[Solutions] Wednesday Geography and Environment Quiz #11

wednesday solution

Hello Everyone, These are the results and explanation of Wednesday Geography and Environment Quiz #11.


Q1. In the Indian sub-continent, rivers in Northern India have meandering path while rivers in South India do not have meanders. Which of the following explains this anomaly correctly?

1. Peninsular Region has a hard rock surface.

2. Peninsular River Basin are Non-alluvial

3. Peninsular Rivers have regular supply of water as compared to rivers in North India.

Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

a) 1 and 2 only

b) 1 and 3 only

c) 2 and 3 only

d)1, 2 and 3

Ans a) Peninsular rivers do not have a regular supply of water. Rest all the statements are true


Q2. Consider the following statements regarding the incoming insolation on Earth

1. The equator receives less insolation than the tropics.

2. Insolation is more over the oceans than over the continents at the same latitude

3. The Ocean reflect more of the incoming insolation than Deserts.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

a) 1 only

b) 2  and 3 only

c) 1 and 3 only

d) 1, 2 and 3 only

Ans a) Equator receives less insolation than tropic due to heavy cloud cover. Remember insolation is the amount of sunlight received at the surface of earth per unit area. So the clouds obstructs the sunlight and hence equator receives less insolation. Similarly, Oceans are significantly cloudier than continents and hence receive less insolation.

b)     For examination purpose, it’s very important to remember heat budget.

Insolation is the solar radiation that reaches the earth’s surface. It is measured by the amount of solar energy received per square centimetre per minute.

Insolation affects temperature. The more the insolation, the higher the temperature.

In any given day, the strongest insolation is received at noon.

Factors affect insolation (without the effect of the atmosphere):

  • Angle of the sun
  • Distance between the sun and the earth
  • Duration of daylight

The longer the duration of daylight, the more the insolation received per day.

Also , reflecting the incoming insolation or incident light is called albedo . Deserts have higher albedo than the sea water. This is useful for the exam.


Q3. Saline soils can be reclaimed by

1. Providing good drainage.

2. Applying lime or gypsum.

3. Cultivating salt resistant crops.

Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

a) 1 and 2 only

b) 1 and 3 only

c) 2 and 3 only

d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans d) The saline soils can be reclaimed by providing good drainage, applying lime or gypsum and cultivating salt resistant crops.


Q4. Consider the following formations developed by the sea waves.

1. Stacks

2. Sea arches

3. Sea cliff

Which of the above formations are erosional features developed by sea waves?

a) 1 only

b) 2 and 3 only

c) 1 and 3 only

d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans d) The erosion and deposition of the sea waves gives rise to coastal landforms. Sea-waves continuously strike at the rocks. Cracks develop. Over time they become larger and wider. Thus, hollow like caves are formed on the rocks. These are called sea caves. As these cavities become bigger and bigger only the roof of the caves remain, thus forming sea arches. Further, erosion breaks the roof and only walls are left. These wall like features are called stacks. The steep rocky coast rising almost vertically above sea water is called sea cliff. The sea waves deposit sediments along the shores forming beaches.


Q5. If the sea surface temperature were to rise, which of the following could be the possible outcomes?

1. Possibility of large storms would decrease

2. Salinity of oceans would increase

3. Coral Bleaching would take place

4. Habitat destruction of certain mammals would take place

5. Decrease in invasive species and overall loss of biodiversity

Select the correct statements using the codes given below.

a) 2, 3 and 4 only

b) 1, 3 and 4 only

c) 2, 3, 4 and 5 only

d) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

Ans a) If the Sea temperature were to rise, what would happen? First the water content in atmosphere would rise. All weather is a function of the content of water vapour in the atmosphere . With increase in water vapour content, weather phenomenon would only increase and likelihood of storms would increase.

Coral bleaching would also increase. Habitat destruction ( such as in the Poles ) would increase. Invasive species would also spread ( Why? ) as they would find weather conditions more suitable outside the current habitat. For example, tropical plants would even spread to higher latitudes. There would be loss of diversity.

Now Salinity of oceans would increase or decrease is a matter of debate. With evaporation of sea water salinity would increase. Again, polar ice caps would melt and add more water and would reduce the salinity.

Increase in water level would mean the sea water entering lakes and even polluting freshwater water bodies and aquifers.

What would be the exact outcome on salinity  is debatable, but we can extrapolate what has happened in the past.

In the past century, the temperature has increased and even with some ice melting the net effect has been – increase in the salinity of sea water.


Q6. Consider the following statements:

1. Montreal Protocol mandates phasing out substances that deplete the ozone layer.

2. The Montreal Protocol is among the first universally ratified treaties in UN history

3. The ozone layer protects the earth from both UVA and UVB radiation.

Select the correct answer using the codes given below:

a1 only

b) 1 and 2 only

c) 2 and 3 only

d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans b) The Montreal Protocol is hailed as an exceptional example of International co-operation under the aegis of UN that has been so successful. It deals with substances that deplete the ozone layer – which protects the earth’s surface from harmful Ultra Violet rays. However, it only filters out UVB rays and does not protect us from UVA rays.


Q7. Consider the following statements related to National Air Quality Index (AQI):

1. It is a comprehensive index to indicate the quality of air in a city and its impact on health.

2. Along with Green-house gases, AQI also monitors particulate matters.

3. Indian Meteorological Organisation is the agency in India that prepares it.

Select the correct statement using the codes given below.

a) 1 only

b) 1 and 3 only

c) 1 and 2 only

d) 1, 2 and 3 only

Ans c)  National Air Quality Index:

  • It is a comprehensive Index to indicate the quality of air in a city and its impact on health..
  • AQI will consider 8 pollutants – PM 2.5, NO2 , SO2, CO, O3, Pb , ammonia, PM-10.
  • Presently CPCB and SPCB are operating national air monitoring programme.  Covering 240 cities.
  • In the initial phase it will cover 46 million plus cities, 20 state capitals.
  • It monitors in 6 categories (good, satisfactory, moderately polluted, poor, very poor and severe). It will grade air quality in a colour code chart.


10 responses to “[Solutions] Wednesday Geography and Environment Quiz #11”

  1. ManikChand Avatar

    They did not mention all GHGs even o3 is also a GHG so stmt can be considered as true.

  2. pls google the meaning of the sentence ‘reclaim’- it means for recovering and bring under cultivating – hope this helps :))

  3. ayush kumar Avatar
    ayush kumar

    In Q 7. the AQI does not cover greenhouse gases like CO2. Hence, statement 2 is incorrect. Therefore a) should be the answer

  4. It just withstand extra salt content in the soil but it dont give any explanation about reducing salt content in soil.

  5. Mathy Avatar


  6. kingka2 Avatar

    Great questions and explanations.. thank you FORUMIAS

  7. tneha Avatar

    Ya I don’t think planting salt resistant crops helps reduce salt content of the soil..

  8. Monkey Man Avatar
    Monkey Man

    How would halophytes help in reducing salts??

  9. Monkey Man Avatar
    Monkey Man

    It’s means removing the soluble salts

  10. tneha Avatar

    In Q. 3 reclamation of saline soils
    How does planting salt resistant crops help reclaim the soil? What do we mean by reclamation in this question – reducing it’s salinity or bringing the soil back in use?

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