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50 days challenge

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@Steph_Curry share your wisdom here 

To answer your question regarding revising mock test notes, this is what I did.

  1. When to revise- Keep on revising them daily. I am stressing on 'daily' because these are the notes that represent your hardwork done in the past 2-3 months. Don't leave them without revision and take out atleast 2-3 hours for revising your test notes daily. With time, your revision speed will anyways get faster.

  1. How to revise- Break your notes into 8-9 small booklets of 20 pages each and get them printed (You can vary the number of pages per booklet as per your wish but don't keep a booklet very bulky). Number the booklets from 1-8/9 and revise 1 booklet at a time. When you are finished with a booklet, keep it in the bottom of the pile and start with the next booklet. Keep on repeating this exercise till every booklet is revised 4-5 times atleast 15 days before the D date.

See the photo and let me know if any point is not clear.

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@Steph_Curry share your wisdom here 

To answer your question regarding revising mock test notes, this is what I did.

  1. When to revise- Keep on revising them daily. I am stressing on 'daily' because these are the notes that represent your hardwork done in the past 2-3 months. Don't leave them without revision and take out atleast 2-3 hours for revising your test notes daily. With time, your revision speed will anyways get faster.

  1. How to revise- Break your notes into 8-9 small booklets of 20 pages each and get them printed (You can vary the number of pages per booklet as per your wish but don't keep a booklet very bulky). Number the booklets from 1-8/9 and revise 1 booklet at a time. When you are finished with a booklet, keep it in the bottom of the pile and start with the next booklet. Keep on repeating this exercise till every booklet is revised 4-5 times atleast 15 days before the D date.

See the photo and let me know if any point is not clear.

This is actually so good, I just got my notes printed, divided them into 8 copies, burden seems manageable now :)


You are welcome. :))

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