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CSE 2022: Plan/ Strategy/ Daily Routine

Some thoughts which occured to me today : Long read, please read at your own discretion. 

1.Understanding and confronting your feelings- I was in a denial all this while . I felt that loosing prelims did not hurt me and its pretty normal. But it is not, I have been into preparation since 3rd year. A 2 year long journey where I have sacrificed many things, which I don't regret as it was my own choice. But somebody yesterday told me you must not be feeling sad unlike all of us because this is your first attempt whereas we all are in our second/third/fourth attempt. All my attempts to forget about my prelims came haunting me back. Feelings confronted me today and I couldn't control it much longer.

An unpredictable paper it was and I would not have worried much if it had gone bad , but I am standing somewhere close to 84-86, the thing that is haunting me is those 5 questions which I did wrong against the wishes of my gut feelings - water, pressure cooker, article 14, one history question and a eastern ghat river question. I am unable to come to terms that this is going to be the reason behind my failure in prelims.

Still I am trying, trying to shift my focus from this exam and the prelims failure and move on. Moving on seems hard at this point but this is the most I can do. 

So to everyone reading this, confront your feelings, don't be in a denial and accept your feelings with open arms. Let this flow, because if you allow feelings to quell up, it would block the veins in your body, your heart and brain would stop working and you will react or over-react to things. In these two days, I got irritated pretty easily, shouted , screamed and cried. The more I tried to forget the more it came back haunting me making my life more difficult. Welcoming it with open arms would have been much easier. 

2. To deviate my mind I watched Criminal Justice ( I know a little late) - One thing that struck me was UPSC chahe jitna bhi unpredictable ho, it actually offers you a lot to work. The situation in prison made me think why prisons are even created? Are they created for the purpose of punishment or for reforming the person? The prison where the guy aditya sharma was kept, was not reforming him but instead it created another monster from humans. The state of our prison is one of the worst in the world, we need urgent reform, for protecting and promoting the basic human rights of people. Unsanitary conditions, constant threat to life , politicisation of prisons and many more things. It just gave me one more reason to continue trying for this exam. Baaki as life would take, kuch nahin toh dhairya ki tarah NGO hi khol legen.  

Your words cut deep, deeper than any blade.

  1. Thomas Hobbes
  2. Judiciary (1/3)
  3. Economy (1/45)

  1. Thomas Hobbes
  2. Judiciary (1/3)
  3. Economy (1/45)

Only did the initial two. Will do economy tomorrow, perhaps. Not the productive day I expected though. 


Political non-fictions often catch my imagination. Thought of sharing this with you. Not related to the thread perhaps, but a powerful anecdote. 

Not posted the targets as I was not feeling well. Somehow gathered myself and completed John Locke. Take care guys, especially the one giving mains this year.

I'm having some zero productive days (which really get on my nerves) . So, I am going to put an ambitious target for today-
Plato, Aristotle, Machiavelli

High Court

1 CA Class


Not being able to have a productive day since god knows how long. Hence here I am. Will be posting today's To-Do list

1. PSIR 1A

2.Ethics Attitude note making

3. 1 CA lec

4. CA IR consolidation 

I hope writing here helps, otherwise fir raat ko neend nahi aa payegi xD

All the best guys, I'll keep nudging you peeps in that YPT group, hope it benefits.


Not being able to have a productive day since god knows how long. Hence here I am. Will be posting today's To-Do list

1. PSIR 1A

2.Ethics Attitude note making

3. 1 CA lec

4. CA IR consolidation 

I hope writing here helps, otherwise fir raat ko neend nahi aa payegi xD

All the best guys, I'll keep nudging you peeps in that YPT group, hope it benefits.

1. Done

2. 20% Done

3. Done

4. Done

Targets for 21/11/2021 :

1. Finish Pending Targets from yesterday

2. PSIR 1A

3. CA

Thats it. Will try to finish this stuff by evening. Thereafter will watch weekly anime and a movie, probably Jai Bhim. The reviews appear appealing to me, lets see how movie will turn out to be

Lets get going.


So manysocio peeps peeps here😮. I smell a golden opportunity. 

How about we solve the pyqs? 5 questions everyday-6 days for one paper(considering 28 questions).

