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CSE 2022: Plan/ Strategy/ Daily Routine

Losing the consistency after prelims result. Going to post here from now on

Targets for 9th Nov

  1. Ethics notemaking
  2. Linear Algebra(1/3)
  3. History Questions-4
  4. Newspaper
  5. Epic September(1/8)

Losing the consistency after prelims result. Going to post here from now on

Targets for 9th Nov

  1. Ethics notemaking
  2. Linear Algebra(1/3)
  3. History Questions-4
  4. Newspaper
  5. Epic September(1/8)

  1. Unsatisfactory
  2. done
  3. done
  4. done
  5. done

Targets for 10 Nov

  1. Ethics notemaking
  2. Linear Algebra(2/3)
  3. History-4Q
  4. Newspaper
  5. Epic Sept- (2/8)

Losing the consistency after prelims result. Going to post here from now on

Targets for 9th Nov

  1. Ethics notemaking
  2. Linear Algebra(1/3)
  3. History Questions-4
  4. Newspaper
  5. Epic September(1/8)

  1. Unsatisfactory
  2. done
  3. done
  4. done
  5. done

Targets for 10 Nov

  1. Ethics notemaking
  2. Linear Algebra(2/3)
  3. History-4Q
  4. Newspaper
  5. Epic Sept- (2/8)

Could only study here and there without any focus. Hoping to bounce back tomorrow.

Same targets for Nov 11

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