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CSE 2021: Plan / Strategy / Daily Routine

Ques. Corona cases are again on the rise in metropolitan cities. Comment in the context of postponement of CSE Mains Examination.


After the devastating second wave of corona which has claimed more than 3 lakh lives across the country, a new variant of the virus by the name of Omicron has emerged and cases pertaining to same is on the rise with a jump of around 50% in a single day in Delhi and Mumbai

Need of Postponement of Exam

1. Being a 9 day exam, chances of getting infected for aspirants appearing at centre like Delhi is quite high 

2. Any infected aspirant can infect his/her family members thereby setting a chain reaction

3. Chances of clearing the exam will further dampen in case of getting infected as aspirants will experience acute physiological as well as Psychological fatigue

Pros of Postponement

1. Each and every aspirant will get equal opportunity to write the exam in a much more conducive environment rather than in an anxious one

2. Countless more lives can be save

3. Credibility of UPSC as a constitutional institution will get further strengthened

4. Some aspirants will get more time to make their preparation even more tight

Cons of Postponement

1. No matter how much more time is provided, aspirant will always feel that had there been 1 week more I would have surely got through

2. Logistic nightmare for UPSC as whole calendar will get disturbed

3. UPSC has already conducted 2020 prelims amidst 70000 daily cases

4. With so much of desperation and unemployment, not a single candidate will leave the exam if UPSC decides to go with it

5. With ECI hinting on going with the election, postponing an exam makes no sense at all

6. If UP can conduct Panchayat elections which was the primary reason for spike in corona numbers in the state during second wave and still get away with it then its simply a cakewalk for UPSC

Way Forward

1. Increase the number of centres

2. UPSC must do a proper vulnerability mapping and discuss with administration of severely effected cities before taking a call

However, my personal take; if the number of cases are going to go above 40k a day before the 7th then I'll not take the exam as me being a single child I cannot die because of this and leave my parents alone or worse infect them. Having lost very dear ones to corona while they were conducting panchayat elections (bought my father back from the death's den), I have minimal faith in the power hungry state therefore I'll take my own call. (THIS IS WHERE I HAVE DEVIATED FROM THE DEMAND OF THE QUESTION AND honestly, it is bound to happen to those who have lost someone to CORONA)

@dusrath123 Was just being sarcastic. Written in the spirit of mains answer writing.
And I know it won't have much effect on the calendar but this is one of the rationale being given in many quarters regarding the postponement of exams. However it seems bit of an irony to me that on one side UPSC/state expects us to be change oriented, compassionate and empathic but on the other it is itself showing the fossilised bureaucratic characteristics. Then again LIFE IS NOT FAIR.


P.S. I don't think there would be any postponement and that too at this juncture no matter how precarious the situation is so let's go for kill and in process try not to get killed (PRAGMATIC SIGMA).

@SnowLeopard Although buses and metro are going to run on full capacity but what would be the scenario on weekends? Would the buses and metro will run on weekends or not? and if not then how would we reach centres?

@AureliusM As per the announcement, metros and buses will run on 100% capacity but my doubt is whether they will ply on weekends or not?

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