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All it takes is an ATTEMPT

Failure doesn't hurt as much as consistent failure does when you put all your heart, mind and soul into something. When u don't bother about yourself and push an extra mile every single day. While the world may feel it's just a part of life, they forget to realise that its everything for you. Your sacrifices are not seen, your pain is not felt, all that is said is to give another attempt. And that is true as well. 

An attempt filled with sleepless nights, painful back, swollen eyes, unattended celebrations of festivals, sacrifice of your favourite sports and a constant smile on face irrespective of emotions is all it takes to break this vicious cycle of persistent failure.

At times your mind closes all the doors to extetnal motivation and all you are left with is the WHY... 

Why did you start this journey at the first place. A resolute and undeterred WHY is all it takes to give another ATTEMPT. To break the shackles of frivolous self confidence and to glow the candelabrum of HOPE.

#Giving up is never an option

#Warrior within

#Nothing above the Nation

Haryana,AB12and5 otherslike this


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