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CSE 2022: Plan/ Strategy/ Daily Routine

P.S. Obligatory New Beginnings Pep Talk



















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Hello all..I know this thread is just for sharing some "educational stuff"...But somehow I felt I really need to share this with you guys..!! ( Some of you may find it relatable)

You know what people.. have told you all back on track ..will be regular ye wo everything..But I am not able to do jitna Krna chahiye mujhe iss time.. My life is a complete mess right now..

I have no control on my emotions..Anger.. happiness..upset.. (everything is just mixed..)

Frustration is at its peak..Have planned a lot but what am I doing?? My day starts at 9 but when I ask myself daily at 11 ki aaj kiya kya tumne to bas newspaper aur thodi bahot aur padhai..

Feels like I am lost somewhere..Fact is " kuch bolne ka bhi mann nahi" likhne se pehle bhi I thought a lot but lga ki aap sab se kaisi sharam..:) 

Why have I lost all the positivity??why am I not calm? Why am I not able to focus even if the book is right infront of me..!! 

( Well this is one of the reason of not being on YPT cz I am not in my senses I guess) 

I just want stability right now but nothing is going good.. bad times or what GOD KNOWS..

BUT I have written what all is going on.. can't say I want help cz it's all in my mind..I guess need to help myself..!! 

Itna hi kehna tha bas..:) 

       - STILL LOST...:) 

This thread isn't just for educational purposes. It's for us (soviet anthem intensifies).

Firstly, It is not like you are going to be super productive every day. The point is to come back, keep the momentum and try to clock respectable amount of hours that actually adds marks to your final total. But the low is envitable. Keep a lower target for tommorow but achieve that. That itself will give you some confidence & start what one productivity writer called a "success spiral". 

About the the lack of calm and all. For me, I feel all this when I let too much of the world encroach upon my preparation. For me, in such times what works is this: go complete offline for some half a day and get some work done. I have felt so calm after this. Also, all notifications to be kept off, if you are getting distracted use blockers, block people who add nothing but negativity to your life or at least delete them from the contact list. 

Also, I wanted to say this in the morning itself, but I love the energy in your everyday posts. I know what it is, maybe it is the Caps lock that you so aggressively use but the energy is quite infectious. 


Targets for 1st December 2021:

  • Satish Chandra: Delhi Sultanate, Vijayanagar, Bahmani Kingdom & Bhakti Movement (Study, Notes & Ankify)
  • PSIR: Justice (Complete Notes Consolidation, Ankify)
  • Write 5 Answers on the above
  • IR Current Readings (2 hours): New Cold War & related stuff
  • Anki Review 1 Hour
  • Newspaper
  • Declutter Room, Desktop and Mind. 
  • Sleep before 12.


Targets for 2nd December 2021:

  • Medieval India, ideally all of it, butat least 70% of it
  • All Art & Culture Handouts overlapping with Medieval (Ideally all of it, but at least 70% of it)
  • Write 10 answers on the above
  • Anki Review 1 hour


This is going to be a long long day but I really need get things done. All the best, everyone.



How are you guys going about essay preparation? Is it better to start preparing it right now or is it better to build content in GS first and then practice essays? What do you guys think?

I may not be the best guy to answer this as I have never written a mains. But I have written over 20 essays and saw myself improving thoda sa everytime. 

I think when you are writing essays you are essentially practising effective expression of your thoughts. For that, whatever content you have should suffice. I think more unwritable topics, more absolutely "mere paas iske liye koi content nahi hai" topics" you practise writing, the better. With more content, the essays will improve. But at least, you have a head start at putting your thoughts in order and expressing. Even diary entry should help. Even writing 500 words every once in a while on a topic in news you feel passionately about should help. Even writing about how a song makes you feel should help.

Content is a different thing. 

It's like those junkyard wars that we used to watch on net geo bachpan me. We all are adults & have a lot of content. Use that junk to make something. That process of making something out of junk itself is the best practise in creating products. And when those junkyard warriors are given state of art equipments and best materials, they will do magic. And so will you if you are good with expression and your content improves till we write mains.

Is it just me or has the music thread somehow disappeared?
@nerdfighter Bro it is disappeared..
I just checked..but found it nowhere..!

Sad day for the nation. :(

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It was a wonderful excerpt, amazed by the personality he was, the way he communicated and definitely want to read more about him. 

I guess I am also in the same phase of days dark and nights darker, but I guess its getting better with time.

I guess when one keeps going, days do start becoming brighter. Each day is a new struggle, mentally and physically. Its same for all of us. 

Take your own sweet time, give your mind the rest it deserves, give it time to heal if something's bothering and then get back to work. All the best. 