Everyone can pick one year, either Paper-I or Paper II a/c their convenience. This would ensure impartiality and coherence of effort. It won't matter if you have studied the particular topic or not. You can google the answer for all that matters. The goal is to have a skeleton of points. No need for coherence in format of answers either-It can be pen-paper or one-note or power point for all I care. I can do the extra heavy-lifting to bring the coherence. 

We can also do resource-sharing, discussion or anything socio-related. This will hopefully help us a lot with mains in the coming months as we can later peer review etc 😤

We can develop more rules of the game as we go along but बस काम होना चाहिये।

Will make a telegram group for further conversation so we don't hog this space. DM for the link.

cc:@Caffeinity @Thunderstorm @ShinchanNohara @Ghostwalker @Chittirobo @Raillife original idea credits:@12432TrivendrumRajdhani 🙌🏻

Anyone else is welcome 🏃🏻

Tomorrow to discuss logistics etc and hopefully work from 24th 🦿

Waah great plan. Anyone coming up with such group for PSIR?  

I loved that line though "Abki baar 350 paar", gave me chills xD


Seeing everyone making commitments awakened the aspirant in me xD. So here I am, but, I will do it directly for a month instead. Posting daily feels a drag to me ( read it lazy ). Moreover a downward spiral is seems to be in my way to productivity :( 

Btw thank you YPT people to constantly nudge me, I really appreciate it, and its feel great to see people regularly clocking good amount of hours. I hope its helping everyone, in one way or other.

So here are my targets for Dec 2021, which I believe writing here will knock a sense of accountability in me

1.PSIR - 1A,1B, 2A

2. GS1 consolidation of notes

3. Complete plethora of CA lectures 

I know it looks less comparatively , but that's it XD. Putting ambitious targets sometimes may have negative implications on productivity xP

I sincerely hope you all will have a productive day, week and month. Meet you guys at YPT, probably nudging xD

Yours truly.

P.S.-Putting some lines here, might give a push to you :)

क्‍या हार में क्‍या जीत में
किंचित नहीं भयभीत मैं
संधर्ष पथ पर जो मिले यह भी सही वह भी सही।
वरदान माँगूँगा नहीं।।


Hey guys, I am planning to make Art and Culture notes (part1 of GS1) for mains, by referring WYSK of AWFG (that happened in July). I am looking for pooling of resources for this purpose. There are total 58 questions in WYSK. So suppose we make a 4 member team, each person will get around 14-15 questions. 

Interested people can DM me. 


Hey guys, I am planning to make Art and Culture notes (part1 of GS1) for mains, by referring WYSK of AWFG (that happened in July). I am looking for pooling of resources for this purpose. There are total 58 questions in WYSK. So suppose we make a 4 member team, each person will get around 14-15 questions. 

Interested people can DM me. 

What sources are you following? I'll DM you if your schedule and source list works for me. Btw did you find the full schedule for awfg? The one I came across for AWFG 2.0 is a protracted one (October to December).

I think I have been misunderstood. We have 58 questions that are given in WYSK, we'll share those questions among ourselves. And each one will give answers for a certain number of questions. Hence at the end we'll get answers for all 58 questions. Thus its a collective effort.

Suppose each person receivesdifferent14-15 questions, and  How much time a person needs to do 14-15 questions? Well that depends upon level of your prep. 1 day or 2-3 days at most. So far as sources are concerned, its your choice, just make sure to make crisp yet comprehensiveanswer. 

No, I don't have the schedule for awfg.


I think I've shared this stuff in the past. I was just going through this book again, and I felt like sharing this, again. xD 

Background- Chandrashekhar and others joined Congress 

This part gives me chill. Moreover that "elites among elites" and "subaltern among subaltern" compels you to think something which you already know, but don't think on those lines enough. How a person from modest of the background assumed the PMO, how few months of his prime ministership changed the course of India, and how the budget introduced by Dr. Manmohan Singh in 1991 was supposed to be introduced by Chandrashekar's Govt and YET Luteyns never did justice with this man. (and if you'll search at right place, you'll know why) 

This month until now has been heavy on me, the days seems dark, and nights darker. Probably going through this book again may help me come out of slumber.  

