Anybody here who's planning to start anthropology Optional or just started and watching sosin mam classes for 2020
We can make a group of 2-3 people(preferably in ORN)
please revert.
@Raillifehi I also started anthropology preparation. I need a partner to prepare notes.
@S_SAPNAwhich classes/notes you are referring ?
@zombielandwill start in december
@kiddolittle812bro I m also going to start from December confused btw psir and anthro?
@zombielandDone with paper 2?
@Jalali am done with paper 1 actually, about to start paper 2. You giving 2020? Start ASAP with anyone optional bro, it takes time to sink in.
@kiddolittle812yaa bro will start from 10th much time u took to complete paper 1 ? R u referring to any classes
@JalalNope, self yr took me 3 months, still revising
@Challenger_Deephave u seen her classes?
@RaillifeYes I have seen the videos till 70(excluding the lectures taken by the other guy). For socio-cultural part and tribal part, I did not find the coverage convincing.
@Challenger_Deepohk currently i am watching her theory classes and finding that something is missing
How do u tackle the theory means apart from sosin wt u did??
One more doubt is that how you manage to merge the notee from 2-3 sources......i make notes from the classes nothing else
Ps-i am watching the new one june 2019,in that everything mama will teach
@RaillifeShe has dealt with 'Anthro Theories' pretty comprehensively. But you can refer to additional sources like Makhan Jha, Vivek Bhasme etc. for additional points and add it to your notes.
Relying completely on her notes may not be a full proof strategy for scoring high.
One thing u can do is finish off the classes quickly. The things which u are not completely getting a hang of will become clear once u refer to books/notes like Braintree, Munirathnam etc.