About sharing stuff one thing has been bothering me since a long, want to just share - So after our ex-CJI released his book, saw his interviews. I was astonished by the way he communicated, he was aggressive and offensive, we just don't expect people from such high positions to communicate in this manner. Anyways that's not bothering. 

So I decided to read about the sexual harassment case, and not just going by whether the allegations were true or not, what bothered me was the way it was handled. The woman was denied lawyer to represent her, there were no external members, the proceedings taken forward without the participation of the victim and of course the verdict was given. There was just one member who objected to women not being the part and that was Justice D.Y Chandrachud ( he gives me hope, some of his recent judgements are my favourite, I remember smiling once while reading his judgement, as he just gave me hope, that things could be better, can't remember the case though) 

The below article mentions that, after refusing advances of the Gogoi, the woman did not ring the bells immediately and at the right time, she did it after her husband and brothers-in-law were were removed from their job. Why were all of that happening at the same time? She removed from her job, then her husband and their her brothers-in-law. What struck to me was that A man's ego was so hurt with that refusal of advances that he had just tried to destroy the life of the powerless woman? If male ego is such deep rooted and seen even in men of that stature and position, being highly educated, then what can we expect from the normal people?

The issues is in conditioning of child, parents refuse things children ask more so if they are men, they think its their right to ask things and get things. When they get a NO, they are not used to it, and then we see what we see all day. 

Yeah, too much of ranting, but it was there. I hope we make this place a safe space for women soon!

Read this for a better understanding of what I wanted to say. 

This discussion compelled me to come back to forum :)

Totally agree with what you have written about Justice Gogoi. The NDTV interview was such an eye opener although it was out there in the open since long time, to see him give voice to it and confirm everything that was said, is shocking.  I think it is fitting that privilege motion has been moved against him in the RS. 

Nemo judex in causa sua -No one should be a judge in their own case is one of the basic principles.  Convened a special bench and headed it himself ?How intimidated the woman must have been in those proceedings ? Why does the procedure allow for this to happen even ? No, we are not going into the merits of the case here. The procedure was definitely problematic. Can nothing be questioned because it might undermine the independence of judiciary ?

Join you all in looking at Justice Chandrachud with hope. Whenever I am bored of studying from the book, I listen to his speeches. They are well articulated and sensitive towards the marginalised sections.

An excerpt from one of his speeches - 

"The film(The Great Indian Kitchen) charted out the compounding indignities that the bride faced in unpaid and thankless labour that was exerted in domestic chores and cooking. The denial of her ambitions to work a job of her choice, and finally, the harsh isolation and associated untouchability when menstruating. The movie poignantly engaged with the news of the Supreme Court judgment and juxtaposed it with the livid reality of this woman who was not asserting. She was not asserting the right to go on the pilgrimage but was fighting a much deeper battle as her existence was diminished by her gender. This is a stark reminder for how mere legislative or judicial intervention does not automatically upend the inequities that are entrenched in our society."

I would recommend this Malayalam film if you haven't watched it yet. It was so close to reality that I had tears in my eyes in many instances. 


I think of Gogoi and it makes me want to puke. Disgusting. I know the power of words like 'disgusting' and how as aspiring civil servants, we should not be this strong in our opinions. But I reserve the word for this one case. And then he goes on to justify all he did in the name of some higher purpose. Gautam Bhatia has several posts on Gogoi's tenure. Giving a link to one post.

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It was a wonderful excerpt, amazed by the personality he was, the way he communicated and definitely want to read more about him. 

I guess I am also in the same phase of days dark and nights darker, but I guess its getting better with time.

I guess when one keeps going, days do start becoming brighter. Each day is a new struggle, mentally and physically. Its same for all of us. 

Take your own sweet time, give your mind the rest it deserves, give it time to heal if something's bothering and then get back to work. All the best. 

About sharing stuff one thing has been bothering me since a long, want to just share - So after our ex-CJI released his book, saw his interviews. I was astonished by the way he communicated, he was aggressive and offensive, we just don't expect people from such high positions to communicate in this manner. Anyways that's not bothering. 

So I decided to read about the sexual harassment case, and not just going by whether the allegations were true or not, what bothered me was the way it was handled. The woman was denied lawyer to represent her, there were no external members, the proceedings taken forward without the participation of the victim and of course the verdict was given. There was just one member who objected to women not being the part and that was Justice D.Y Chandrachud ( he gives me hope, some of his recent judgements are my favourite, I remember smiling once while reading his judgement, as he just gave me hope, that things could be better, can't remember the case though) 

The below article mentions that, after refusing advances of the Gogoi, the woman did not ring the bells immediately and at the right time, she did it after her husband and brothers-in-law were were removed from their job. Why were all of that happening at the same time? She removed from her job, then her husband and their her brothers-in-law. What struck to me was that A man's ego was so hurt with that refusal of advances that he had just tried to destroy the life of the powerless woman? If male ego is such deep rooted and seen even in men of that stature and position, being highly educated, then what can we expect from the normal people?

