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50 days challenge

Let's start 50 days your targets here...I don't know whether there is another thread for this or not..but plss don't delete it :p

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand7 otherslike this


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@Steph_Curry share your wisdom here 

To answer your question regarding revising mock test notes, this is what I did.

  1. When to revise- Keep on revising them daily. I am stressing on 'daily' because these are the notes that represent your hardwork done in the past 2-3 months. Don't leave them without revision and take out atleast 2-3 hours for revising your test notes daily. With time, your revision speed will anyways get faster.

  1. How to revise- Break your notes into 8-9 small booklets of 20 pages each and get them printed (You can vary the number of pages per booklet as per your wish but don't keep a booklet very bulky). Number the booklets from 1-8/9 and revise 1 booklet at a time. When you are finished with a booklet, keep it in the bottom of the pile and start with the next booklet. Keep on repeating this exercise till every booklet is revised 4-5 times atleast 15 days before the D date.

See the photo and let me know if any point is not clear.

DM,Haryanaand12 otherslike this

@RashmirathiPlease provide your inputs regarding - What is your method of revision for prelims and how should one prepare government schemes and mapping?

Your inputs will be really helpful.

For revision wrt Prelims-i try to revise it from standard sources like laxmikant ,spectrum etc ,I have highlighted the important facts and points so i just go through them ( also i am in later attempts so i have done these sources multiple times over the course of my preparation) and just glance through pages vertically i.e not reading every line ,also i open the index of every chapter and try to recollect what all i know and what i am forgetting and then just open that part to read . Also i priortise subject like this - Polity ,Economy,Environment,Science and Tech ,Modern history and in last i do history (ancient,medieval,art and culture) and IR part

Second wrt Govt schemes - I don’t prepare them separately according to me not worth the investment of time and return,also not easy to mug up so much facts given in compilations (again disclaimer-it may not be the best strategy)

Third wrt mapping- i did it extensively in my first attempt i.e went through world map and indian map and there  important physical features .Now i just pick up atlas and on that try to mark places in news and why they were in news 

DM,Foucault1and8 otherslike this

Also you are on right track as far as I remember from your marks in tests ,just keep up the momentum and keep going 

Also remember these lines by Shiv Mangal Suman Ji

गति प्रबल पैरों में भरी 

फिर क्यों रहूं दर दर खडा 

जब आज मेरे सामने 

है रास्ता इतना पडा 

जब तक न मंजिल पा सकूँ, 

तब तक मुझे न विराम है, 

चलना हमारा काम है। 


Steph_Curry,Achilleusand5 otherslike this

"The best performers are not consistently great but they're great at being consistent."

Brad Stulberg

CRISPRCas9,Archandand4 otherslike this
can anyone suggest as to when and how should i revise the notes that i've made from my mocks (sfg + flts), because they're more than a 150 pages 

You can divide these notes into smaller parts like 30 pagers i.e 5 notebooks and can revise them on alternate 3-5 days and mention the date when you revised the notebook and try to revise then 5/6 times ( as with every revision you will able to revise them in lesser time) - it’s something@Steph_Curry  used to do and he was master in this thing 

Haryana,AB12and3 otherslike this
Kya rha sabhi ka ??

 Hard luck bhai but don’t loose the hope ,keep your spirits high and keep moving 

Do take a short break and go on a tour be in mountains or on a spiritual one and after that get back to studies and work on the areas where you think work needs to be done .

To all other fellow ones here who couldn’t make it through this time remember  this is not the end utilise this time to see your weak points and discover all those mental and physical reserves you still didn’t use and you will come out stronger like Pandavas did after the lakshagrih incident 

Don’t think you are incapable ,what you are showing now is great courage .You will get through this and when you do you will go many places,celebrate great stories .Move many people.Just have belief and faith on your self ,you all will do well 🙌

Steph_Curry,tedmosbyand3 otherslike this
Hardwork is revision and Revision is hardwork.

CRISPRCas9,Najdorfand3 otherslike this

Plz everyone,solve forum compilation for csat ,

( PYQs ) LR and Maths 

U will thank me after prelims,trust me.


AB12,Najdorfand3 otherslike this


Abhyaas yesterday.never gave such paper before where i had no idea sometimes 15 questions in a row.somehow scoring more that last one but its only luck.

Continue today with economics or revise old things.

There is no correlation of abhyaas with actual upsc prelims,so just take it as a exam which helps you to deal with fear by facing such irrelevant questions and stimulating of your brain to think very diversely and at last remain clam despite being such vague questions such that you don’t mess out with easier ones who most of people will be knowing 

superman159,Haryanaand2 otherslike this


Planning 3 revisions till prelims.Started polity today.Planned to read till FR before going to sleep.


Done till FR now.plan shifted to entire unit 1 before sleep.


not much in last few hours.watced random yt videos.

Finished unit 1.

Try getting rid of social media in last few weeks. Time to sit for 10-12 hours at least everyday now if you have not cleared prelims before.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

DM,Oshoand2 otherslike this
@Rashmirathi you read pt cover to cover?

No , i use a technique that i call index technique i.e will glance through the index page and will try to recollect what 3-4 things i know about that topic and then just once see why it was in news . Else if i find some totally new topic i just glance through it to check what’s important 

DM,Haryanaand2 otherslike this
Needed help regarding CSAT. Please someone suggest the most probable topics in Quant and Logical Reasoning. Will practise PYQs accordingly.

Maths:Number system>permutation & combination>percentage>Ratio and proportion >Average>ages

Number system ( most important)

Reasoning:Direction and distance >ranking>statement based questions 

Do it from forum compilation .

Bas itna sai hi cut off clear ho jayga.

AB12,Mango_Personand1 otherslike this
We have the 2024 thread for this, however, this is also good, we can make this an all things prelims 2024 thread (mocks' discussion, imp. 1-liners, etc)
Haryana,Najdorfand1 otherslike this
All the best everyone,just give your best and you all will do well 😊(Remember it’s just another day where you have to perform) 
Incoming,Qurafaatand1 otherslike this


Target for today:- 

Economics current affairs 

Subject test of economics 

Polity revision 

Csat 3 hrs


Pyqs practice 



1. Solve 1 FLT

2. Solve 1 CSAT

3. Complete environment revision


Target 3/5

1. Start Economy 

2. Economy PYQ (1/6)

3. Solve Mocks


Target -6/5/24

1.Economics Revision 

2.PYQ of economics 

3.solve 1 FLT

4.Csat -no system pyq of 10 years 

Done ✔️ 


Old is Gold,

important motivational article by Neyawn sir

( Ayush sir )

Hi everyone 

All the best

@Rashmirathi what diffrence last month before prelims can make?
Last year I cleared gs cutoff by 2 marks.(Failed csat by 5 marks)
Do people clear pre with just one last month prep if they clear gs cutoff last year by 2 marks?
I have studied in last few months but still these bogus questions comes..
And answer from aspirants like you means a lot.

Yaar if someone has cleared prelims multiple times before he or she can do that in one month as they have that past confidence that helps a lot .Also regarding importance of last month preparation-its very crucial it can make or break your chances so plz try to study as much as you can if you get bored by static pick up current affairs if you get  bored by them solve some test ,csat ,pyq but keep studying.Take it like this that you have to study only one month for prelims then never again 

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