Avatar

    Thank you so much ma’am for sparing the time for me

  27. Jogi Inder Avatar
    Jogi Inder

    Heartiest congratulations !!
    Thanks for being a mentor and advising in a right way….
    Once again many congratssss

  28. Anand Avatar

    congrats mam.mam can i please get to know how did you prepare for accounts because even i have selected accounts as optional.please guid me like from which books to study from specially fm and paper 2 i.e organisational theory.please guide me

  29. Jonnalagadda Snehaja Avatar
    Jonnalagadda Snehaja

    hey 🙂 This achievement would not have been possible without the efforts of aspire and la excellence institute. After failing to clear last time, i shifted to hyderabad and got more inputs for this attempt. I can never forget their relentless efforts! good luck 🙂

  30. Hi there,

    I personally know Snehaja as my classmate at Aspire IAS, Delhi. And to my knowledge, she had been a student of Aspire IAS, Delhi for PT cum MAINS batch for almost 1- 1.5 years.
    I am not sure whether these are her words or fakely framed by your website. Whatsoever may be the case, that is so not true. I remember Snehaja very well as one of the good students of our batch 2013-2014 and cant be wrong about her.

    While I am extremely happy for her achievement as she truly deserved it, it is sad to see how our sir, Ankit Agarwal ( of Aspire IAS), who worked really hard for us have not been acknowledged.

  31. disqus Avatar

    mam I have one more query , if possible do tell me, if am perusing masters in du and get call for interview shall I mention them about the masters? will it add a positive dimension or negative dimension to it???

  32. Jonnalagadda Snehaja Avatar
    Jonnalagadda Snehaja

    Hey! I didn’t join AFHQ. I got this posting in the reserve list and i was given time till may 27,2016 to report. However this years results have come and I m not joining it. So I cant comment about the service or its preference vis-a-vis other services. Try to gather some information from dopt website regarding the nature of duties and may be that would give a clearer picture.
    Be extremely careful when you are filling the DAF. Don’t try to fake anything in the DAF. Sometimes the interview can completely revolve around the DAF and sometimes not even one single question is asked on DAF. for instance, in both the interviews questions revolved around CA profession but not on my hobbies or extra curricular activities. However our job is to be prepared on everything mentioned in the DAF. I think this is where some luck element is involved 🙂 hope this helps! good luck:)

  33. Jonnalagadda Snehaja Avatar
    Jonnalagadda Snehaja

    I feel there’s no specific time to start answer writing. Try to start from day 1. One cannot be confident with just three months of practice. So i would suggest try to write an answer everyday. Nothing to lose in practicing one answer everyday.
    Regarding science for prelims i did ncerts 6-10. (9 and 10 ncert, i did selectively) For mains, I didnt do anything specifically. Whatever was there in the newspaper, tried to understand it. Moreover even in the mains the questions are of general awareness and does not need extensive preparation.
    I would suggest u to start reading editorials. Business page is not that important except for exceptional articles. Editorials try to explain the issue from all dimensions and also helps you to frame an opinion. So i would suggest u start that immediately.
    I am not sure about the 4th question. I dont have the information to give u the answer 🙂
    Thank you for the kind wishes. Good luck 🙂

  34. Path2Victory Avatar

    Thanks a lot Mam..

  35. Jonnalagadda Snehaja Avatar
    Jonnalagadda Snehaja

    I will try letting you know if anyone is writing with commerce this time 🙂

  36. Foxtrot Lima Avatar
    Foxtrot Lima

    Hello mam, two questions:
    1. How was your experience in AFHQ? How would you rate this service vis-a-vis other services? I am asking this for the purpose of filling DAF preferences.
    2. Do you feel that a DAF that is filled with much thought can give you some control over the flow of the interview? I mean that if there are some hobbies that the board can delve into deeper can help us in limiting the number of unpredictable question?

  37. janaki ram Avatar
    janaki ram

    Thank you for reply sister..

    I am from andhra.

    Proud of you…a telugu person in the merit list.

    Feeling proud of you.

    Feeling excited first time I am talking to a upsc rank holder.

    Thanks for giving reply and for your kindness. You are a true civil servant.

    Continue the good work.