The issues is in conditioning of child, parents refuse things children ask more so if they are men, they think its their right to ask things and get things. When they get a NO, they are not used to it, and then we see what we see all day. 

Yeah, too much of ranting, but it was there. I hope we make this place a safe space for women soon!

Read this for a better understanding of what I wanted to say. 

This discussion compelled me to come back to forum :)

Totally agree with what you have written about Justice Gogoi. The NDTV interview was such an eye opener although it was out there in the open since long time, to see him give voice to it and confirm everything that was said, is shocking.  I think it is fitting that privilege motion has been moved against him in the RS. 

Nemo judex in causa sua -No one should be a judge in their own case is one of the basic principles.  Convened a special bench and headed it himself ?How intimidated the woman must have been in those proceedings ? Why does the procedure allow for this to happen even ? No, we are not going into the merits of the case here. The procedure was definitely problematic. Can nothing be questioned because it might undermine the independence of judiciary ?

Join you all in looking at Justice Chandrachud with hope. Whenever I am bored of studying from the book, I listen to his speeches. They are well articulated and sensitive towards the marginalised sections.

An excerpt from one of his speeches - 

"The film(The Great Indian Kitchen) charted out the compounding indignities that the bride faced in unpaid and thankless labour that was exerted in domestic chores and cooking. The denial of her ambitions to work a job of her choice, and finally, the harsh isolation and associated untouchability when menstruating. The movie poignantly engaged with the news of the Supreme Court judgment and juxtaposed it with the livid reality of this woman who was not asserting. She was not asserting the right to go on the pilgrimage but was fighting a much deeper battle as her existence was diminished by her gender. This is a stark reminder for how mere legislative or judicial intervention does not automatically upend the inequities that are entrenched in our society."

I would recommend this Malayalam film if you haven't watched it yet. It was so close to reality that I had tears in my eyes in many instances. 


Justice Chandrachud in an absolute nerd-crush of mine. This is one Justice Chandrachud quote that I had kept in my notes for the clarity and freshness in his writing. This is from BK Pavithra-II case. A breath of fresh air on the discourse of Merit and Efficiency.

“Article 335 cannot be construed on the basis of a stereotypical assumption that roster point promotees drawn from the SCs and STs are not efficient or that efficiency is reduced by appointing them.  This is stereotypical because it masks deep rooted social prejudice.  The benchmark for the efficiency of administration is not some disembodied, abstract ideal measured by the performance of a qualified open category candidate.   Efficiency of administration in the affairs of the Union or of a State must be defined in an inclusive sense, where diverse segments of society find representation as a true aspiration of governance by and for the people.

Our benchmarks will define our outcomes.  If this benchmark of efficiency is grounded in exclusion, it will produce a pattern of governance which is skewed against the marginalised.  If this benchmark of efficiency is grounded in equal access, our outcomes will reflect the commitment of the Constitution to produce a just social order.

Hence, while interpreting Article 335, it is necessary to liberate the concept of efficiency from a one sided approach which ignores the need for and the positive effects of the inclusion of diverse segments of society on the efficiency of administration of the Union or of a State.   Establishing the position of the SCs and STs as worthy participants in affairs of governance is intrinsic to an equal citizenship.   Equal citizenship recognises governance which is inclusive but also ensures that those segments of our society which have suffered a history of prejudice, discrimination and oppression have a real voice in governance.   Since inclusion is inseparable from a well governed society, there is , in our view, no antithesis between maintaining the  efficiency of administration and considering the claims of the SCs and STs to appointments to services and posts in connection with the affairs of the Union or of a State.”

“Administrative efficiency is an outcome of the actions taken by officials after they have been appointed or promoted and is not tied to the selection method itself. The argument that one selection method produces officials capable of taking better actions than a second method must be empirically proven based on an evaluation of the outcomes produced by officials selected through both methods.

Arguments that attack reservations on the grounds of efficiency equate merit with candidates who perform better than other candidates on seemingly “neutral” criteria, e.g. standardised examinations. Thus, candidates who score beyond a particular “cut-off point” are considered “meritorious” and others are “non-meritorious”. This is a distorted understanding of the function “merit” plays in society.

A “meritorious” candidate is not merely one who is “talented” or “successful” but also one whose appointment fulfils the constitutional goals of uplifting the members of the SCs and STs and ensuring a diverse and representative administration.”

Watched the gogoi interview on NDTV. Puked again.
"Of course, my conscience is clear." 
Watched the gogoi interview on NDTV. Puked again.

