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CSE 2022: Plan/ Strategy/ Daily Routine

Been a silent reader of this thread, now hoping to be an active member since studying alone at home is starting to become a little taxing.

Today's Targets-

1. Taxation-Salary

2. OT- Unit 2

3. IR-notes

4. GS1 answer writing


Been a silent reader of this thread, now hoping to be an active member since studying alone at home is starting to become a little taxing.

Today's Targets-

1. Taxation-Salary

2. OT- Unit 2

3. IR-notes

4. GS1 answer writing

It wasn't a very productive day but hoping to bounce back today. Started salary but nowhere near completing it and made GS1 notes.

Today's Targets-

1. Oct CA

2. Optional- Tax- cont.

3. OT- Unit 2


In the beginning of 2021 i found myself very anxious and very unsure of the whole exam process, but by the end of it I found myself more confident, more clear and overall in a much better position than a year ago.

I start the first day of 2022 with a lot of hope and faith. May this year brings a lot of joy to all our lives and may we all inch closer to our dreams.

On that note, today's Targets-

1. Optional- OT,FM, Tax

2. CA compilation

3. GS3 note making

4. Ethics


A 17- year old girl escapes from her home at the mid of the night in the chilling winters of January. She knows if she is caught she'd be killed right there and then by her parents, yet she takes the plunge. She calls 911 and explains to the dispatcher in her limited vocabulary how her 3 siblings are chained up on bed, how she and her 12 siblings haven't eaten anything in days, how they live on trash and human excreta while her parents go about partying. The courage of this girl that night, four years ago, saved her and her 12 siblings from their abusive parents who kept their own children in absolute captivity since the time they were born. She later narrated how she dreamt of this day for the past 2 years but finally that one step out of the home gave her conviction to actually do it.

[You can read more, if interested- The Turpin Family case]

The story of this young girl inspired me a lot and made me thank God for my privileges. It made me promise myself to work harder for my dreams. I write this here, hoping it encourages others who are demotivated. Most often than not, all it takes is that one leap of faith.

On that note, today's Targets-

1. Ethics

2. Optional- FM, OT, FA

3. GS1- Art and Culture

4. GS3- Economy

5. Nov CA


The past two days were rather slow for me, i picked up new topics which took more time to complete hence wasn't able to do optional.

Today's Targets-

1. Optional- FM, OT

2. Ethics

3. IR- notes

4. Art and Culture

5. CA

PS- One of my close friends was on a trip to UAE for New Year and unfortunately her covid test returned positive on the day she was to return. Now she is stuck in a foreign country for the time not specified and with no help whatsoever. Take care guys, winter is here and so is Omicron. Hope and pray India remains immune to the third wave.

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