@JohnDoe7 Couldn't do str will do tomorrow.
For Tomorrow
Physics str plus tutorials
Accountancy tej pratap pyq
Vision test synopsis analysis
Pre Test raus if time permits
@JohnDoe7 Couldn't do str will do tomorrow.For TomorrowPhysics str plus tutorialsAccountancy tej pratap pyqVision test synopsis analysisPre Test raus if time permits
Yesterday became an unplanned off day due to some work. This is today's target now
@JohnDoe7 Couldn't do str will do tomorrow.For TomorrowPhysics str plus tutorialsAccountancy tej pratap pyqVision test synopsis analysisPre Test raus if time permits
Yesterday became an unplanned off day due to some work. This is today's target now
Didn't do physics and pre test, it's difficult getting back on track
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