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Analysis of CSP24 Mocks via collaboration

Since 2021, I initiated this initiative for analysis of prelims mock through collaboration. Many people were benefited from it including me. It really helped me and fellow aspirants during prelims preparation phase. So, on receiving requests for continuing that initiative this year also for prelims 2024, I am doing it for this year prelims also.

Initiative Details:- 

We all get Mocks from market ( You know what I mean) and from TG groups. In doing so, we get solutions to questions but still one very imp. thing is missing and believe me that is the MOST IMP. THING in CSE i.e. our relative performance in comparison to other Aspirants.

Seeing this as opportunity to connect, my friends and I have prepared a open sheet (excel file). It has get the list of the popular tests in it. What we do is that after attempting each test whether sectional or FT, we enter our marks againt the test number. In doing so, we are in actually better position to judge our performance. (Fun Fact - 70s will no longer dishearten as it may be the tough test and similarly 110+ will not give over confidence as it might be a really easy test). 

 As we use to perform this exercise in our close circle and will be opening for everyone, please feel free to suggest your valuable thoughts of how it can be made more useful.

Here is the link to the sheets :-

PS - The file is in restricted mode as this exercise will work only if everyone interested gives some inputs to it. Please request access to this file. Once you get access to it, please add your name and enter your marks against respective tests. Changing Test no./Name/Username and others marks is not allowed as doing so will lead to banning of your access.

If can't access file even after requesting, please msg your gmail id to (@Kaali_Coffee) on TG.

Details of Last year Prelims initiatives:-

2023 -

2022 -



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