Areey. You wanna feel better seeing gogoi, see Zee Media's interview, you will love him. He is so cute, intelligent and the 'educated elite'. 

And guys a recommendation from my side , there is a program by a digital media outlet called newslaundry , named "Newsance", watch it. I think you guys will love it. Its available on YouTube.

God, the way journalistic standards have fallen in our country! Reduced to become mere mouthpieces of a particular political party/ideology they adhere to. Precisely the reason I appreciate the way Srinivasan Jain conducted the interview with the ex CJI. Asking all the right questions that someone had to ask him.

Was watching some of the Newslaundry videos, thanks for the recommendation . Where was it all this while, how am I finding this so late ! They are hilarious, sarcastic while also dealing with some of the pressing issues in media and the world with responsibility which we seek from the mainstream channels. 

Believe me I am saying this thing with very zimmedari. But if we look into the history, majority part of journalism has been always like that. And the people we see as exceptions are somewhat part of it. The same has been reiterated by Mark Tully, and Josy Joseph in various forms.

I recommend you to read (if you have time) Feast of Vultures and The Silent Coup, both written by Josy Joseph, for starters.

True, like Ravish like to reminds us, there has never been a golden period of journalism. 

Watched the gogoi interview on NDTV. Puked again.

Areey. You wanna feel better seeing gogoi, see Zee Media's interview, you will love him. He is so cute, intelligent and the 'educated elite'. 

And guys a recommendation from my side , there is a program by a digital media outlet called newslaundry , named "Newsance", watch it. I think you guys will love it. Its available on YouTube.

God, the way journalistic standards have fallen in our country! Reduced to become mere mouthpieces of a particular political party/ideology they adhere to. Precisely the reason I appreciate the way Srinivasan Jain conducted the interview with the ex CJI. Asking all the right questions that someone had to ask him.

Was watching some of the Newslaundry videos, thanks for the recommendation . Where was it all this while, how am I finding this so late ! They are hilarious, sarcastic while also dealing with some of the pressing issues in media and the world with responsibility which we seek from the mainstream channels. 

Believe me I am saying this thing with very zimmedari. But if we look into the history, majority part of journalism has been always like that. And the people we see as exceptions are somewhat part of it. The same has been reiterated by Mark Tully, and Josy Joseph in various forms.

I recommend you to read (if you have time) Feast of Vultures and The Silent Coup, both written by Josy Joseph, for starters.

True, like Ravish like to reminds us, there has never been a golden period of journalism. 

Haven't followed politics or mainstream journalism for a while, but couldn't stop getting sucked into this discussion.

I remember some person exhorting students to sever India's North East at an anti CAA protest meeting (don't remember his name. Sharjeel Usmani probably). Watch that video. Then, watch Ravish Kumar's NDTV news story on this incident. He smartly crops the video in the beginning, which entirely changes the essense of that statement.

Then there was Modi's reference to 'Abki baar Trump Sarkaar' at an event with Trump. Hindu, IE, NDTV carried opinion pieces on how this statment threatens bipartisan consensus in US on good relations with India. Yet, anyone who listens to Modi's statement, and is aware of Trump's use of that slogan in 2016 would understand that Modi's statement was in past tense. He wasn't endorsing Trump at all.

My point being, Ravish Kumar, NDTV, Newslaundary (AAP's pimps), etc are competent and manipulative crooks, who are adept at hiding their bias. Those at ZeeNews, IndiaTV, Dainik Jagran etc are incompetent crooks. Their bias is as visible as daylight.

With ZeeNews et al you know you are being served bullcrap. With NDTV et al, you get sucked into the bullcrap they are selling, and form opinions you wouldn't have otherwise formed, if you had access to a neutral primary source.

I agree with you. I did not say NDTV guys are some neutral or fair. I just quoted Ravish. About 3-4 years ago, I would have countered you. But we ought to recognize everyone is pushing their own agenda. Some are good at make it look natural, some aren't. 


Even after promising to pay for cab and food, I could not persuade a single person to come with me to Bangalore Lit Fest. Going Alone now.

No Nation for Culture. 


Even after promising to pay for cab and food, I could not persuade a single person to come with me to Bangalore Lit Fest. Going Alone now.

No Nation for Culture. 

This is actually very disappointing. Doesn't even feel like a fest. 


Failing in prelims gave me a good jolt. That shame I felt on the night of October 10th after I tallied my answers with answer keys, it had some good utility. But that shame is fading away and I miss it. 

Last two months weren't bad but they weren't great either. But then, when I set such unrealistic targets, I think nothing will ever be great enough. A lot more could have been done but the past is like that google doc for which you have no editing rights, only have viewing rights. And even the data you are allowed to view is being corrupted every single second.

