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Hi Mam, Congratulations for the feat!
Can you please share the link at
mam any online coaching for upsc maths opional??
Any Hindi medium books for maths optional
suggest Hindi medium books for maths optional
yoga123 thanks for sharing this article. good luck to you .
how do you rate last year attempt of GS + maths with this year GS + philo
alright ! tx !
Thanks mam. And please tell me about writing skills since It is also a deciding factor.
On “discussion” page of forumias, find a comment made my me (you can see forumias meet thread for that), from there click on my pseudonym yoga123. You’ll see my profile there. On RHS, you ll see an option of “message”.
Hey ! actually when i see your profile ders only follow option . kindly tell me how to txt u on forumias ! I m not much on dis site !
It seems that scaling is higher in first paper. But in my personal experience, I’ve always found paper 2 easier than paper 1.
I only took a test series from IMS and it was fine. Unlike Humanities subjects, they don’t have to give feedback or even conduct discussion classes. So their inputs are nothing really. I don’t have experience of class room coaching .
Apologies for late reply _/_
I’ve replied above about mathematics prep. Pls check previous comments
Hey reader
You may start with Polity and Economics esp if you don’t have a background in these subjects. It would help you in understanding newspaper better as most of the current issues fall under these two categories.
All the best
Hey Rick!
I am on Facebook hiatus currently. PM ur answers on my forumias ID itself
hello….firstly congratulations ….my optional subject is also mathematics…can u plz provide me some materials/notes for this
hi Congratulations mam. Thanks for your advice. I will start like this way and What about the General studies? – which subject needs to start first.
Hey ! I have sent u answers on facebook ! kindly see it (devrat) and please check others folder in inbox if NOT there ! thanx !
GS is infinite but then there is only one “man who knew infinity” (Ramanujan’s movie title )
since you are in first year, you’ve got sufficient time to get good hold on various issues.
for that, i would suggest you get into habit of reading newspaper and make yourself aware of issues going on. along with your own reading of newspaper, go through 9 pm forumias daily
updates (available in this portal itself). this will help you in
understanding what all you need to focus on while reading newspaper.
you’ll be able to develop an analytical bent this way.
i hope it helps
Hi! Congratulations for your success I am in the first year and doing maths hons from DU I also want to take this exam and plan to take maths as an optional can you please give some advice also any tips to handle the seemingly infinite syllabus of GS?
Thanks in advance
Quite creative.Thanks for sharing.
very simple diagrams were used
for example, in question related to govt spending in agriculture, to show that there is a huge imbalance btw subsidy and capital spending, we would make a simple see-saw type line figure (subsidy on heavier side and capex on ligher side)
in question related to NJAC, to show that there are two organs (Jud and Exec) that are fighting out for 3 options:
1. njac
2. collegium
3. president appointees totally (pre collegium style)
we made a line with a hinge in between and put exec n jud on either side of it. then put option 1 in between (balancing act), option 2 towards judiciary and option 3 towards executive.
this is to reinforce that NJAC is indeed a balancing act.
Many more such innovations. here knowledge remains the same but presentation improves.
i hope u get the idea
Hello mam,
How were you able to integrate diagrams in your answer? Did you take help from any online resource? Kindly share what technique you followed for that.
check ur mail
thank you very much…
Thank you..
No. i prepared the portions of my optional geography which matches the prelims and up-to first 5 chapters in each paper . I said we could practice writing test in GS papers,essay paper and optional paper in 3 months.
hey i tried to share a google drive link where i have uploaded all Art and Culture material but not being able to post it here. let me know your email id, i will send you there.
and thank you very much.
all the best to you.
hey Sreya
Since you’re in first year, you should make yourself aware of events happening around..start reading some time you’ll get “sense” of issues you’d need to deal with in your full time prep.
one more advice: along with your own reading of newspaper, go through 9 pm forumias daily updates (available in this portal itself). this will help you in understanding what all you need to focus on while reading newspaper. you’ll be able to develop an analytical bent this way.
i hope it helps
Hi , Congratulations yoga123 @ shilpi
I’m currently in B.pharm 1st year, and planning to start preparing for UPSC asap, but I’m quite confused regarding my preparation, like how and from where to start! As the syllabus is vast. It’ll be very helpful if you facilitate me on this, thanks .
Hello Shilpi ,
Congratulations . I am awed by your accuracy in Prelims and yeah GS and Interview Scores !
This ll be my first attempt. I am particularly confused on how to do Art and Culture. CCRT seems too overwhelming. Plus I am mostly not able to judge what to focus on. It will be really helpful if you could share your notes.
Also did u read from the website itself ? If u have PDF please share. I got the printed material from market , but the font is too small.
