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CSE 2023: Plan/ Strategy/ Daily Routine

In the month of April, everything was going pretty okay. I never thought I'd post on forum or any other platform for that matter, but here comes the problem: things never go the way I wish.
Now I haven't touched my books for nearly a month. So, here I'm, hoping that posting my targets here would at least help me get a few things done, however dismal maybe the growth it'll sure be an improvement.

Targets for 19 June- 
1. GS-3 3-4 hours.
2. Newspaper.

That's it.

I hope people who want to join this thread, join it without thinking too much, and the people who just want to observe have fun doing that.
In the month of April, everything was going pretty okay. I never thought I'd post on forum or any other platform for that matter, but here comes the problem: things never go the way I wish.
Now I haven't touched my books for nearly a month. So, here I'm, hoping that posting my targets here would at least help me get a few things done, however dismal maybe the growth it'll sure be an improvement.

Targets for 19 June- 
1. GS-3 3-4 hours.
2. Newspaper.

That's it.

I hope people who want to join this thread, join it without thinking too much, and the people who just want to observe have fun doing that.

Miserably failed at achieving the targets, did just newspaper. Turns out that posting targets on a social media platform doesn't help us eliminate the bad habits accumulated over the years.

Targets for  20 June:

1. Gs-3 4 hours.

2. Newspaper.

In the month of April, everything was going pretty okay. I never thought I'd post on forum or any other platform for that matter, but here comes the problem: things never go the way I wish.
Now I haven't touched my books for nearly a month. So, here I'm, hoping that posting my targets here would at least help me get a few things done, however dismal maybe the growth it'll sure be an improvement.

Targets for 19 June- 
1. GS-3 3-4 hours.
2. Newspaper.

That's it.

I hope people who want to join this thread, join it without thinking too much, and the people who just want to observe have fun doing that.

Miserably failed at achieving the targets, did just newspaper. Turns out that posting targets on a social media platform doesn't help us eliminate the bad habits accumulated over the years.

Targets for  20 June:

1. Gs-3 4 hours.

2. Newspaper.

again read just the newspaper, might stop posting here cos it's just becoming a "failed-TDL" journal



Was in a rut for about 10 days. Planning to get back on track today. Newspaper done. Making a plan for the next 9-10 months, hoping to be mains ready by Nov-Dec. One dilemma that I've found myself in since many days now is this - To prepare according to MGP 2023, i.e few topics every week and then a test on Sunday OR to prepare the subject/subjects first (notes included) and then appear for the tests. Suggestions are welcome !

I think it's better to give tests each week, whenever  possible because it helps you keep you on your toes(helpful especially when if you struggle with consistency/self-discipline). However, you can sometimes club 2 Half length tests together if the boundary between the syllabus of 2 tests isn't that rigid. For example - starting 2-3 tests of GS-2 and GS3 can be merged together as they are of polity/eco so it's better to cover all the topics then give test. on the other hand HLTs of International relation, SnT, internal security etc should be done without wasting any time. 

We can anyway improvise our notes during the 14day break we get before FLT of each GS paper. 

These are just my suggestions, and *spoiler alert* Idk anything, I'm just learning and I guess that the case with most of us. So, it's better you should try and experiment as see what works for you. All the best


Targets for 22/06/22-

1. SnT (skim through all topics)

2. Newspaper.

3. Read 10-12 pages.


Targets for 22/06/22-

1. SnT (skim through all topics)

2. Newspaper.

3. Read 10-12 pages.

2 and 3 - done but those are just minor things. Need to come out of the vicious cycle of procrastination and instant gratification.  


Hi guys hopping into this thread and will try to post my daily targets regularly. Looking forward to having a great community experience like the famous 2021 thread with good friends@nerdfighter @SergioRamos @AzadHindFauz @Rashmirathi @Jammu 

Avengers assemble? 😬

 Glad to see 'forum OGs' joining this thread. Will try to learn from y'all and also from the fellow newbies as well.

Hope this becomes the "best forum thread ever" and everyone from this thread makes it in 2023. 

Will try to post my targets regularly from 1st of July. 25-30 June ka pata nahi, but kosish karunga.


Plan was to wake up at 6 am but I kept hitting the snooze button only to wake up @ 10 and then waste my time watching random YT videos. Opening this thread and seeing people studying so much is terrifying.

