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CSE 2022: Plan/ Strategy/ Daily Routine

Great perseverance man! These targets are really inspiring. 

P.S- Once you are back from the Vipassana course, do tell how it was, really want to go for it once.
Have a great time !


Hey guys! 

Would any one of you by any chance have the Pdf's of VISION prelims test series 2022 and be willing to share that. I have subscribed to Insights and I don't wish to purchase both. 

Thank you :)

Does any one of you good folks have a recipe/ "miraculous way" of dealing with a broken heart mid preparation. (In a dry state, so my favourite white rum and Limca is out of question, and away from my friends so a trip to the mountains is also not feasible :/ )   I know my query is MILES away from anything CSE, in my defence, the description says its a non- judgement place to discuss anything of soul-sucking sadness. 

@mithrandir31  thanks :)

@Jiraiya "A man becomes a man" - words to live by friend.

@ThePhenom  what a delightful story, full of hope and cheer.

Thanks guys, let's get back to the grind !!

Watched the gogoi interview on NDTV. Puked again.

Areey. You wanna feel better seeing gogoi, see Zee Media's interview, you will love him. He is so cute, intelligent and the 'educated elite'. 

And guys a recommendation from my side , there is a program by a digital media outlet called newslaundry , named "Newsance", watch it. I think you guys will love it. Its available on YouTube.

God, the way journalistic standards have fallen in our country! Reduced to become mere mouthpieces of a particular political party/ideology they adhere to. Precisely the reason I appreciate the way Srinivasan Jain conducted the interview with the ex CJI. Asking all the right questions that someone had to ask him.

Was watching some of the Newslaundry videos, thanks for the recommendation . Where was it all this while, how am I finding this so late ! They are hilarious, sarcastic while also dealing with some of the pressing issues in media and the world with responsibility which we seek from the mainstream channels. 

Believe me I am saying this thing with very zimmedari. But if we look into the history, majority part of journalism has been always like that. And the people we see as exceptions are somewhat part of it. The same has been reiterated by Mark Tully, and Josy Joseph in various forms.

I recommend you to read (if you have time) Feast of Vultures and The Silent Coup, both written by Josy Joseph, for starters.

True, like Ravish like to reminds us, there has never been a golden period of journalism. 

Haven't followed politics or mainstream journalism for a while, but couldn't stop getting sucked into this discussion.

I remember some person exhorting students to sever India's North East at an anti CAA protest meeting (don't remember his name. Sharjeel Usmani probably). Watch that video. Then, watch Ravish Kumar's NDTV news story on this incident. He smartly crops the video in the beginning, which entirely changes the essense of that statement.

Then there was Modi's reference to 'Abki baar Trump Sarkaar' at an event with Trump. Hindu, IE, NDTV carried opinion pieces on how this statment threatens bipartisan consensus in US on good relations with India. Yet, anyone who listens to Modi's statement, and is aware of Trump's use of that slogan in 2016 would understand that Modi's statement was in past tense. He wasn't endorsing Trump at all.

My point being, Ravish Kumar, NDTV, Newslaundary (AAP's pimps), etc are competent and manipulative crooks, who are adept at hiding their bias. Those at ZeeNews, IndiaTV, Dainik Jagran etc are incompetent crooks. Their bias is as visible as daylight.

With ZeeNews et al you know you are being served bullcrap. With NDTV et al, you get sucked into the bullcrap they are selling, and form opinions you wouldn't have otherwise formed, if you had access to a neutral primary source.

I agree with you. I did not say NDTV guys are some neutral or fair. I just quoted Ravish. About 3-4 years ago, I would have countered you. But we ought to recognize everyone is pushing their own agenda. Some are good at make it look natural, some aren't. 

I have been following The Print for a while now. They do have a free market bias which they clearly state, apart from that especially  in the political domain the platform appears neutral. Also, Newslaundry videos of 8-10 years ago are an absolute goldmine. Especially the interviews by Madhu Trehan and A. Sekhri. Ravish kumar's interview at newslaundry Is so prescient.


Even after promising to pay for cab and food, I could not persuade a single person to come with me to Bangalore Lit Fest. Going Alone now.

No Nation for Culture. 

Hahaha, reminded me of days when I used to convince everyone to go to Jashn-e-rektha with me every December. 



Hiii people. Good to see you guys putting up daily updates will be joining you guys for sometime now. 

As I move towards prelims dominated preparation guided by SFG I am feeling little anxious and nervous because prelims has been my great fear and as@Neyawn says if it has happened it can happen again. So beating my own fears is the objective, which also includes waking up at 6 in winters. 

09/01/2022    Day-01

1. SFG Targets

2. Newspaper

3. Ode+nm G20 targets

‘I shall sit under this tree and meditate upon my questions. And I shall not move until I have my answers. Even if my skin rots and my body decays, I shall not budge till I see the light,’ -Lord Buddha


Not able to pick things for prelims pov. Need to be more efficient and read consciously for prelims pov.

10/01/2022   Day-02

1. NP + 1Ca class

2. analysis of SFG test

3. SFG Targets

Good day everyone:)


Did not get time to update before SFG Test such was the syllabus today. Anyway done with it successfully.