    May I ask some more questions :-

    1) How many months of writing practice is required for mains ? after prelims there are nearly 3 months left ..Is two or three months writing practice enough for mains ?

    2) How to prepare for science(physics, chemistry and biology questions) for prelims ? Do science and technology paper in hindu helps for this ?

    3) I don’t have the habit of reading editorial and business page daily in newspaper ? Is it enough if I start reading editorials and business pages after passing prelims ?

    4) If we write mains in English and give interview in telugu…will it pose any problems in interview marks?

  38. Phoenix Avatar

    Thanqq So much 🙂

  39. Jonnalagadda Snehaja Avatar
    Jonnalagadda Snehaja

    Yeah these sources plus newspaper are more than enough for govt schemes. Give lot of attention for eco survey volume 1. If possible try to read last year volume 1 also as there are different concepts explained. I did spectrum book for culture. However other options such as sighania notes/nios/ccrt are also available. Pick any one and stick to it. There is a ncert book for culture. I did selective reading and i could never finish it. However any one of the above mentioned sources is more than enough. I attempted 90 questions. The trick is to avoid guesswork and try to attempt those questions that you are really confident. When you are able to eliminate 2 options try to take that calculated risk. In order to understand how u r faring, try to attempt test papers in exam like conditions and with these strategies. Try to make as many mistakes as possible in the preparation phase and learn from them so that u dont commit them in the main exam.

  40. Phoenix Avatar

    Thank U 🙂 one more question Snehaja.. i am reading Economic Survey 2016 and Yojana + Kurukshetra and preparing notes .. in these various govt schemes will be covered.. is this sufficient regarding govt schemes in place of IYB?? and how to cover culture portion for prelims? How many Questions should be attempted in prelims on an avg? (i have attempted 95 questions in 2015 and scored 96 marks – didn’t clear prelims)

  41. Jonnalagadda Snehaja Avatar
    Jonnalagadda Snehaja

    thank u so much 🙂 good luck 🙂

  42. Jonnalagadda Snehaja Avatar
    Jonnalagadda Snehaja

    Thank u 🙂 For prelims solving questions will help as long as we are able to identify the mistakes we are making and learning the areas which we failed to cover while studying 🙂 India year book can be skipped if you are up to date with newspaper and current issues. I did year book for the previous attempt but didn’t do it for this attempt. However you could just glance through the major schemes initiated by each ministry. (Avoid all factual information) I covered current affairs from Jan to mid july for prelims. However be regular with newspaper 🙂 good luck 🙂

  43. Jonnalagadda Snehaja Avatar
    Jonnalagadda Snehaja

    Thank u so much 🙂 Yeah I m just relieved that I cleared the exam 🙂
    Regarding guessing in interview, if at all I wasn’t sure about the answer, I tired to avoid guessing. My concept was once u start guessing, there could be follow up questions. Well I was always bad at guessing so i avoided it.
    However if you are doubtful and really want to present an answer, you could always seek permission and if they allow you to make a guess then go ahead.
    In this year’s interview, one of the question asked casually was do u know the range of a pistol gun? Obviously i had no idea and i simply smiled and said, sorry sir I don’t know 🙂 (I avoided guessing and neither did I seek permission to guess as I absolutely had no idea)
    Good luck 🙂

  44. Path2Victory Avatar

    Thanks a lot Mam…I will incorporate that in my answers..Do u have a friend with Commerce optional with whom I can discuss commerce P2 on daily basis…

  45. Jonnalagadda Snehaja Avatar
    Jonnalagadda Snehaja

    Thank u so much 🙂 Frankly speaking I did lot of mistakes for the first two attempts. Even for the third attempt, I made mistakes in preparing for commerce paper. So in each attempt I focused on avoiding those mistakes and learning new ways of presenting the answers. I think that kept me going on as I knew it was because of my mistakes, i failed to clear.
    Regarding prelims exams, try to revise each topic thoroughly and practice as many questions as possible. Its not about the number of times u study but the concepts that u retain. So try to retain and revise as much as possible.
    Since paper 2 in prelims is of qualifying nature, I tried to solve some mock papers in exam like conditions.
    Good luck 🙂