Targets for 02/07/2022

1) SnT and Internal security

2) Newspaper

3) Finish "notes from the underground"


Plan was to wake up at 6 am but I kept hitting the snooze button only to wake up @ 10 and then waste my time watching random YT videos. Opening this thread and seeing people studying so much is terrifying.

Targets for 02/07/2022

1) SnT and Internal security

2) Newspaper

3) Finish "notes from the underground"

read just the newspaper. 

same targets for tomorrow


Is there any secret/esoteric way to get out of a rut extending more than a month? or maybe we can say years, tbvh.

All these start small, create a schedule, focus on building habits, know your why, etc seems good in theory or while giving gyaan to others. I know many people do these things and they get the results. but for me executing these has become an unattainable task, the vicious loop of procrastination and instant gratification just don't seem to end. and it been over years since i've had any decent day. I know in the end i'd have to figure things out on my own and ranting won't take me anywhere. 

Anyway, thanks for reading my rant. Suggestions are welcome, though I know they help much, unless I help myself.


@Fitoren23 Thanks, will join on Monday

@Ghostwalker Thanks bhai.

@D503 Thanks alot. Yes, need to stick to a test schedule. Also, the cliched and general advice is actually true most of the time.

» show previous quotes

Hi, i can totally feel you because my rut extended for 2 years. It was difficult to get myself out of it but it is doable. Like you said start small, and create a schedule is literally the way forward.

I realised very early on that physical planners don't do me any good because i cant be bothered to beautify my pages and my handwriting isn’t the most journal friendly. So i have a notebook opened on GoodNotes where i type out my daily schedule. This has been there with me for the past two years. Also knowing the macro targets are really helpful as well, what i intend to achieve in one month, the next 6 months etc along with a daily schedule.

Also helps if you figure out why it’s too difficult to stick to a schedule. Is it too much workload? Reduce the number of targets you set for yourself. Is your schedule too tightly packed without any breathing space, which makes you more likely to procrastinate? Schedule a block of time where you intend to do nothing except what you want to do? YouTube distracting you? Put a screen time. The point is, find a workaround for your problems.

There was also a book i read titled “Finish What You Started” (ironically which i never finished reading) but one helpful thing it said is to set a bare minimum workload. So find 3 things that you must absolutely do, even if you hate and ensure you do at least that. Its not the same as a fully productive day, but its still better than wasting your day entirely.

Lastly, there’s nothing like a good old shame spiral to kick your butt into action. I hated the fact that my targets were unachieved and that pushed me to try and finish at least one thing the next day. I kept doing that till the time i got the hang of it. It was a slow and painful process ngl, but entirely doable.


Thanks a lot. Let me see if it's doable for me or not. Also your username is quite nice, i could never come up with such username 


(pretty small) Targets for 12 July -

1. Meditation (30 mins)

2. Optional (unit 1)

3. GS-3 (3 hours)

4. No random surfing between 9 am-9 pm

5. Read 10 pages


(pretty small) Targets for 12 July -

1. Meditation (30 mins)

2. Optional (unit 1)

3. GS-3 (3 hours)

4. No random surfing between 9 am-9 pm

5. Read 10 pages

My ability to waste the whole day is beyond amazing. Woke up at 12pm, then idk the day just went skskskksks. Just read the newspaper. Rating- 0/10


Did nothing today. 

Just nothing . 

Will repeat the Day 2 

Us bhai



» show previous quotes

My ability to waste the whole day is beyond amazing. Woke up at 12pm, then idk the day just went skskskksks. Just read the newspaper. Rating- 0/10

I tracked my hours for last 15 days and realised that whenever i started studying sharp at the scheduled time (9am for me) i was able to pull decent number of hours, whereas whenever i failed to stick to schedule, my whole day went down the drain. Lesson -  starting hours of schedule make all the difference. They set the pace for the rest of your day.. do something productive right in the morning , and you are more likely to achieve your targets and end your day on a happy note

Thanks mate


Hey everyone should check out this thing called the Pomodoro technique-

where you study for 25 minutes and then take a break for 5 weeks.


Hey everyone should check out this thing called the Pomodoro technique-

where you study for 25 minutes and then take a break for 5 weeks.

