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CSE 2022: Plan/ Strategy/ Daily Routine

@Dead Mandue to fanam, khilji, ashoka site ques.. ye teeno directly gvn there

@Apu_n_42it basically asking to write about how mughal empire was on a downfall, small states independent kingdoms carved out by mansabdars, nobility heavily denting the unity of empire..sectarian divisions in society visible in institutions like army, other officials recruitment etc.. after writing this can describe why it was so.. like reasons for such fragmentation..for ex. weak n incompetent later mughal rulers, policies of aurangzeb hugely impacted rajputs n other smaller groups who supported the mughal empire thus leading to breakage n weakening of empire, stagnant agriculture leading to less revenue, corrupt officials etc... rise of marathas.. then can conclude by writing how all these helped europeans to ultimately colonize the country..mention battle of plassey, nadir shah invasions etc..

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