But this is not recommandable at all . i am doing this to save time and to complete static part and my option till prelims. thats the only target. We cant prepare Optional deeply in those 3 months.
Hey girish
Thanks a lot
Hey thanks
U can send msg me on forumias itself . my username is yoga123
Or u can join me on FB and send PDFs.
Hey Ajay. i am also planning to do the same like u..i.e . writing practise in the 3 months just from Aug-Nov end.
Hi ! shilpi thanx for your guidance ! could we please mail u our answers/essays ? would be thankful !
congrats…mam…really cracking upsc with maths is a brave job…& thanks 4 being @forumias,it’s motivational 4 us…
Okk !! but why does everyone get less marks in Paper 1 , despite being the more easier one as compared to Paper 2 ….. also plzz tell ur experience about IMS …thnx
all the best to you
and thanks
Thank you so much for your guidance
Have a great career ahead
say it with lots of smiles, but your eyes shouldn’t be shining all that much. this should do the trick.
I’ve said many times ” I don’t know ” in different styles since I read that line.
But confused about how can I make interviewer feel bad about asking that question , what type of expressions would be helpful ? O.o
some tips written above
just don’t be insecure about anything.
and practice how to say “I don’t know” pretty well.
Bravo !
Any tips for interview ?
essay: 137
GS1 : 107
2: 76
3: 102
4. 90
Math total: 190
Interview: 206
marks pls
hey Arjun, thanks
in reply to your questions:
1. Current Affairs: “only reading the editorials from Hindu” may remain insufficient, you should back it up with at least Vision notes (as you suggested yourself). look at some of the questions in GS 2 and GS 3 and you’d see the inadequacy of the Hindu yourself.
2. Art and Culture: I prefer going through CCRT/NIOS material by myself. case in point: few prelims questions is this question of 2014 prelims:
A community of people called Manganiyars is well-known for their
martial arts in North-East India
musical tradition in North-West India
classical vocal music in South India
pietra dura tradition in Central India
One can solve this question if one has done CCRT properly.
when 100 questions decide everything, each question counts
3. old/new both would work
4. don’t need to remember all of it, in fact it has become pretty redundant now. but just for the sake of it, categorise chapters topic wise: polity, economy, social (like normal syllabus) and when you’re going through these topics, just take a look at IYB as well. it won’t feel like a burden this way and your recalling chances would get better.
Congratulations dude! You’ve scored really well on GS and Interview!
I had a few questions regarding GS. Whenever you have the time can you help me out with them?
1. Current Affairs: I’ve not been relying mostly on Jagran Josh or GKtoday for it.. Im only reading the editorials from Hindu, should I be change this strategy? I was taking up Vision and/or Insights current affairs notes as well after this to plug any gap.
2. Art and Culture: I suppose everyones weak point, are Nitin Singhania notes actually worth it? Or some standard source like CCRT/ Spectrum would be better off?
3. When you mean Geography NCERTs, you mean the old ones or the new ones?
4. How on earth does one remember things from india year book??
Hey I left about 120-130 in both papers combined.
But I don’t exactly know how much of it was correct. I didn’t check my answers.
I got paltry 71+119 in Math.
But it’s not the problem of subject as people have scored over 300. They may guide you better.
Congratulations !! Could you plzz tell how much marks was your correct attempt in Maths Optional papers (approx)… I just want to get the idea of level of marking this time
Thank you very much..
I’ve an Honours degree in mathematics, So for me the choice became quite natural.
As far as material is concerned, I used book list mentioned by Prakash Raj Purohit, Kashish Mittal, Nitish K in their blogs which can be found online.
All the best
Could you please tell the materials you referred for mathematics optional? And is there any special reason behind your choice of optional?
Thanks, Atul.
All the best to you too.
Congratulations yoga123 @ shilpi….best of luck for future…
A very subjective question indeed.
3 months may seem less going by usual standard. But think of them as about 100 days, the u won’t think of it as a very short period.
Also, if you’ve a natural aptitude for it (which I believe some people definitely do), then you need not worry all that much.
N thanks a lot
Thanks a lot and all the best for your future .I do have lot of respect for people who takes math as a career options and you took it as a optional .Bravo.
i have one thing to ask , Does these three months after prelim are enough for mains writing practice as i am planning to do it after prelims .
Yes I agree with you completely. Nothing out of the box.. Simple ideas help more than out of the box solutions in this exam and elsewhere
Just sprinkle them with clarity of thought.
There is no Secret Ingredient for success as per kung fu panda.Your Journey is also the same as other toppers, nothing diffrent. I dont see any toppers has said out off the box things .
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