5 weeks or 5 minutes ?

WEEKS. It works the best for me.


GM. (18/07/2022)

1. Touch some grass.

2. Read " the illicit happiness of other people"

3. Newspaper.

4. Optional P1U1 (this is optional, haha, but the first three are mandatory as the OG @LetsGetThisBread suggested - find 3 things that you must absolutely do, even if you hate and ensure you do at least that. Its not the same as a fully productive day, but its still better than wasting your day entirely)


GM. (18/07/2022)

1. Touch some grass.

2. Read " the illicit happiness of other people"

3. Newspaper.

4. Optional P1U1 (this is optional, haha, but the first three are mandatory as the OG @LetsGetThisBread suggested - find 3 things that you must absolutely do, even if you hate and ensure you do at least that. Its not the same as a fully productive day, but its still better than wasting your day entirely)

1, 2, 3 done. 4 bhi kinda done. still would rate the day just 2/10.


Woke up at 1 'PM' instead of 6 AM, did some optional stuff and read the newspaper. that's it.

Rating - 1/10. I must be the most unproductive person on this thread. Need to bid adieu to both Excessive sleep and music.


Mfw I realise all the time which I'm wasting will never come back 


Woke up at 1 'PM' instead of 6 AM, did some optional stuff and read the newspaper. that's it.

Rating - 1/10. I must be the most unproductive person on this thread. Need to bid adieu to both Excessive sleep and music.

exact replica, but even missed the newspaper.

It's over for me.


Today's progress-

Tomorrow's Targets-

It is amusing to learn that some good content is churned beyond popular names in PSIR coaching industry. Rajesh Mishra has been a saviour more than once. Helped with some additions in Chapter 3 of P2A+ also his content is better on Dharmashastras and Buddhist PT.

@Pepethefrog Go Cold Turkey bhai!

Shubh Ratri doston!

The problem isn't the 'phone'. it's something else. Kinda trying to solve it. Hopefully, the gods will come to my rescue.

Thank you though, will limit phone usage too from today.

@parle ji_ it will pass ( Life is like a wave having up and downs ) soon you will rise .
Take care 

@Pepethefrog no at all bhai ,but all depends on us how we take on a given situation and that determines or shapes our future course as said by Dinkar ji -
" Manav jab zor lgata h pathar paani ban jaata h "

Beautiful. Will start re-reading Rashmirathi today.

Will also read Kurukshetra. Kaafi mahino se rakhi hui hai.

22, 23, 24, and 25 July were 0 days and went to TRASH.

Few learnings/rants/observations from last 25 days-

- The first thought which comes to a Delhite's mind (especially the auto walas/coolie) isn't "Should I scam this guy?",  but it is "How much should I scam this guy?" and the answer is "as much as possible"

- I've learnt how to stare at your ceiling fan for 12 hours and sleep for the same amount. Perfectly balanced as all things should be.

- We uselessly put a lot of detergent just bcos we can, but we don't need to. Have some pity on your beautiful clothes.

- People who do not wear white sneakers at least once a week come under the inspection of Intelligence agencies.

- Monologues are always better than dialogues, so I avoid making friends. 

- If it wasn't for Lutyens Delhi and the metro, Delhi doesn't deserve to be the capital of India. But sigh, TINA.

- The Internet is the most wonderful human invention only after the photocopy machines, so Thou shall collect as much material as possible. 

- Delhi is in a perpetual state of flood. Flood of (useless) summaries, compilations, notes, answer writing book by yet another topper who spends her 'precious' time marketing it and wooing aspirants. I have easily avoided all of them though because I simply do not touch any books.

- Rewatched 'Andhadhun'. Watched 'RK/RKAY'. Both are very well written, someday I hope to write something 1% as good as these.

- Black coffee is an acquired taste.

- I can now Iron my Clothes, without iron.

- As a kid, I had the main character vibes but I've realised I'm not the main character, I'm not even the side character, forget this, I was removed from the first batch of auditions, bleh.

- I despise the tag of "UPSC aspirant"(and many(all) other tags and things). I'll get rid of it asap, my eventual fate awaits me. 
Do not waste your time by reading/replying to my comments because "Time is extremely valuable"
I waste my time writing these because "Time is extremely valuable and I prefer to waste it"


Decent stuff today. Also realised the pains of revising Environment Portion of Vision CA.

