@AJ_ @Arrokoth My question is regarding GS2 and GS3 in particular. Here it is advised to put examples, facts, etc in our answers. I saw a few topper answer scripts and found that the answers were a mix of generic statements like "creating tax buoyancy, rationalisation of subsidies" which where not accompanied with latest facts/examples (as difficult to remember such facts for lot of things) while other points like Tax:GDP ratio mentioned along with recent data.
So I want a clarification. Say in a 10 markers - we can have 3/4 points substantiated with facts/examples/case study, 3 /4 points related to the topic and 2/3 points of generic nature. Is this what has to be targeted for a good mains answers or something else. Please clarify on this.
Also thank you to both of you for doing it. Best wishes to you.