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DM,Rise from Ashesand35 otherslike this


@Neyawn I wonder if you could help me out here. 

For the last few days, I am going to bed whenever I am feeling dead tired. My eyes burn.. My body almost shivers because it's feeling too weak to stay awake.. I say to myself, "Ok, tonight is going to be a good night's sleep. " But as soon as I lie down on the bed, my brain almost instantly switches to its most active mode.. It's like my brain was never tired. Thousands of thoughts (many not even remotely close to UPSC) come and go.. It's like a wormhole.. And just like that I spend almost 2 hours every night like this, before finally getting some sleep.  I don't even use screen before going to bed. 

Normally, it would not worry me. But, a sleepless night and an hyper active brain is the last thing I want the night before prelims. 

Kindly help!. 

If anyone else also have their two cents to share about anything similar to this, please suggest something  anything... 

I won't suggest anything

even if it is same case on the Saturday night, don't let that affect your thinking on Sunday

I couldn't sleep for more than 3-4 hours before 2019 prelims, got 122 

Had a good sleep before 2020 prelims, couldn't clear :P

don't worry about these things much, if they change in coming days - good, otherwise give your best on sunday 

ssver2,JSMilland14 otherslike this
We gonna rock it 
We gonna rockkkk it tttttyeahhh :))))) 
Who gonna stop us 
Who gonna stop uss
We follow ninja 
We follow ninjaaa
We gonna get 130
We gonna get 130 
No one gonna stop us 
No one gonna stop us
yeah yeah yehhh
Neyawn,GaryVeeand13 otherslike this
We gonna rock it 
We gonna rockkkk it tttttyeahhh :))))) 
Who gonna stop us 
Who gonna stop uss
We follow ninja 
We follow ninjaaa
We gonna get 130
We gonna get 130 
No one gonna stop us 
No one gonna stop us
yeah yeah yehhh

130? Highhh hopesss!! I am waiting for such confidence where I can hope for 130. My hopes don't even cross 100 :D

Give an insights FLT, your will remember the days when you hoped for 100! XD

P.S.- The above statement has been made in light humour and in no way encourages any person to perform such a daring task. Reader's discretion is advised. :P

MikeWozniak,GaryVeeand13 otherslike this
@Neyawn Endure master@Neyawn . Take It. They will hate you for it, but thats the point of@NeyawnMake the choice no one can else. ;)

BTW...your username is strikingly similar to there a connection?

Neyawn,ssver2and6 otherslike this

So here is this. I was specifically asked by Nikhil from my CGP Team to keep it short :) I couldn't rests adding some story though :)

P.S. Someone a few weeks back had tagged me asking me get my Hands on two books - and one of them was Atomic habits. 

I just want to thank him/ her.I just got that book gifted by someone, wanting to change my habits :P

If you are reading this, please comment, so that I am able to locate you somehow.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

ssver2,Itachiand5 otherslike this

"Vishwa ki pukaar hai, ye Bhaagwat ka saar hai, ki Yuddh hi toh veer ka pramaan hai" :)

Let's all focus to do our best in this battle and hope for the best result. All the hard work will pay beautifully 

chamomile,Jurgen_kloppand5 otherslike this
@KingSlayer23 I've almost given up my fear of prelims. It just feels like some end-sem exam in college. So either it will go horribly wrong or too good. Now, my feelings seem weird. Maybe will get the giddi giddi before the exam only. Or maybe I already had my fair share of giddi giddi before. 
GaryVee,chamomileand5 otherslike this
We gonna rock it 
We gonna rockkkk it tttttyeahhh :))))) 
Who gonna stop us 
Who gonna stop uss
We follow ninja 
We follow ninjaaa
We gonna get 130
We gonna get 130 
No one gonna stop us 
No one gonna stop us
yeah yeah yehhh

130? Highhh hopesss!! I am waiting for such confidence where I can hope for 130. My hopes don't even cross 100 :D

Give an insights FLT, your will remember the days when you hoped for 100! XD

P.S.- The above statement has been made in light humour and in no way encourages any person to perform such a daring task. Reader's discretion is advised. :P

I already know this, not going to attempt. I know this for vision open mocks and Abhyaas as well. 