Please share such anecdotes or so, keep this chat lively :). Baki padhai karne ki koshish toh hoti hi rahegi :D


I think I've shared this stuff in the past. I was just going through this book again, and I felt like sharing this, again. xD 

Background- Chandrashekhar and others joined Congress 

This part gives me chill. Moreover that "elites among elites" and "subaltern among subaltern" compels you to think something which you already know, but don't think on those lines enough. How a person from modest of the background assumed the PMO, how few months of his prime ministership changed the course of India, and how the budget introduced by Dr. Manmohan Singh in 1991 was supposed to be introduced by Chandrashekar's Govt and YET Luteyns never did justice with this man. (and if you'll search at right place, you'll know why) 

This month until now has been heavy on me, the days seems dark, and nights darker. Probably going through this book again may help me come out of slumber.  

Please share such anecdotes or so, keep this chat lively :). Baki padhai karne ki koshish toh hoti hi rahegi :D

What book is this? :)

Chandra Shekhar : Last Icon of Ideological Politics.

Seeing the title of book, PSIR peeps may get intrigued and bring in End of Ideology Thesis xD. Perhaps that was the time when ideology was cherished and ideological conviction was treasured.

» show previous quotes

Chandra Shekhar : Last Icon of Ideological Politics.

Seeing the title of book, PSIR peeps may get intrigued and bring in End of Ideology Thesis xD. Perhaps that was the time when ideology was cherished and ideological conviction was treasured.

It was a wonderful excerpt, amazed by the personality he was, the way he communicated and definitely want to read more about him. 

I guess I am also in the same phase of days dark and nights darker, but I guess its getting better with time.

I guess when one keeps going, days do start becoming brighter. Each day is a new struggle, mentally and physically. Its same for all of us. 

Take your own sweet time, give your mind the rest it deserves, give it time to heal if something's bothering and then get back to work. All the best. 

About sharing stuff one thing has been bothering me since a long, want to just share - So after our ex-CJI released his book, saw his interviews. I was astonished by the way he communicated, he was aggressive and offensive, we just don't expect people from such high positions to communicate in this manner. Anyways that's not bothering. 

So I decided to read about the sexual harassment case, and not just going by whether the allegations were true or not, what bothered me was the way it was handled. The woman was denied lawyer to represent her, there were no external members, the proceedings taken forward without the participation of the victim and of course the verdict was given. There was just one member who objected to women not being the part and that was Justice D.Y Chandrachud ( he gives me hope, some of his recent judgements are my favourite, I remember smiling once while reading his judgement, as he just gave me hope, that things could be better, can't remember the case though) 

The below article mentions that, after refusing advances of the Gogoi, the woman did not ring the bells immediately and at the right time, she did it after her husband and brothers-in-law were were removed from their job. Why were all of that happening at the same time? She removed from her job, then her husband and their her brothers-in-law. What struck to me was that A man's ego was so hurt with that refusal of advances that he had just tried to destroy the life of the powerless woman? If male ego is such deep rooted and seen even in men of that stature and position, being highly educated, then what can we expect from the normal people?

The issues is in conditioning of child, parents refuse things children ask more so if they are men, they think its their right to ask things and get things. When they get a NO, they are not used to it, and then we see what we see all day. 

Yeah, too much of ranting, but it was there. I hope we make this place a safe space for women soon!

Read this for a better understanding of what I wanted to say. 

Aahh, DY Chandrachud gives me hope. He and his father, both gave interesting judgements at interesting times. Remember Minerva Mills case from Laxmikant? At that time Y.V. Chandrachud was the CJI. I believe it was the most imp case after Kesavananda Bharati. Minerva Mills ensured that India remains a democracy.

So far as, Gogoi's interview is concerned. I believe you are talking about the NDTV's one, not the ZEEnews one , because they were diametrically opposite. I sense his Offensive egoistic stance at the interview was essentially manifestation of his insecurity.

And Personal is Political, has to be political. Without bringing in these issues in public discourse, there'll be no prospects of end to gender specific barbarism.


