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All India Simulator Test Series for Prelims 2022

Whats the cutoff for Simulator 5?

Some Qns I wanted to challenge from Simulator X.

Q 67: option 4. bacteria is used in production of bread. In solution, its given as wrong and the explanation offered is that yeast is used.

Just because yeast is used doesn't mean bacteria is not used. I'm giving proof by way of an article that bacteria is also used for making sour dough breads,sugars%20they%20need%20to%20survive.

Q 61. option 4. Impact of Less inflow of non-debt foreign capital on price levels. 
It indeed can impact price levels contrary to what the solution says. This can be explained as follows:
Less inflow of capital ->Currency depreciation(which is option 2, hence no contradiction here) ->Fuel and other imports become expensive ->inflation.
This is exactly what has happened in Sri Lanka. Their inflow of non-debt capital has shrunk and that is a major contributor in the inflation crisis

@Simplex The qn says may and you've given a possible scenario. I think its quite plausible.

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