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CSE 2021: Plan / Strategy / Daily Routine

Guys where are you covering your CA from. I have some backlog so asking. I’ve tried a lot of things in last attempts. I just wanna know a source where I can get a topic done with in a holistic way. Daily news only adds up to multiple topics but doesn’t help cover anything full and final. Also there is just too much stuff in the news everyday which is irrelevant later for mains. Like every day editorials. I’m not a big fan of magazines either but if there is no option then that would be my last resort. (I’m specifically talking from mains perspective. )
@IamThat Hey thanks for the inputs. I also find drishti very good to cover issues. Didn’t know about Civilsdaily 250 burning topics for mains. Sounds like a good initiative. Will check it out. 


Thank you for your inputs. I’m looking for something similar on a weekly basis. Though I have been traditionally making notes on Evernote, I have recently switched to a notebook for 1 topic per page format. I shall check out this CD initiative as well. A lot of other insti put up weekly CA too but aren’t regular with their stuff. 

@Esperer I have finally settled with onlyias + drishti. Drishti is comprehensive and onlyias touches upon quite a few things prelim related. You can alternatively choose byjus. I used to do both at a time and for a few months only byjus. 
Additionally RSTV for most imp mains related topics of the week. This i do on weekends.
The reason I have decided to do this is to avoid reading magazine because I fall asleep on them always. It’s just not my thing. 
Moreover I make my own notes for prelims so that I don’t have to do double work with pt 365. I’ll have my own compilation. 
Similarly for mains I’ll just have to skim through the topics of mains 365.
My digital notes also provide an advantage of quick revisions and whenever and wherever I want. 
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