No wonder your username is Tara. You have a bodhisattva's wisdom! :D

Archand,sstarrrand4 otherslike this
@KingSlayer23 I've almost given up my fear of prelims. It just feels like some end-sem exam in college. So either it will go horribly wrong or too good. Now, my feelings seem weird. Maybe will get the giddi giddi before the exam only. Or maybe I already had my fair share of giddi giddi before. 

My nerves are tingling throughout the day. 

When I was in my koopmanduk (not on forumias, as I have joined only few months back), I was so much satisfied with my prep. 

But on this platform, everyone is a gem. Everyone knows so much. All of us deserve to be on the list after having read and practised mocks after mocks. The competition level is just too high. *Kitkitkitkit*

chamomile,Archandand3 otherslike this
@SergioRamos bhai I don’t know the source but I have read it somewhere because it’s in my notes on Buddhism with other two terms i.e Arhat and Bodhisatva,if it’s wrong you let me know I will correct it

This is verbatim out of my History book-

The bodhisattva Tara was known in earlier centuries, but became increasingly important in the early medieval period. The Manjushrimulakalpa lists her various names—Bhrikuti, Mamaki, Lochana, Shveta, Pandaravasini, and Sutara. Later texts speak of her many forms, of which the Green and White were the most popular. These are said to have been born from the tears of Avalokiteshvara when he saw the terrible conditions in hell. Tara is considered to have a great capacity to relieve people’s suffering. The Mahapratyangira-dharani refers to her as the greatest deity. She is described as white in colour, wearing a garland of vajras around her neck, holding a vajra in her hand, and bearing the figure of Vairochana on her crown. Many Tara-stotras (Tara hymns) were composed from the 7th century CE. The 8th century Sragdhara-stotra describes her as one who gives strength to the weak and succour to those in distress, and as the saviour of all beings from sufferings of all kinds. Early medieval stotras elevate Tara to the position of a companion of Avalokiteshvara and mother of all the Buddhas, associating her with maitri (love) and karuna (compassion). In Tantric Buddhism, Tara came to be considered as the shakti (energy) of the Buddha, or as an emanation of one of the various Buddhas.One of the most frequent iconic representations of Tara in northern and eastern India depicts her in a form known as Khadiravani Tara or Shyama Tara, considered to be an emanation of the Dhyani Buddha Amoghasiddha. She is shown standing or sitting gracefully, with her right hand in the boon-granting varadamudra, and holding a lotus with a long stalk in her left hand. She has two attendants—Ashokakanta Marichi to her right and Ekajata to her left. Eight miniature goddesses or scenes are sometimes shown to the left and right. Another form of Tara is Mahachina Tara or Ugra Tara, an emanation of Akshobhya. This is her terrifying form, in which she appears four armed, standing on a corpse. She holds a sword and chopper in her right hands, and a lotus and skull cap in her left.


Wouldn't it be fun if we get one question from this excerpt that you just shared 😅

Forum peeps will have to sponsor 1 month of Biryani for me then! :D

GaryVee,Casablancaand3 otherslike this
The point no #19 about Dark Knight got me goosebumped too much. :D

I didn't have this in mind when I said I wanted to inspire people B-)

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

ssver2,sanemonkand3 otherslike this
@SergioRamos women who achieved enlightenment were called -“Theris” bhai 😂

Yaar AFAIK, Tara was a prominent female bodhisattva in early medieval eastern India.

I'll still confirm though!

Rashmirathi,nerdfighterand3 otherslike this

Arhat - Hinayana - Human only (One life)

Bodhisattva - Mahayana - Maitreya is the next one (Hum toh aate rahenge)

Just to add The current Dalai Lama is the incarnation of Avalokitshewara 

Archand,Rashmirathiand3 otherslike this

A perfectly timed write up to boost up my sluggish state.

