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CSAT 2020 Passages answers

I think to answer the assumptions we must think beyond the RC. 

For Eg : If passage is worried about service sector not performing well to produce jobs and translating to prosperity , the assumption is the He believes the sector has that ability to do it (though it is not mentioned in the RC).

Most of the coaching institutes are wrong in "assumption" ( shankar key has 9 wrongs in RC in 2018 and 5-6 of them are assumptions based questions only) .

Critical inference can be from what is mentioned in the RC. But assumption is most of the times contrary to what is mentioned in the passage( as in the example mentioned )  is what I feel. 

I don't know about articles and their answers but one thing is sure -- assumptions are not explicitly mentioned in the passage , if mentioned what's the point in asking for assumptions ? 




Compiled all the key at one place. Go through it.


Yes that makes sense. 

the coaching answer keys are giving me a lot of stress and it’d be shameful if get stuck because of CSAT. That’s why I’m looking for certain answers for peace of mind. 


Compiled the answers of all coaching though most of them are wrong in atleast 3-4 questions.  Check the Aurang key (highlighted in the file) and vision key. 

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