  46. Jonnalagadda Snehaja Avatar
    Jonnalagadda Snehaja

    I didn’t upload my transcript! I will try doing it at the earliest 🙂

  47. Jonnalagadda Snehaja Avatar
    Jonnalagadda Snehaja

    hey that’s great marks in paper 1. Regarding paper 2, try to use flow charts and current examples wherever possible! try to write in point format! this year paper 2 was very general. Try to have a general idea and i think thats the trick 🙂

  48. damodaradas8 Avatar

    Congrats Mam

  49. Phoenix Avatar

    Congratulations Snehaja.. For prelims solving more test series will help? Should India Year Book 2016 be read? From Which month Current Affairs should be covered? Thank You!!!

  50. abhijee Avatar

    Congratulations ma’am on your excellent success.
    I’m sure it would be a wonderful feeling. Isn’t it ?
    Ma’am I had a confusion about guessing in the interview. Did you freely guess (with reasonable probability of being correct) while politely accepting so (say via sentences like,”I guess …”, or did you not guess at all or did you seek permission for a guess work and then did it ?
    Thanks in advance

  51. janaki ram Avatar
    janaki ram


    Hearty congratulations.

    1) how did you maintained your motivation and energy levels for five years ? generally people will show much enthusaism in first attempt. but after that enthusaism level drops …how to maintain high motivation levels through out the year or for couple of years ?

    2) Mam, before appearing for prelims exam, how many time we have to revise each subject to make sure to pass prelims ?

    3)how to prepare for paper-2 in prelims ? which topics we have to focus more in paper-2 ? which books we have to refer for paper-2 ?

  52. disqus Avatar

    🙂 thankyou mam for ur reply ! Will try my level best to get selected this time but i still appreciate ur patience level u maintained and see today by ur harder u have achieved ur dream job 😉 . U r an inspiration mam !

  53. Neyawn Avatar

    Wanted to see your Interview transcript. Where can I see it? 🙂

  54. Path2Victory Avatar

    Thanks a lot Snehaja..I got
    P1-120 and P2-102,
    Can u plz elaborate on the writing tips for Paper 2 .
    What extra needs to be there for getting above avg marks..
    Please share…

  55. Jonnalagadda Snehaja Avatar
    Jonnalagadda Snehaja

    Thank you so much 🙂 I was lucky that i was asked questions where i could express my views well 🙂 good luck 🙂

  56. Jonnalagadda Snehaja Avatar
    Jonnalagadda Snehaja

    Thank you 🙂 I made a mistake of focusing only on commerce paper 2 in the last attempt. Try to give equal attention to both the papers. These are the books that i followed:
    Commerce paper 1
    Audit, accounts and costing- ICAI IPCC study material
    Tax-TN Manoharan book for ipcc (alternative Girish Ahuja book)
    FM- Rustogi

    Commerce paper 2:
    OB and OT- Chabbra
    HRM- VSP Rao
    I supplemented these books with Rankers notes and current issues.
    Try to practice problems and give equal attention to both papers! I used lot of flowcharts wherever possible.
    Hope this helps! (i missed the list last year because of commerce as i performed miserably in paper 1- i got 89. Paper 2 – 142. So just focus on correcting the mistakes.)
    All the best! 🙂

  57. Jonnalagadda Snehaja Avatar
    Jonnalagadda Snehaja

    thank you so much 🙂 I failed to clear prelims the first two times! the key is to give attention to minute details when reading a particular topic and the most important one is to practice as many questions as possible! Once you read a topic try to solve as many questions as possible! Its only through practice one can be confident. Avoid guesswork. Regarding essay, I ensured that all dimensions are covered. Its more about the way one is expressing. Probably starting an essay with a quote or a short story or giving examples wherever possible would be a good strategy!

  58. Neyawn Avatar

    Congrats Snehaja! 206 in Interview is awesome 🙂

  59. Path2Victory Avatar

    Congratulations Snehaja…Can u plz share ur strategy for commerce
    and ur marksheet…I fell short in commerce to get in to the final list…

  60. disqus Avatar

    cngrats mam for ur new life ! Mam if possible please give tips for prelims and essay writing in details ! How to handle them !

  61. rohit21 Avatar

    Detailed mark sheet plz. Especially optionals numbers

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