11-01-2022   Day-03


2. SFG Analysis

3. SFG tests

4. MATHS g20

Have a Good day people:)


Frustrating score today. I have recognised a pattern when I revise poorly I lack confidence in attempting question hence silly mistakes and not attempting otherwise easy question. Anyone in same league?

12/01/2022   DAY-04


2. CA class revision


4. G20 targets

Keep hustling:)

Quoting you

"Frustrating score today. I have recognised a pattern when I revise poorly I lack confidence in attempting question hence silly mistakes and not attempting otherwise easy question. Anyone in same league?"

Revising poorly and not clearing prelims is what everyone - the 99% do. How soon you realise the link between revision and performance enhancement is what will help you clear the prelims.

You have to revise like a maniac unless you are born with the photogenic memory. The good news is when you start revising you mind will expand and your ability to remember stuff will exponentially increase. 

But first you have to reach that stage. This is not without a learning curve.

@Neyawn Sir, The mains syllabus( especially optional) is like an enticing cheesecake promising everything good and wonderful, finding it very difficult to completely switch to Prelims preparation with laser sharp focus. Plan on doing that from 1 Feb, come hell or high water, and give it 4 months. ( 1st attempt) I have read your posts on 5 months for prelims plan which seems very logical, however I have altered it to 4 months( with great fear, guilt and anxiety). Hope the ship sails through. 


Hey guys!

Anyone having prior experience with Prelims and test series,  what do you think is a good/ comfortable score in the vision test series 2022? 


I have always been a fan of war stories, stories of utmost grit and perseverance, of friendships, of love, life and death. Having it all and staking it on one turn of pitch and toss. Maybe it began when I read War and peace years ago and got fascinated with Bezukhov or maybe it was watching 300 as a child. The one thing common to all wars(stories) is that you enter with passion and a sense of purpose to acclaim victory and fame at all cost, but in the midst of it all, you realise that passion is over-rated and will not sail you through and that tales of immortality interest you the least and fame was never worth it anyway. We learn that to just survive we will have to push with every ounce of energy we have and keep at it again and again even though sleep and rest beckons with all its lustrous might and then hope that Lady Luck favour us brave and plummets us to the end of the tunnel.  (The tale of Mara Vijaya brings a smile). The reason I am typing all of this is because being in the state( not mental, just geographical) of Buddha away from preparation hubs and isolated in a room, this war has got to me. With my friends and batchmates partying and moving on in life, I ask myself to soldier on towards my path, my own battle.  Please know that seeing you all post targets is the Sam to my Frodo. (Reference- LOTR). It makes me feel that I am not the only one walking in these dark alleys of Mount Doom. May we be victorious soon.

"Lambi hai gham ki shaam faiz, magar shaam hi to hai."

P.S- This is more of a note to self than to others, I don't know why I am posting it, maybe the war has really got to me. Keep hustling guys.


I have always been a fan of war stories, stories of utmost grit and perseverance, of friendships, of love, life and death. Having it all and staking it on one turn of pitch and toss. Maybe it began when I read War and peace years ago and got fascinated with Bezukhov or maybe it was watching 300 as a child. The one thing common to all wars(stories) is that you enter with passion and a sense of purpose to acclaim victory and fame at all cost, but in the midst of it all, you realise that passion is over-rated and will not sail you through and that tales of immortality interest you the least and fame was never worth it anyway. We learn that to just survive we will have to push with every ounce of energy we have and keep at it again and again even though sleep and rest beckons with all its lustrous might and then hope that Lady Luck favour us brave and plummets us to the end of the tunnel.  (The tale of Mara Vijaya brings a smile). The reason I am typing all of this is because being in the state( not mental, just geographical) of Buddha away from preparation hubs and isolated in a room, this war has got to me. With my friends and batchmates partying and moving on in life, I ask myself to soldier on towards my path, my own battle.  Please know that seeing you all post targets is the Sam to my Frodo. (Reference- LOTR). It makes me feel that I am not the only one walking in these dark alleys of Mount Doom. May we be victorious soon.

"Lambi hai gham ki shaam faiz, magar shaam hi to hai."

P.S- This is more of a note to self than to others, I don't know why I am posting it, maybe the war has really got to me. Keep hustling guys.

I have been finding myself in the exact situation, several times in the last few days. A state, maybe better described by words like agony, self pity, self doubt. The story of glory, the enthusiasm with which I started the journey seems to be fading away in the face of arduousness and the pain of uncertainty. 

But I realize that there is no other option than fighting it out. I remember a small set of words from my school basketball court - "No defeat is final until you have given up". I got into this voluntarily, so it's my duty to face it whatever the result might be. 

Sometimes it sounds incoherent, sometimes just unnecessarily grand yet foolish. Given the war reference you have provided, words of Capt. Manoj Pandey (PVC) comes to my mind - "Some goals are so worthy, it's glorious even to fail". I don't know if it resonates, but I can understand where you are coming from. 

“No Sir, I will not abandon my tank. My main gun is still working. I will get these bastards” - Arun khetrapal( PVC)

Major Shaitan Singh at Rezang la( PVC)

Captain Manoj pandey (PVC)

Don't Know what these folks were made of, they inspire generations. Thanks for reminding me of this quote :)

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