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CSE 2022: Plan/ Strategy/ Daily Routine


@Patootie "At this point, for me, it is not even about the job for me. I want to clear the exam. It is as simple as that. It is an intensely personal struggle and it has been for at least the past 2 years. Good thing is, I finally feel that I can truly give my best again towards that goal."

I relate to that so much. Was expecting interview call at least, ended up getting the least marks so far. Confidence totally shattered. Started looking at other jobs and other exams. But eventually I realized if I run away now, I will regret it for the rest of my life. It may not be rational, and I don't know if it is right sort of motivation for becoming a good officer, but now I want to do it because I feel that I can't. When Livepool beat Barcelona 4-0 (after being defeated by 3-0 at Barcelona), Jurgen Klopp told the players before the match to either "win or fail in the most beautiful way". Now, I want to either clear the exam or at least come close. Won't run away before that.

As much as I despise Liverpool, I hope I can turn my life around like Liverpool did on that magical Anfield night. Let's keep hustling, because it's the only option we have! 


Checking in after a looong time, glad to see people working hard. Being greeted by @Rashmirathi's beautiful lines is always a treat. Change of year always calls for an introspection.

My only resolution this year is to do justice to myself. This will be my 3rd and probably last attempt for a while. Hope to atleast experience mains and interview this time.

Have found over the last 2-3 months that daily targets are not my thing and I do better with weekly/monthly targets. Will post monthly targets for now and come back in Feb to see how I did.

Targets for January - 

  1. Modern History complete revision + sectional mocks + PYQs (10 days) 
  2. Polity complete revision + sectional mocks + PYQs (15 days) 
  3. Governance, Social Issues, Society (5 days) 
  4. Jan - June 2021 CA (daily) 
  5. Newspaper (without fail) 

Keep grindin' folks, it's the only way! 


Hey everyone, just wanted to know if everyone has switched to prelims mode or still pushing on with mains topics for now. I came across @Neyawn Sir's post a while back about devoting at least 4-5 months specifically for prelims especially for those who haven't yet cleared prelims yet. Was wondering what everyone's views are, especially those who have cleared prelims in the past. How much time did you devote specifically for prelims? 

@dwightschrute Hi.. I cleared prelims in 2018 and 2020 and failed in 2019. The reason I did not qualify in 2019 was because I failed to give prelims the respect it deserves. Prepared maybe for 2 months or so for prelims in 2019 and in that too did some mains reading.

In 2020 I corrected this approach and prepared for prelims for good 3 months.. while in the first month I did some mains portion for 2-3 hours everyday, the last 2 months were exclusively for prelims. Also because the exam was delayed in 2020, March and April was also devoted to prelims and hence I didn't feel the need to study for prelims exclusively for 3 months or more.. but for anyone who is writing prelims the first time or hasn't cleared pre in previous attempt, 5 months before exam one should start preparing for prelims with 3-3.5 months exclusively for prelims. 

Thanks mate! 

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