I think I've shared this stuff in the past. I was just going through this book again, and I felt like sharing this, again. xD 

Background- Chandrashekhar and others joined Congress 

This part gives me chill. Moreover that "elites among elites" and "subaltern among subaltern" compels you to think something which you already know, but don't think on those lines enough. How a person from modest of the background assumed the PMO, how few months of his prime ministership changed the course of India, and how the budget introduced by Dr. Manmohan Singh in 1991 was supposed to be introduced by Chandrashekar's Govt and YET Luteyns never did justice with this man. (and if you'll search at right place, you'll know why) 

This month until now has been heavy on me, the days seems dark, and nights darker. Probably going through this book again may help me come out of slumber.  

Please share such anecdotes or so, keep this chat lively :). Baki padhai karne ki koshish toh hoti hi rahegi :D

What book is this? :)

Chandra Shekhar : Last Icon of Ideological Politics.

Seeing the title of book, PSIR peeps may get intrigued and bring in End of Ideology Thesis xD. Perhaps that was the time when ideology was cherished and ideological conviction was treasured.

Good to know I’m not the only one who reads books on politics :P

If you’re reading for pleasure, do check Jugalbandi out if you find the time! 

Not a PSIR person but ideology has clearly become less relevant today then ever before. Perhaps some sociology folks can tell us why’s that! Happy reading :) 

Arey wah. Have read this. It gives a great insight into a not so coherent relationship between Sangh and Vajpayee. Nevertheless want to get my hands on a book by same author. This book is about former PM Narsimha Rao, "The Half Lion". He assumed the mantle at the time of uncertainty in every domain of life, yet completed a full term, thanks to the well nourished "multi-linguistic" political acumen. 

It's good to see people reading about politics. Perhaps hume budhapa aaraha hai? XD. They say upsc acts as age catalyst xD


Hey :)

YPT is a mutually-beneficial application. Kindly clock in the hours, it surely enhances the efficiency. Currently the group is full. If someone in the YPT group finds that group is not coherent with them, please feel free to vacate it. People are messaging to join, so kindly make way if you are not going to register the hours.

Members have time and again raised the issue to remove the people who are not contributing.

I hope you'll understand. We grow together as they say aggregation is the law of nature :)


Mann was a civil servant turned politician, who raised the demand forkhalistan

Mukharji was IPS, in SPG , responsible for protection of PM

Context - Chandra Shekhar and Mann were talking about some truce,alone . ( There was increasing cross border militancy). SPG was outside the office.

*background music plays* XD


Mann was a civil servant turned politician, who raised the demand forkhalistan

Mukharji was IPS, in SPG , responsible for protection of PM

Context - Chandra Shekhar and Mann were talking about some truce,alone . ( There was increasing cross border militancy). SPG was outside the office.

*background music plays* XD

This is the book by Harivansh right? I too have read this one 

Nicee. Welcome to the Young Turk's Club :)

Does any one of you good folks have a recipe/ "miraculous way" of dealing with a broken heart mid preparation. (In a dry state, so my favourite white rum and Limca is out of question, and away from my friends so a trip to the mountains is also not feasible :/ )   I know my query is MILES away from anything CSE, in my defence, the description says its a non- judgement place to discuss anything of soul-sucking sadness. 

Love is a bliss yet a tricky thing. It comes so easy and when it goes you'll hit rock bottom in shortness of breath.

There's no universal trick to overcome a heart break as such, yes not even the time.

But by acknowledging and accepting reality, helps you to make it a sustainable event. Dont do this drinking shit, it doesnt help, rather aggravates the situation.

Venting out your feeling to some close one (WITHOUT seeking for sympathy) , also helps. 

As simple as it sounds, I know its not. But knowing when to leave is important , the party, the job , the relationship.

Once Shanks ( from One Piece) said - "By Experiencing Both, Victory And Defeat, Running Away And Shedding Tears, A Man Will Become A Man. It's Okay To Cry, But You Have To Move On."

Watched the gogoi interview on NDTV. Puked again.

Areey. You wanna feel better seeing gogoi, see Zee Media's interview, you will love him. He is so cute, intelligent and the 'educated elite'. 

And guys a recommendation from my side , there is a program by a digital media outlet called newslaundry , named "Newsance", watch it. I think you guys will love it. Its available on YouTube.