I still need one more day to finish May monthly and I don't have another Monday to offer. Will have to adjust somewhere.

Also,since I missed targets last week because of my over enthusiastic plans, I am trying to complete Topic 9 of GS 3 in next two days(have been stuck here for long)-

@Pepethefrog Yaar that detergent thing. It is so relatable. Yaar for the past few months, I am wearing shirts which have recognisable white detergent spots. Mujhe late hi nahi kapde done sahi se. And mind it, I travel to DU campus(abode of fashion by all means)everyday wearing such stuff.

And iron stuff,I have not been doing that for past many years(except for the years I was at home between 2020-22). Lol 

My bruises are fresh again after reading this.Haha

Shubh Ratri doston!

arey, I washed clothes for the first time this month. It's quite easy, just make sure the amount of detergent is less, like really less and the spots will disappear.

Tbh even though I can remove a lot of wrinkles without iron, I just can't withstand even a single wrinkle (thanks to my mother for always giving me impeccably ironed clothes). So, I'll have to get them ironed from now on. 

22, 23, 24, and 25 July were 0 days and went to TRASH.

Few learnings/rants/observations from last 25 days-

- The first thought which comes to a Delhite's mind (especially the auto walas/coolie) isn't "Should I scam this guy?",  but it is "How much should I scam this guy?" and the answer is "as much as possible"

- I've learnt how to stare at your ceiling fan for 12 hours and sleep for the same amount. Perfectly balanced as all things should be.

- We uselessly put a lot of detergent just bcos we can, but we don't need to. Have some pity on your beautiful clothes.

- People who do not wear white sneakers at least once a week come under the inspection of Intelligence agencies.

- Monologues are always better than dialogues, so I avoid making friends. 

- If it wasn't for Lutyens Delhi and the metro, Delhi doesn't deserve to be the capital of India. But sigh, TINA.

- The Internet is the most wonderful human invention only after the photocopy machines, so Thou shall collect as much material as possible. 

- Delhi is in a perpetual state of flood. Flood of (useless) summaries, compilations, notes, answer writing book by yet another topper who spends her 'precious' time marketing it and wooing aspirants. I have easily avoided all of them though because I simply do not touch any books.

- Rewatched 'Andhadhun'. Watched 'RK/RKAY'. Both are very well written, someday I hope to write something 1% as good as these.

- Black coffee is an acquired taste.

- I can now Iron my Clothes, without iron.

- As a kid, I had the main character vibes but I've realised I'm not the main character, I'm not even the side character, forget this, I was removed from the first batch of auditions, bleh.

- I despise the tag of "UPSC aspirant"(and many(all) other tags and things). I'll get rid of it asap, my eventual fate awaits me. 
Do not waste your time by reading/replying to my comments because "Time is extremely valuable"
I waste my time writing these because "Time is extremely valuable and I prefer to waste it"

Seemed like a short film of unrelated scenes been put together; but FUN

Will make a short film with 'related scenes' put together soon (as soon as I have enough financial resources. Spoiler alert: Right now I have Rs0)

I hope iss thread ke kuch log to dekh hi lenge.

So, I came back to room at 8 pm and had my cheat meal. PSIR wasn't done, but Topic 9 is done sans Energy part. Also, added Logistics part as another head in Topic 9 to add more breadth to this particular topic. 

Kal ka subah, I'll upload. Though there are few days left before I go into a month long oblivion (semester exams in August), yet I will be uploading my day's schedule in mornings. This will help me in sticking to 6:30 am library deadlines. 

@Morticia Haha. Weren't you guys sold Delhi Governance Model during recent Municipal Elections? When I saw that happening, I was like fette muh ho tera😂!

@LetsGetThisBread Brokers in Delhi be like- Now I am gonna show you the real deal. This ends up with him taking one to another shanty! Also, girls make a shabby room look aesthetic. For boys, it is the complete opposite. 

Shubh Ratri doston! 

When I lived in ORN I once joked that soon they’ll give us coffins to sleep in and uska bhi rent maangenge. My friends weren’t amused 😬

The 14yo tiffin delivery boy was amused after seeing the size of my room. He then smiled sardonically as he left the place.