I have been sick for the last few days with suboptimal productivity irking me like a think blanket with thousand holes on a cold night. Used it as an excuse to read some other stuff. This also gives a good completion point to the first phase of my 2022 attempt. 

For the next two months, I am trying to mix pre and mains. PSIR has to be done, tests to be given including some backlog tests, ethics & GS FLTs. In addition, one prelims revision of core subjects & solving any pending prelims tests. That should be the second phase. 

To declutter the mind, I must first declutter my physical space. So, will do a little safai, especially of my desk which is suffering under the weight of everything I have studied in the past two months. Like, its some kind of archeological thing. The top-most layer of the books tell you what I have studying recently. The bottom most books are those that I was studying sometime in the last few months but just didn't care enough to revise. 

Have been trying to stay away from telegram-- my final frontier of distractions. The mann (the mind) has been less chanchal (turbulent or hyperactive) & as the old bollywood song goes, less random. Might as well throw away my phone in the dustbin. 2022 me padhai ke siva karna hi kya hai?

New beginnings :)


Justice Chandrachud fan club, unite! :D



Hey Folks.. New to this community(Joined SFG/ RLG 2022)...

Can anybody suggest one point source for Compilation of Essays Asked in CSE ( Just the Questions ) of atleast Last 15-20 years ? would be highly appreciated....Thanks


Targets for 15/01:

  • Fine Arts NCERT Class 12th (Study, Notes, Anki)
  • Ethics 2 Classes
  • Anki Review (30 Minutes)
  • 5 Issues 


Targets for 15/01:

  • Fine Arts NCERT Class 12th (Study, Notes, Anki)
  • Ethics 2 Classes
  • Anki Review (30 Minutes)
  • 5 Issues 

  • Fine Arts NCERT Class 12th (Study, Notes, Anki) >>>60% done
  • Ethics 2 Classes >>Done
  • Anki Review (30 Minutes) >>Done
  • 5 Issues >>Done

When the going gets tough,the tough gets going 

I'm thankful to the universe for  another year ,another birthday . Thankful to the people who made me strong,thankful for the failures which make me grounded ,thankful to my parents for letting me pursuing my dreams ,thankful to the wonderful people who are there for me in all my ups and downs . 

Officially entering into another year. I wish this year would be a great and memorable year for me . Past few days  not being regular in studies due to certain incidents and health issues. Thanks for the people in YPT who nudged me .will be back today.

Today's target 

Optional test 

GS 3 - ans writing 


Happy Birthday, mate! 



@nerdfighter happy birthday Mate! More power to you.

7 more months to go!

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Finished all the targets (almost) except 10 pages of backlog, will finish it tomorrow. Today's match was just another instance of what we can achieve if we work towards it come what may. I have always been team Federer but Rafa never fails to inspire!


  • SFG: Test + Analysis 
  • SFG Prep 
  • Polity Revision (1/2) 
  • SFG Backlog 
  • Newspaper

Will also have to figure out a plan tomorrow for the next four months. You don't realise how time flies and you're back to where you were before the blink of an eye. Have a good day people!

Did not start polity, finished rest of the targets. A good November had followed a very unproductive December, In January I have picked up a little pace but there's a long way to go if I have to be at my best. Hoping this new month helps us all bring out our best, only four months to go now!


  • SFG: Test + Analysis 
  • SFG Prep 
  • Polity Revision (1/2) 
  • CA - December 
  • Newspaper 

Good Going, Bhai. Have a great February!




What does it mean? I have certificate dated 31.12.2020 i.e, FY 2020-21 only.

The relevant financial years are for ascertaining your non-creamy layer status. That requires financial records of last three years. That means your OBC certificate should be a newly updated one authorized in the last one year i.e. After 1st April 2021. What you have won't be valid, as far as I aware. 

Hii people! 
Is there anyone who is preparing from home completely alone….. idk i feel this isolation is taking a heavy toll on me. Is it only me or anyone of you have experienced similarly?

Hey, I felt quite very much the same around Feb-March last year. For me, posting my daily to-dos on 2021 thread helped a lot. I felt like I was part of a peer group. Made some really good friends on the way. It can be very difficult finding a peer group in tier two cities. And if you just post here asking for people to be part of a peer group, that too won't help much as most people think the other people aren't as serious as them and the group would only bring them down. So, maybe just start by posting regularly and updating your progress. 


I'll try to be regular here till prelims. Pakka.

To-dos for 04/03/22 (Day 1/93):

  • Shankar History Sectional
  • Econ & Polity CA (Jan + Feb '21)
  • Laxmikanth Part-III (1/2) + MCQs from Laxmikanth Obj.
  • CSAT 25 MCQs (Quant)

I'll try to be regular here till prelims. Pakka.

