Doubt regarding question 76 in Simulator 0. According to this source, the sun's primary radiation is infrared, and not visible spectrum. Shouldn't the answer be changed in the solutions from b to d?,unit%20time%20remains%20practically%20constant.,unit%20time%20remains%20practically%20constant.
@Najdorf found it to be a bit easier than simulator 2- more static questions, more standard source based questions
still managed to screw up the basics though
@superman159 87.33, +21 points than simulator 2
@superman159 @KingPanda Likewise, I found economics to be more difficult this time, and the simulator overall as well
@pappyyadavaarahwaley817 I gave simulator 0 offline, and my worst simulator to date, the rest have been all online. The environment in the test centre is different from that of your own room., Tracking unanswered questions in so much easier online versus filling OMRs and then panicking and finding salvageable questions. Also, as you said, ‘better prepared’ candidates might just be sitting at home rather than appearing offline, skewing the curve.
Highly advisable to take 3-4 offline tests like Abhyaas to account for these environmental biases.
@Gunjack simulator GS in hindsight was doable IF I didn’t mess economy. CSAT was easier (especially reading comprehensions), did better than ladt time
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