God, the way journalistic standards have fallen in our country! Reduced to become mere mouthpieces of a particular political party/ideology they adhere to. Precisely the reason I appreciate the way Srinivasan Jain conducted the interview with the ex CJI. Asking all the right questions that someone had to ask him.

Was watching some of the Newslaundry videos, thanks for the recommendation . Where was it all this while, how am I finding this so late ! They are hilarious, sarcastic while also dealing with some of the pressing issues in media and the world with responsibility which we seek from the mainstream channels. 

Believe me I am saying this thing with very zimmedari. But if we look into the history, majority part of journalism has been always like that. And the people we see as exceptions are somewhat part of it. The same has been reiterated by Mark Tully, and Josy Joseph in various forms.

I recommend you to read (if you have time) Feast of Vultures and The Silent Coup, both written by Josy Joseph, for starters.

toh kaisi chal rahi hai prep 2022 ki?



Hi, guys

How are you all managing mains and prelims prep from now on? Considering prelims is just 5 months away and failing at 1st pre in 2021, I am having a lot of anxiety attacks. Cannot focus on studies. Guidance to cope up with the same ? 

Sleepless nights? Lack of concentration? Perhaps short deep work too? Feeling ki kuch cover hi nahi ho paa raha?

Believe me, most of peeps are feeling the same. And to be honest, I dont know how to cope up with the same. I'll tell you what I am doing. I am just trying to do study regardless of how I am feeling. The only thing we are allowed to do isbelievethat we dont regret the choice we made.

Its really frustrating, depressing yet infuriating at the same time.

अपने आप से भी पीछे खड़ा हूँ मैं 

ज़िंदगी कितना धीरे चला हूँ मैं "




Everyone's using Trimax, pilot and rorito for mains answer writing, while I am just very much comfortable in Rs 3 use and throw pen :/ 

What's up with this trimax/pilot thing people? Am I missing on something?

I have been a great fan of goldex delta(use and throw type pen). Lately however I started using V7 initially it was tough fixing grip and finding speed but slowly my hand got used to it.

The thing is V7 has dark impression and curves of letter are clear also there is consistency in flow throughout the paper.

Use and throw type pen vary in shade. Starts lighter grows darker then again light.

In the conclusion, content is the king types of pen hardly matters.

They say content is king, Revision is queen, and Pens are soldiers. Better the rulers, better the soldier performs.

(However V5 best hai xD, koi acha suggestion ho toh bata sakte ho :p)

Ah, It's old, but will make you laugh for sure  :'D

I had to drive two hours everyday.. In a 4 wheeler. Wanted to utilise this time to listen to something productive, was thinking about air spotlight analysis.. any suggestions other than that? Looking for something relevant to UPSC only

After reading this, I cursed myself for wasting time.  :/

People are even trying to utilise their commutation wala time. 

Different startings, different process, same destination. All the best mate.

I must frankly confess that this year was not on expected line, for me, and probably for most of us. 
Witnessed some ups and downs. To the people who reached out to me, remember I have your backs. :)
I'll try to post targets here more frequently, if not daily.

It was disheartening to see members at ypt functioning something most inadequately and without any faith in the cause for which it was made.
We have to function as a disciplined army now with definite objectives and with continuous work to attain them.
We can no longer carry on in a loose and inchoate way accepting anybody and everybody.  
Moreover, on this eve of New Year, we have organised an open party, and you my peeps, are invited to join it. You may come with your partner, I am coming with my partner PSIR :).
Starters include internal security, CA, agriculture, and desserts are as usual answer writing :)

Have a great year ahead. (and work for it!)

Hi comrades 

Have not been active on this thread ,but have seen you guys posting and working hard 

Keep moving and Keep pushing each other -as said “ Ek akela thak jaayega mil kr haath bdhana” 

A very very Happy New year to you all, Hope you all achieve your dreams 

And always remember -

      तेजस्वी सम्मान खोजते नहीं गोत्र बतला के,

       पाते हैं जग में प्रशस्ति अपना करतब दिखला के।

       हीन मूल की ओर देख जग गलत कहे या ठीक,

       वीर खींच कर ही रहते हैं इतिहासों में लीक।

'मगर, है ठीक, किस्मत ही फंसे जब,

धरा ही कर्ण का स्यन्दन ग्रसे जब,

सिवा राधेय के पौरुष प्रबल से,

निकाले कौन उसको बाहुबल से ?'