To-dos for 04/03/22 (Day 1/93):

  • Shankar History Sectional
  • Econ & Polity CA (Jan + Feb '21)
  • Laxmikanth Part-III (1/2) + MCQs from Laxmikanth Obj.
  • CSAT 25 MCQs

Are you in the 4th March prestorming batch ?



I'll try to be regular here till prelims. Pakka.

To-dos for 04/03/22 (Day 1/93):

  • Shankar History Sectional
  • Econ & Polity CA (Jan + Feb '21)
  • Laxmikanth Part-III (1/2) + MCQs from Laxmikanth Obj.
  • CSAT 25 MCQs (Quant)

Spent about 2 hours on something unplanned from PSIR. Some topics from Economy CA took longer than expected. 

What all got done?

  • Shankar History Sectional >>>Done
  • Econ & Polity CA (Jan + Feb '21) >>>>Almost Done
  • Laxmikanth Part-III (1/2) + MCQs from Laxmikanth Obj. >>>About 30% Done only
  • CSAT 25 MCQs (Quant) >>>Not Done :(
  • PSIR >>>UAE, Executive

Felt very lethargic after dinner. So, couldn't study without first taking a long walk, listened to an audiobook.

Hours Clocked: 8 Hours 

To-dos for 05/03/22 & 06/03/22 (Day 2 & 3/93):

  • Vision Polity Section 2
  • Analyze Yesterday ka Mock
  • Econ & Polity CA (March + April '21)
  • Laxmikanth Part-III (Remaining Part) + MCQs from Laxmikanth Obj.
  • CSAT 25 MCQs (Quant)
  • Scheduled Revision
To-dos for 05/03/22 (Day 2/93):

  • Vision Polity Section 2
  • Analyze Yesterday ka Mock
  • Econ & Polity CA (March + April '21)
  • Laxmikanth Part-III (Remaining Part) + MCQs from Laxmikanth Obj.
  • CSAT 25 MCQs (Quant)
  • Scheduled Revision

Woke up pretty late after wasting most of night in random surfing. Will try to finish today's targets till tomorrow end. 


why do people here have unachievable targets on a daily basis?

they are unable to complete them and feel disappointed at the end of the day.

isnt it wise to have small targets, achieve them first in one part of the day folllowed by doing other parts in the rest of the day. then reviewing it finally. this will hold accountable at all times and not just at the end of the day.

That is a good idea. I usually overestimate how much discipline I have when I start my day & underestimate the time a thing requires. That is usually the reason why I am unable to complete my targets. But there is always hope that this day will be different. So, I continue. 

On unachievable targets, it's usually not a choice. Things are always lined up like some upcoming test. So, that drives the to-dos mostly. 

To-dos for 05/03/22 & 06/03/22 (Day 2 & 3/93):

  • Vision Polity Section 2
  • Analyze Yesterday ka Mock
  • Econ & Polity CA (March + April '21)
  • Laxmikanth Part-III (Remaining Part) + MCQs from Laxmikanth Obj.
  • CSAT 25 MCQs (Quant)
  • Scheduled Revision

All done except CSAT MCQs. 


To-dos for 07/03/2022 (Day 4/93):

  • Economic Survey Lectures + Notes (1/3)
  • CSAT FLT (Shankar)

To-dos for 07/03/2022 (Day 4/93):

  • Economic Survey Lectures + Notes (1/3)
  • CSAT FLT (Shankar)

It has been very lethargic, almost sleepy three days & I haven't been writing down hours clocked here out of sheer shame. Will try to do that compulsorily from tomorrow. 

Things that go done today:

  • Economic Survey Lectures + Notes (1/3) >>>Done
  • CSAT FLT (Shankar) >>>Did not write it; will try to write it before 11th March; Just not able to get into the CSAT mood somehow


To-dos for 08/03/2022 (Day 5/93)

  • Economic Survey Lectures + Notes (2/3)
  • Geo + Env + S&T CA (January '21)
  • Polity Sectional Vision 
  • CSAT 20 MCQs

To-dos for 08/03/2022 (Day 5/93)

  • Economic Survey Lectures + Notes (2/3)
  • Geo + Env + S&T CA (January '21)
  • Polity Sectional Vision 
  • CSAT 20 MCQs

Things that got done today:

  • Economic Survey Lectures + Notes (2/3) >>>Done but a little less than expected
  • Geo + Env + S&T CA (January '21) >>>only env ca done
  • Polity Sectional Vision >>>done
  • CSAT 20 MCQs >>>done

Updates for 09/03/2022 (Day 6/93):

Wasn't able to login since last night for some reason. Forum constantly asked me to register when I was trying to login.

Anyway, I am setting a target for the whole week, instead of daily. Will continue with weekly or come back to daily thing if it works.

