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All India Simulator Open Test for Prelims 2021 - 26th September 2021

Dear Friends,

The detailed solutions, All India rank and performance analysis of the All India Open Test are now available. 

You can view the results on your portal by following the given steps:

  1. Go to (make sure you are logged in).
  2. From the navigation bar click on “My Courses
  3. Scroll down to Prelims Test Series, go to All India Open Test and click on “Show Tests
  4. A table will appear with all the details of Open Test, click on “Review Results

In case you have missed the test due to any reason, the test is now open to all students. You can write the test and get instant results, rank and solution.

Wishing you Success,
ForumIAS Academy

I am unable to see my rank and scorecard.Please check

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