Update : Prelims Marathon – 2017

Dear Aspirants,

We will start Prelims Marathon – 2017 from January 9th, 2017. This free program would be focused on UPSC Prelims 2017.

The idea is to keep the number of MCQ questions to a practicable level so that you do not spend an extra minute than required, and have maximum output for the UPSC Prelims 2017 Exam.

All the Best.



63 responses to “Update : Prelims Marathon – 2017”

  1. Priyanka Singh Avatar
    Priyanka Singh

    Thanks ForumIAS team, I still remember your’s last year prelims ques. were soo helpful.
    was waiting for this initiative.

  2. Bastele Avatar

    Great initiative, and quite helpful..

  3. ForumIAS Avatar


  4. the green bird Avatar
    the green bird

    laa lala laaala la .. *waiting for 09 Jan*

  5. Yup!!

  6. thoughtprocess Avatar

    thanks a ton!

  7. Yellowflower Avatar

    New year begins with bang…Thank you Forumias for this 🙂

  8. Siya Rasik Avatar
    Siya Rasik

    Thank you for such a sweet gift for the new year @forumias-7f07ca326ce76cdde680e4b3d568bce8:disqus 🙂 I have followed the quiz last year, that were awesome.

  9. good initiative team 🙂

  10. Don Corleone Avatar
    Don Corleone

    Bring it on!

  11. Double Digit Avatar
    Double Digit

    thanx sir

  12. Prakhar Avatar

    Forum IAS-” A Revolution in the field of Education “

  13. Nilay kashyap Avatar
    Nilay kashyap

    thanks forum.. 🙂

  14. Agent ColourBlind Avatar
    Agent ColourBlind

    Great we will follow daily

  15. asiatic_lion Avatar

    Thanks @forumias-7f07ca326ce76cdde680e4b3d568bce8:disqus .

  16. Teresa Lisbon Avatar
    Teresa Lisbon

    Thank you so much!

  17. Abhijeet G Avatar
    Abhijeet G

    My inspiration,friend and teacher forumias happy new year

  18. the green bird Avatar
    the green bird

    that’s really amazing!!

  19. Monica Mohan Avatar
    Monica Mohan

    I thought ForumIAS is awesome and coudnt get better. U disapproved and said we are the best 🙂 Great initiatives sir 🙂

  20. Best thing that one can go through.thankyou forumIAS

  21. Purva srivastava Avatar
    Purva srivastava

    great initiative…..

  22. Great!! just waiting for that !!..

  23. Shevanti Avatar

    Think the questions would be a mix bag of Maths and English, any daily limit that you have thought of? Apologies for asking all this in advance, just wanted to slot this in the daily schedule hence want to know about the details. Thanks for the initiative!

  24. Sagan S Avatar
    Sagan S

    Woww…. Extremely eager to participate…!

    Thanks a lot @ForumIas

  25. Abhilash Avatar

    Thank u sir…my biggest hurdle u solve…

  26. Thanks

  27. Best ever initiative..

  28. mahi returns Avatar
    mahi returns

    Thanks for your best initiative sir

  29. Dreamz Unlimited Avatar
    Dreamz Unlimited

    Kindly give a link to broad contours of the prelim programme. I am unaware about the nuances of it.

  30. Dragon Booster Avatar
    Dragon Booster

    Waiting for this actually. You kept your word.
    Thank you so much 🙂

  31. Captain America Avatar
    Captain America

    🙂 🙂

  32. CSE2017 aspirant (ABG) Avatar
    CSE2017 aspirant (ABG)

    Thank you sir, Happy new year to you 🙂
    whether questions will be static or current affairs based ?

  33. ForumIAS Avatar


  34. ForumIAS Avatar


  35. ForumIAS Avatar


  36. Jyoti Singh Avatar
    Jyoti Singh

    Welcome Always…..!!!

  37. ForumIAS Avatar


  38. ForumIAS Avatar

    Thanks for the wishes Jyoti.

  39. ForumIAS Avatar


  40. ForumIAS Avatar


  41. ForumIAS Avatar

    Try every time.

  42. ForumIAS Avatar

    Thanks Sunil.

  43. ForumIAS Avatar


  44. ForumIAS Avatar


  45. Wow the best thing I can ask for!!
    Thank u @ForumIAS:disqus

  46. hellrider007 Avatar

    The best new year gift ?. Thanks@ForumIAS

  47. Sunil Singh Avatar
    Sunil Singh

    Thanks a lot@ForumIAS. I was waiting for Marathon Like this.

  48. Ajay Rathod Avatar
    Ajay Rathod


  49. Anup Mishra Avatar
    Anup Mishra


  50. abhinav Avatar

    Yeah!¡!new year gift!!!!

  51. ForumIAS Avatar


  52. Thank you #FI

  53. live@dreamz Avatar

    Great initiative @ForumIAS

  54. Try one more time! Avatar
    Try one more time!

    Lovely……bring it on Sir ji 🙂

  55. Ankit Kishore Avatar
    Ankit Kishore

    thankyou so much @forumias

  56. Thankyou sir !!!

  57. Thanks sir for prelims marathon

  58. I agree with sagarmala summit .this will help us lot @forumias

  59. @ForumIAS you rock! Thank you so much. Just one request regarding marathon programs. As I have mentioned before, you could use the pool of so many mains-experienced and already-qualified candidates through your platform to set 2 questions daily on major optionals (of course if time permits you). I am sure this will help many candidates.

  60. Jyoti Singh Avatar
    Jyoti Singh

    This was the only thing that was missing in ForumIas. Thank you so much for Prelims Marathon…..!!!

  61. Captain America Avatar
    Captain America

    🙂 🙂
    Best thing I read !! New year gift.. 🙂

  62. anand kumar Avatar
    anand kumar


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