Targets for 09/03/2022 to 15/03/2022 (Day 6/93 to 12/93):

  • Econ Static Revision
  • Econ CA (Jan '21 to Feb '22)
  • ESI + Budget
  • Geography (1/4)
  • Econ 5 Sectionals
  • 150 Quant MCQs
  • S&T Booklets (till Computer & IT)
» show previous quotes

Could not revise environment sincerely, gave the test instead. This week will be all about getting rid of backlogs. 


  • SFG: Test + Analysis 
  • Newspaper 
  • Finish Agriculture 
  • Environment Revision 
  • Miscellaneous tidbits 

@Jammu good to see you here. Really appreciate the wake ups. All the best :)

February was good for the first 20 days and then it all went haywire. Need to ensure consistency. Had massive inertia to do anything yesterday so I did the SFG test, newspaper and substitute agriculture with studying the budget. No progress on environment. 


  • Finish Agriculture 
  • SFG Test Analysis 
  • Environment (if tired, substitute with ES)
  • Newspaper 
  • Plan for the month

Hoping for a much better march. All the best everyone!

Did not find time to do environment, will try to finish it by tomorrow now. Other targets done. 


  • Environment (1/2) 
  • SFG Backlog (1/2) 
  • Newspaper 
  • Miscellaneous 

Finished all the targets. Today seems to be a difficult day, will try to pivot from the bad start. 


  • Environment (2/2) 
  • Finish SFG Backlog (2/2) 
  • Newspaper 
  • Miscellaneous 

Going back to ambitious targets now or else I'll keep faltering. Today, I could not finish Environment (Barely touched it) but did the rest. Disappointing day nevertheless. By the way, thanks for the wake ups. Will try to do better tomorrow. 


  • Finish Environment (2/2)
  • Finish S&T Backlog 
  • Mock Test Analysis (if time) 
  • Economic Survey (1/3) 
  • Newspaper 

Finished environment, did newspaper and started S&T. Could not touch Economic Survey or the test. Have to figure out a way to be productive post 6 PM, losing a lot of time!


  • Finish S&T Backlog 
  • Economic Survey (1/3)
  • Mock Test Analysis (if time) 
  • Newspaper 

Win finally able to finish S&T. Now onto the final set of NCERTs. Going to take a different approach in terms of doing economic survey and hope that it works out, no point in finishing old backlogs only to get new ones. 


  • Medieval History (1/2)
  • Economic Survey (10 Pages) 
  • Newspaper 

All done. Could have done better but hopefully soon. 


  • Finish Medieval History 
  • Economic Survey (10 pages) 
  • Newspaper 

Bad day yesterday, just finished yesterday's targets. 

Today's plan: 

  • Test + Analysis 
  • Economic Survey (20 pages) 
  • Newspaper

Are you going through the actual Survey or some notes? 



» show previous quotes

Could not revise environment sincerely, gave the test instead. This week will be all about getting rid of backlogs. 


  • SFG: Test + Analysis 
  • Newspaper 
  • Finish Agriculture 
  • Environment Revision 
  • Miscellaneous tidbits 

@Jammu good to see you here. Really appreciate the wake ups. All the best :)

February was good for the first 20 days and then it all went haywire. Need to ensure consistency. Had massive inertia to do anything yesterday so I did the SFG test, newspaper and substitute agriculture with studying the budget. No progress on environment. 


  • Finish Agriculture 
  • SFG Test Analysis 
  • Environment (if tired, substitute with ES)
  • Newspaper 
  • Plan for the month

Hoping for a much better march. All the best everyone!

Did not find time to do environment, will try to finish it by tomorrow now. Other targets done. 


  • Environment (1/2) 
  • SFG Backlog (1/2) 
  • Newspaper 
  • Miscellaneous 

Finished all the targets. Today seems to be a difficult day, will try to pivot from the bad start. 


  • Environment (2/2) 
  • Finish SFG Backlog (2/2) 
  • Newspaper 
  • Miscellaneous 

Going back to ambitious targets now or else I'll keep faltering. Today, I could not finish Environment (Barely touched it) but did the rest. Disappointing day nevertheless. By the way, thanks for the wake ups. Will try to do better tomorrow. 


  • Finish Environment (2/2)
  • Finish S&T Backlog 
  • Mock Test Analysis (if time) 
  • Economic Survey (1/3) 
  • Newspaper 

Finished environment, did newspaper and started S&T. Could not touch Economic Survey or the test. Have to figure out a way to be productive post 6 PM, losing a lot of time!


  • Finish S&T Backlog 
  • Economic Survey (1/3)
  • Mock Test Analysis (if time) 
  • Newspaper 

Win finally able to finish S&T. Now onto the final set of NCERTs. Going to take a different approach in terms of doing economic survey and hope that it works out, no point in finishing old backlogs only to get new ones. 