Comrade, need to get chariot's wheel out, i.e. need you to get out of this exam cycle. Go Angraj, have to see your name on this list this year for sure :D

How difficult was today's essay paper? Which two questions you would have attempted and how?

People already in the services seeing today's paper be like, acha hua phele hi nikal lia upsc , ye toh na ho pata. 

As Naadan Parinda, I too want to get some insights, how would you have addressed these topics.


From tomorrow onward bloody campaign begins. Tocqueville said "When the past no longer illuminates the future, the spirit walks in darkness", learning from Tocqueville, let's try not to repeat mistakes of past, let's not give up in between the process.

Targets for 9/01/2022

  1. Targets SFG-1
  2. Declutter the table :/
  3. Optional stuff

From tomorrow onward bloody campaign begins. Tocqueville said "When the past no longer illuminates the future, the spirit walks in darkness", learning from Tocqueville, let's try not to repeat mistakes of past, let's not give up in between the process.

Targets for 9/01/2022

  1. Targets SFG-1
  2. Declutter the table :/
  3. Optional stuff

I am glad you are doing it better today

Hey, seeing you all on ypt kinda pushes me.

You are doing amazing, consistently. :)


From tomorrow onward bloody campaign begins. Tocqueville said "When the past no longer illuminates the future, the spirit walks in darkness", learning from Tocqueville, let's try not to repeat mistakes of past, let's not give up in between the process.

Targets for 9/01/2022

  1. Targets SFG-1
  2. Declutter the table :/
  3. Optional stuff

Need to shed my "prep for mains syndrome".

  1. 80% done
  2. Done
  3. Not even touched

Targets for 10/01/2022

  1. Targets SFG-2
  2. Optional stuff

What's with this over-ambitious SFG-2 Targets? 😬



Now that my idols@Steph_Curry and@LetsGetThisBread have started posting on this thread, it's time I follow in their steps too. So I will be posting my targets on this thread to give some direction to the otherwise unproductive bouts of random study sessions I am doing currently.

Here are my targets for 2/2/2022:

1) Newspaper ( IE+ ORF, IDSA articles )

2) Geography(finish climatology)

3) International relations( Book reviews)

4) Interview prep video ( if time permits) 

Thank you! Good Night people!

Which interview prep videos

Bro many institutes are coming up with free interview prep modules, take up anyone. This is Sh*nk*r's 

Now that you have not promoted any coaching, you'll get 50% off in forum's Interview guidance program.


Target 7/2/22

* pde - higher order

* linear algebra  notes revis

* Nov current  - 10 topics

* the Hindu

Your username reminds me of a professor whom we sometimes quote in our PSIR answers :P

@aa12 no prob bro :)

@aa12  it's 101st time someone assumed you to be bro xD

Btw, 101st CAA 2019 is related to GST. Isi bahane revision bhi ho jaye :p

Guys, did you mark Biorock technology, Miyawaki method, Gucchi, Nitrogen Fixing Plants, Climate Action Tracker, EP100 questions? If yes, had you read them somewhere? These sort of questions are now regular, yet not found in Newspapers, conventional Current sources.

  • Biorock - CA
  • Miyawaki - CA (very dominant CA, I must say)
  • Gucchi - I played this ques on my hunch. Got it wrong. (This was in last year's CA, it already went into my oblivion)
  • Nitrogen fixing - you can eliminate it upto 2 options, using chickpea. However after eliminating, its all upto luck. I thought Spinach should be in the answer (linked it with a cartoon popeye-spinach-protein-muscle) But got it wrong. :/
  • Climate Action Tracker - Tough.
  • EP100 -  I only knew that Under2Coalition is the sub-state affair (PYQ). So it's secretariat would not have been an international organization. Eliminate that statement, you'll get an answer.

    Calling biorock, miyawaki, nitrogen fixing, gucchi as not found in conventional CA sources, you must be new in this prep?
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