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CSE 2019 Personality Test Transcript 2

PK Joshi board

Name- **********

Place- **********

Electrical engineering

Hobbies - Lawn tennis and Cricket

Working in financial services (pvt)


Just as I entered I glanced at all members everybody had grim faces only chairman was smiling, wished and smiled at everyone



Q Where did you do your schooling? Where is it located?

Q: Why working in a financial sector job why not core?

A: (Said was not proficient plus had did projects in data analytics ML which attracted me)

Q: Transmission losses sources?

A: (Mentioned 3 forgot to mention corona losses)

Q: Solar power how is it generated the principle?

A: (Photoelectric effect explained)

Q: Limitations of solar power

A: (Told 3 - Storage, grid parity , transmission ( AC-DC).;

Chairman said what about area I said yes sir and explained how difficult it has been to implement NSM



Q: Data is new oil explain

A: Monologue followed knowledge economy how data is fuelling new age business etc.)

Q: Role of social media and how is it changing marketing

A: (Long monologue with real life examples followed -insurance credit , recommendation engines)

Q: Disruptive tech

A: (Told only one said sorry)

F1: Till now she was very serious and every answer I gave she frowned

Q: Domestic violence act and dowry act? Are these necessary because not benefitted? ? Aren’t they anti men

A: (Humbly disagreed that they have been useless said deference has been added She counter questioned so you are saying that 0 dowry cases?

Q: What will you do as DM for women empowerment?

A: Told a differentiated strategy depending on rural and urban areas

Q: which states are with low and high women literacy?

A: high said Kerala and TN while low can I take a guess?

She said why not - so I told Bihar and UP , She said very safe guess and everyone laughed

Q: How to improve women education

A: Told how we can capture low hanging fruits like infra improvements -like toilets; nudging parents towards education



Q. Was very stern and every time I told any answer to any member he would smirk as if I am telling a joke

Q: What is DPSP what is FR and difference?

Q What are grand slams? What different in surfaces

A : got carried away on this explained grand slams difference of surfaces and how ball travels he was clearly not expecting all of this

Q: Is India Non-aligned or changed

A: Said sir India is multi aligned while pursuing strategic autonomy



Was smiling throughout and went quick fire

Q: Yogi Adityanath how many times MP from Gorakhpur?

A: Dont know sir

Q: Logo of Australian open?


Q: And which is that player – don’t know sir

Q:First 200 in cricket?


And in test - told Dravid

He said no Umrigar

Q: First 300

A: Sir Sehwag in Multan against Pakistan memorable (everyone laughed)

Q: 5 classical dances and states

A: Told 3 and said don’t remember sir

Q: Why people prefer banking jobs and why engineers go to non-core isn’t it a waste’

Q: which kind of bowler you are? Told sir medium fast

Q: can you swing? - No sir but bowl good leg cutters he laughed again


CP: Thank you your interview is over



Integer,GaryVeeand1 otherslike this

Revisited the thread after 5 months. Best wishes to all appeared/ing for interview. :blush:

When is result expected
It is very difficult to survive this wait now. 
It is very difficult to survive this wait now. 

When is result expected?

@PSY No idea.. 

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