  • Medieval History (1/2)
  • Economic Survey (10 Pages) 
  • Newspaper 

All done. Could have done better but hopefully soon. 


  • Finish Medieval History 
  • Economic Survey (10 pages) 
  • Newspaper 

Bad day yesterday, just finished yesterday's targets. 

Today's plan: 

  • Test + Analysis 
  • Economic Survey (20 pages) 
  • Newspaper

Are you going through the actual Survey or some notes? 

Sectional of which Institute u r taking? 

Vision & Shankar right now. 



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I will suggest take FORUM ,leave shankar.

Doing Shankar offline, mostly for simulating exam conditions. Doing Vision at home from pirated pdfs. 

What is Forum? Is it some new coaching? :D




» show previous quotes

Could not revise environment sincerely, gave the test instead. This week will be all about getting rid of backlogs. 


  • SFG: Test + Analysis 
  • Newspaper 
  • Finish Agriculture 
  • Environment Revision 
  • Miscellaneous tidbits 

@Jammu good to see you here. Really appreciate the wake ups. All the best :)

February was good for the first 20 days and then it all went haywire. Need to ensure consistency. Had massive inertia to do anything yesterday so I did the SFG test, newspaper and substitute agriculture with studying the budget. No progress on environment. 


  • Finish Agriculture 
  • SFG Test Analysis 
  • Environment (if tired, substitute with ES)
  • Newspaper 
  • Plan for the month

Hoping for a much better march. All the best everyone!

Did not find time to do environment, will try to finish it by tomorrow now. Other targets done. 


  • Environment (1/2) 
  • SFG Backlog (1/2) 
  • Newspaper 
  • Miscellaneous 

Finished all the targets. Today seems to be a difficult day, will try to pivot from the bad start. 


  • Environment (2/2) 
  • Finish SFG Backlog (2/2) 
  • Newspaper 
  • Miscellaneous 

Going back to ambitious targets now or else I'll keep faltering. Today, I could not finish Environment (Barely touched it) but did the rest. Disappointing day nevertheless. By the way, thanks for the wake ups. Will try to do better tomorrow. 


  • Finish Environment (2/2)
  • Finish S&T Backlog 
  • Mock Test Analysis (if time) 
  • Economic Survey (1/3) 
  • Newspaper 

Finished environment, did newspaper and started S&T. Could not touch Economic Survey or the test. Have to figure out a way to be productive post 6 PM, losing a lot of time!


  • Finish S&T Backlog 
  • Economic Survey (1/3)
  • Mock Test Analysis (if time) 
  • Newspaper 

Win finally able to finish S&T. Now onto the final set of NCERTs. Going to take a different approach in terms of doing economic survey and hope that it works out, no point in finishing old backlogs only to get new ones. 


  • Medieval History (1/2)
  • Economic Survey (10 Pages) 
  • Newspaper 

All done. Could have done better but hopefully soon. 


  • Finish Medieval History 
  • Economic Survey (10 pages) 
  • Newspaper 

Bad day yesterday, just finished yesterday's targets. 

Today's plan: 

  • Test + Analysis 
  • Economic Survey (20 pages) 
  • Newspaper

Are you going through the actual Survey or some notes? 

Sectional of which Institute u r taking? 

Vision & Shankar right now. 

I will suggest take FORUM ,leave shankar.

Why do you say no Shankar? Any specific reason?


Updates for 09/03/2022 (Day 6/93):

Wasn't able to login since last night for some reason. Forum constantly asked me to register when I was trying to login.

Anyway, I am setting a target for the whole week, instead of daily. Will continue with weekly or come back to daily thing if it works.

Targets for 09/03/2022 to 15/03/2022 (Day 6/93 to 12/93):

  • Econ Static Revision
  • Econ CA (Jan '21 to Feb '22)
  • ESI + Budget
  • Geography (1/4)
  • Econ 5 Sectionals
  • 150 Quant MCQs
  • S&T Booklets (till Computer & IT)

Weekly thing isn't going well. Have a Polity sectional to write today. Will come back and restart again with daily targets. 


To-dos for 12/03/2022 (Day 1 of 84)

  • Money and Banking Static
  • May + June (Econ) Current
  • Quant 20 MCQs 

To-dos for 12/03/2022 (Day 1 of 84)

  • Money and Banking Static
  • May + June (Econ) Current
  • Quant 20 MCQs 

  • Money and Banking Static >>>Half Done (Pretty Long Chapter; Though focus was top notch)
  • May + June (Econ) Current >>>Half Hi Done
  • Quant 20 MCQs >>>Not Done

Remaining stuff to be done tomorrow. 

Hours Clocked: 7 Hours (Could have been much better; Slacked off after 5 PM)



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