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Best motivational/ inspirational speaker during your upsc preparation?

Hi everyone, could you please tell us your inspiration?  Anyone who has supported you directly or indirectly in your preparation. Any thoughts would help others. 

dravidpujara,ryzenausterand2 otherslike this


@Neyawn sir 

Dhertez,DMand6 otherslike this


@Neyawn sir 

Lmao. He's legit Chief Motivation Officer both for Forum & Academy. 

Dhertez,DMand1 otherslike this

Michael sugrue and his lecture on stoicism



3 Pre 2 Mains here

Btech from VIT-V with 8.4 CGPA (Had options for jobs)

In first pre (2021) i got 51 marks, was at my lowest, had studied a lot (later realized that i had studied a lot of wrong things, such as actual document of 2nd ARC and India after Gandhi by Guha for History, it is evident by now that i had not seen the PYQs) 

When my score came before 2nd pre, most of the people said that its not even worth preparing for you, given my marks, their argument was legit, as to how much can you improve and everyone said ki quit this and go for job.

However my father was very chill, said if govt has given 6 attempts,toh kuch soch ke hi di hogi na.. not all exams has as many attempts

Enter my friend and study partner S, he guided me through thick and thin and motivated me through all difficulties, ended up with 93 marks in 2nd pre, appeared for mains but couldnt clear.

Cleared 2023 waala pre, padhaai apni jagah thi, but the mental strength and father's tum apna prayaas karte raho, jo hoga dekha jaega kept me motivated. 

jack_Sparrow,DMand11 otherslike this

3 Pre 2 Mains here

Btech from VIT-V with 8.4 CGPA (Had options for jobs)

In first pre (2021) i got 51 marks, was at my lowest, had studied a lot (later realized that i had studied a lot of wrong things, such as actual document of 2nd ARC and India after Gandhi by Guha for History, it is evident by now that i had not seen the PYQs) 

When my score came before 2nd pre, most of the people said that its not even worth preparing for you, given my marks, their argument was legit, as to how much can you improve and everyone said ki quit this and go for job.

However my father was very chill, said if govt has given 6 attempts,toh kuch soch ke hi di hogi na.. not all exams has as many attempts

Enter my friend and study partner S, he guided me through thick and thin and motivated me through all difficulties, ended up with 93 marks in 2nd pre, appeared for mains but couldnt clear.

Cleared 2023 waala pre, padhaai apni jagah thi, but the mental strength and father's tum apna prayaas karte raho, jo hoga dekha jaega kept me motivated. 

All the best for the mains results!!

Neyawn,DMand3 otherslike this
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