Thanks, @Neyawn sir. :)

AJ_,AB12and2 otherslike this

@Neyawn I wonder if you could help me out here. 

For the last few days, I am going to bed whenever I am feeling dead tired. My eyes burn.. My body almost shivers because it's feeling too weak to stay awake.. I say to myself, "Ok, tonight is going to be a good night's sleep. " But as soon as I lie down on the bed, my brain almost instantly switches to its most active mode.. It's like my brain was never tired. Thousands of thoughts (many not even remotely close to UPSC) come and go.. It's like a wormhole.. And just like that I spend almost 2 hours every night like this, before finally getting some sleep.  I don't even use screen before going to bed. 

Normally, it would not worry me. But, a sleepless night and an hyper active brain is the last thing I want the night before prelims. 

Kindly help!. 

If anyone else also have their two cents to share about anything similar to this, please suggest something  anything... 

Start counting your breath with your eyes closed, you will not even know when did you sleep. Basically do a boring thing that will make you sleep.

dalpha,sjerngaland2 otherslike this
We gonna rock it 
We gonna rockkkk it tttttyeahhh :))))) 
Who gonna stop us 
Who gonna stop uss
We follow ninja 
We follow ninjaaa
We gonna get 130
We gonna get 130 
No one gonna stop us 
No one gonna stop us
yeah yeah yehhh

130? Highhh hopesss!! I am waiting for such confidence where I can hope for 130. My hopes don't even cross 100 :D

Give an insights FLT, your will remember the days when you hoped for 100! XD

P.S.- The above statement has been made in light humour and in no way encourages any person to perform such a daring task. Reader's discretion is advised. :P

I already know this, not going to attempt. I know this for vision open mocks and Abhyaas as well. 

Archand,sjerngaland2 otherslike this
MikeWozniak,chamomileand2 otherslike this
We gonna rock it 
We gonna rockkkk it tttttyeahhh :))))) 
Who gonna stop us 
Who gonna stop uss
We follow ninja 
We follow ninjaaa
We gonna get 130
We gonna get 130 
No one gonna stop us 
No one gonna stop us
yeah yeah yehhh

130? Highhh hopesss!! I am waiting for such confidence where I can hope for 130. My hopes don't even cross 100 :D

Just the game of common sense imo. This comes with hindsight bias but even if I would've materialised on 50% of those, then 120-130 easily. 

KingSlayer23,Archandand2 otherslike this

@Neyawn I wonder if you could help me out here. 

For the last few days, I am going to bed whenever I am feeling dead tired. My eyes burn.. My body almost shivers because it's feeling too weak to stay awake.. I say to myself, "Ok, tonight is going to be a good night's sleep. " But as soon as I lie down on the bed, my brain almost instantly switches to its most active mode.. It's like my brain was never tired. Thousands of thoughts (many not even remotely close to UPSC) come and go.. It's like a wormhole.. And just like that I spend almost 2 hours every night like this, before finally getting some sleep.  I don't even use screen before going to bed. 

Normally, it would not worry me. But, a sleepless night and an hyper active brain is the last thing I want the night before prelims. 

Kindly help!. 

If anyone else also have their two cents to share about anything similar to this, please suggest something  anything... 

I would suggest you to go for a walk or run in the morning. Instant sleep the moment you go to bed at night. 

MaeveWiley,sjerngaland1 otherslike this
@sjerngal Been there brother. All I can say is this...start reducing studying, revising, solving mocks etc by Thursday. Mind needs to be rested. My suggestion is not to read anything on Friday, Saturday. I know it is counter-intuitive, but see the level of paper UPSC is setting. For that, You need a fresh rested mind, not a rattofied mind.

sjerngal,Shailputriand1 otherslike this
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