ICAR released notification for recruiting Administrative officer. Anybody interested in preparing for it. Syllabus and pattern for mains is exact replica of upsc mains GS syllabus with 4 descriptive papers . Pre is on 3 October.
Isnt the pre clashing with upsc cse?
2014 Question paper
Anybody in the loop for icar ao @Dead Man @D503 @sstaarr @Shailputri @peterparker ??
Prelims is due on May 10.
That’s great, friend. Have you figured out how to proceed ?
Well.. i m not preparing specifically or anything ..i consider it part of my upsc prep
How you covering commerce and business economics?
I applied only for ao. It's syllabus is same as that of cse.
@D503 Will you be preparing exclusively for icar till icar mains? I have both Ao and Fao mains but kind of confused right now how much time to be devoted coz i had been targeting sebi and rbi and there is no overlap in the syllabus with icar.
Yes. I don't have anyother exams coming up in the near future. So my sole focus would be on synergising upsc and icar prep
@D503 Will you be preparing exclusively for icar till icar mains? I have both Ao and Fao mains but kind of confused right now how much time to be devoted coz i had been targeting sebi and rbi and there is no overlap in the syllabus with icar.
how are you covering Business And commerce ?
Any notes for Commerce optional paper 1 ?