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CSE 2022: Plan/ Strategy/ Daily Routine

Somebody asked for a good inspirational poem.

Here isA Psalm of Life by H.W. Longfellow

Tell me not, in mournful numbers,
   Life is but an empty dream!
For the soul is dead that slumbers,
   And things are not what they seem.

Life is real! Life is earnest!
   And the grave is not its goal;
Dust thou art, to dust returnest,
   Was not spoken of the soul.

Not enjoyment, and not sorrow,
   Is our destined end or way;
But to act, that each to-morrow
   Find us farther than to-day.

Art is long, and Time is fleeting,
   And our hearts, though stout and brave,
Still, like muffled drums, are beating
   Funeral marches to the grave.

In the world’s broad field of battle,
   In the bivouac of Life,
Be not like dumb, driven cattle!
   Be a hero in the strife!

Trust no Future, howe’er pleasant!
   Let the dead Past bury its dead!
Act,— act in the living Present!
   Heart within, and God o’erhead!

Lives of great men all remind us
   We can make our lives sublime,
And, departing, leave behind us
   Footprints on the sands of time;

Footprints, that perhaps another,
   Sailing o’er life’s solemn main,
A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,
   Seeing, shall take heart again.

Let us, then, be up and doing,
   With a heart for any fate;
Still achieving, still pursuing,
   Learn to labor and to wait.

P.S: The last 3 stanzas have been the source of inspiration for many men including but not limited to Henry Ford, Roosevelt, and Gandhi himself. 
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Have you read other poems by him?

I have read a few others by him. I can recallHymn To The NightandExcelsior.

@LetsGetThisBread Will surely do.


For those of you who have been looking for some good poems. Here are some of the well known poems with really deep and motivational feel. You can even cherry-pick lines from them to suit you in examination. 

  1. Invictus  by William Henley
  2. O Captain, My Captain  by Walt Whitman
  3. Do Not Go Gentle into That Goodnight  by Dylan Thomas
  4. Defeat  by Kahlil Gibran
  5. Excelsior  by Longfellow

Some of the feel good poems: 

  1. BlueBird  by Charles Bukowski 
  2. Ozymandias  by P.B. Shelly
  3. What Will You Do  by Rainer Maria Rilke
  4. Still I Rise  by Maya Angelou

Some of the gems from Hindi Literature. Honestly, it should be very long list. Hindi Literature has so many great works that one has to beeither biased or well versedto pick a few over the others. Still my two cents: 

  1. रश्मिरथी 
  2. मधुशाला 
  3. वह आदमी नहीं मुकम्मल बयान है - Dushyant Kumar
  4. कौरव कौन पांडव कौन - अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी 
  5. जब नाव जल में छोड़ दी 

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One of the lines, often used by@Neyawn sir in his writings during the exam time, taken from the excerpt of Rashmirathi

याचना नहीं, अब रण होगा,
जीवन-जय या कि मरण होगा।

That line, like many others from Rashmirathi, is oft-misquoted. Not sure in which reference he uses it though. 

On the other hand, Rashmirathi is such an epic that it has plethora of  Quotable Quotes.

Consider this stanza. In these highlighted lines,Karna  is challenging the fate itself.

Because he has been cheated by none other than Indra, the Lord of Heaven himself. 

Rashmirathi is not just a book. Its an apt commentary on human character, fate, circumstance, and above all unsung heroics.  Its an epic in its own rights.

Hoping that more and more people get interested in this epic someday. 


Fine .. after seeing targets being posted for nearly a year or so.. here is mine.

Sole reason to do this, at least for a trial basis, is to see if I am able to be accountable to a community of strangers, striving for something similar. Without further ado: 

  1. Governance portion common to Ethics and GS2
  2. Indian Express
  3. Bose Einstein Statistics- Theory
  4. Answer writing

Fine .. after seeing targets being posted for nearly a year or so.. here is mine.

Sole reason to do this, at least for a trial basis, is to see if I am able to be accountable to a community of strangers, striving for something similar. Without further ado: 

  1. Governance portion common to Ethics and GS2
  2. Indian Express
  3. Bose Einstein Statistics- Theory
  4. Answer writing

Complacency born out of baby steps is hazardous to the long miles ahead. 

Completed 3/4 of them and took an unnecessary break yesterday. 

Not going to repeat. Today's targets: 

  1. Express 
  2. MB Distribution 
  3. Finishing Governance
  4.  Rau's Focus- December, 30-35 pages
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Complacency born out of baby steps is hazardous to the long miles ahead. 

Completed 3/4 of them and took an unnecessary break yesterday. 

Not going to repeat. Today's targets: 

  1. Express 
  2. MB Distribution 
  3. Finishing Governance
  4.  Rau's Focus- December, 30-35 pages

Couldn't focus enough on Focus Magazine.  Aise kaise chalega Babu Bhaiyya.  Not Done. 

  1. Express 
  2. Fermi Dirac Distribution 
  3. Q/A practice: 5 questions
  4. Rau's Focus- 25 pages. 

Lets cook some Meth...od to complete targets.

And if you fail.. just do what Hobbes did:



Didn't post for last few days. Resuming from today. 

  1. Electrodynamics: 2 chapters.
  2. Rau's December focus.
  3. Indian Express
  4. Vision Test 9: 50 questions.

Let's go. Let's cook. 

Let's Cook Meth t-shirt design png - Buy t-shirt designs


Didn't post for last few days. Resuming from today. 

  1. Electrodynamics: 2 chapters.
  2. Rau's December focus.
  3. Indian Express
  4. Vision Test 9: 50 questions.

Let's go. Let's cook. 

Let's Cook Meth t-shirt design png - Buy t-shirt designs

Completed yesterday's batch.

Today's targets are numerically fewer but need a longer stretch:

  1. Electro: Numerical Problems.
  2. Vision 50 MCQ.
  3. Writing 1 Pending Test.

"Run"- W.W.


Didn't post for last few days. Resuming from today. 

  1. Electrodynamics: 2 chapters.
  2. Rau's December focus.
  3. Indian Express
  4. Vision Test 9: 50 questions.

Let's go. Let's cook. 

Let's Cook Meth t-shirt design png - Buy t-shirt designs

Completed yesterday's batch.

Today's targets are numerically fewer but need a longer stretch:

  1. Electro: Numerical Problems.
  2. Vision 50 MCQ.
  3. Writing 1 Pending Test.

"Run"- W.W.

Couldn't write the test. Saturday is going to be all about the backlogs. A lot of them to be covered. 

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