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Breathing UPSC? Nah more like trying to live upto society's standards of a UPSC aspirant

Hello everyone

Firstly, this is not a motivational or tips or strategy kind of thing and neither is this an attempt to defame anyone involved in UPSC sector. This is more like attempting to put my thoughts in word.

  1. Recently there was a tweet from a retired Secretary to GoI that you need to breathe UPSC, drink UPSC and just think about it all the time (Not the exact words but the gist of it). To be honest this worried me because I, and hopefully you, was taught that I am to breathe air and drink water.
  2. I confess that I give up every week, if not every month, on UPSC preparation. And I think so did every other topper and so do you. As Gandhiji said no movement can continue at high pace, the motivation is difficult to sustain. But this does not mean that I am any less eligible for UPSC or life.
  3. Coming to the motivation part, I think most of us started out with the same vision of a glamorous life of a DM (aka king of the district) and after reading, studying and analysing for so long come to following conclusions: a) We want to be an activist in a civil servant's costume who will not overthrow the current order rather apply the laws more justly, ethically and morally; b) We don't want to seem like a failure in life as we often equate any failure = failure in life + unworthy of living etc; c) We also want our parents to be proud of us that we are worthy of being their children

Just a message to those who are finding it difficult today, believe me everyone finds it difficult one day or the other. Please please please do not end your life on this exam. Civil servant is not the only job and do not believe when anyone says that IAS is the only job, rest are just jobs. Yes its a very dynamic and interactive and commands respect of many but at the end of the day its just a job. It's not greater than you, me or any aspirant out there.

Dionysus,sbhatiand9 otherslike this


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