Back here after 3-4 days. And the story remains the same. 

The guilt at 2 AM fires up the hope for a beautiful tomorrow. All of my plans for the future involve me waking up tomorrow with a sudden sense of discipline and adherence to routine that i have simply never displayed in my 20 years of life.

All the enthusiasm fizzles out when I hit the snooze button in the morning and the next day I'm back where I was. 

Days, months, and years go by, just merely existing on autopilot. I am the worst version of myself living the worst version of my life. Sorry if these rants ruined your mood/this thread or anything else, but worry not, this shall be my last pitiful rant here.

Will be back on 1 August (maybe, maybe not)


Have completed all previous targets while traveling. 

Targets For Today ( 14/07/2022)

1. Newspapers ( 3) + Notes

2. Plan readjustments

3. Clean the room

4. 2 Lectures of Mrunal Economy 

Progress Update 

All previous targets done. 

Update on what I have covered so far and what I have to cover this month. 

What I have done so far

1.  Polity and Constitution is mostly done : Reading wise - recall is fairly average at best - notes - halfway done - 

What I need to do

1. Give mock tests - MCQ based + Start AW on static topics + Brainstorm PYQs + Complete Notes - Revise ( Polity)

2. Economics - Was supposed to finish Mrunal course by this week and then revise -Complete Focus on that till July 31st - Finish the course and give course tests - move to answer writing 

4. Develop consistency in Newspaper reading 

5. Finish Environment & Ecology Basics 

Restarting YPT - Joining a library 

Targets - 18/07

1. TIE (17+18) + Notes 

2. 2 Economy Lectures 

3. Pollution 

4. Revise - Ch9 +10 Polity ncert - related topics from laxmikanth

1. Done 

2. 1 Lec done 

3. 20%

4. Done 

Targets 19/07

1. TIE ( 10+19) + Notes 

2. 2 Economy Lec +1 pending lecture

3. Pollution (2/4)

4. Polity Rev (2)- P,C,T

Things have not been good at home. Not just for me and studies but w.r.t everyone else. 

Only 1& 4 done 

Targets 20/07 

1. TIE ( 11+20) + Notes 

2. Pollution 2/4 

3. Eco lectures (3)

4. Polity Revision 

Newspaper Done , rest targets repeat!

These targets are done. Took me two days but done.

Targets for today (23/07)

1. Newspaper

2. Economics 1A2 +Quiz

3. Polity Revision ( Constitutional History ) 

1. Done 

2. Done 

3. 25% done 

No targets as such for 24/07 only did revision of what I had done earlier and solved some pre PYQs 

Will do brainstorming for mains PYQs before sleeping. Good day - study wise 

Targets for 25/07 

1. TIE + Notes 

2. Economics 1B1

3. FR ( 1/3 ) 

4. EVS - Acts (1/2)

1. Done 

2. 2 lectures done 

3. Did not touch polity today 

4. (1/4th) - Done 

1. 1B1+1B2 

2. Polity (Constitutional History )

3. Polity - Territory 

4. EVS ( Acts ) - Khatam karna hai bas 

5. Newspaper 

1. 1.5 lectures done

2. Done 

3. Done

4. Nahi hua yaar

5. Done 

Will get up early tomorrow to cover all backlogs 

Targets for 27/07

1. TIE + Notes 

2. Polity Constitutional history ( 2 acts)

3. Polity Citizenship + NCERT chap 10 

4. Environment Acts + EIA 

5. Teaching Aptitude

Only did 1 &2 

Need to finish all backlogs on 28/07

I have been exhausting myself too much in the day , evening mein there's barely any energy to study. Need to plan breaks while studying. 

Targets - 29/07 

1. TIE + Notes 

2. Economy - 2 Lecs ( 1C1)

3. Polity - FR ( 14 -18) + CH - 2 Acts 

4. EVS - Acts + TA 

The past 3 days have not been zero days but feel like zero days. Did 2 lectures of economy and read newspaper. That's all. June se August kab ho gaya samjh hi nahi aa raha 

Targets 01/08

  1. TIE + Notes
  2. Economy -2 Lecs
  3. Polity - Part 1/4 
  4. EVS - TA + EIA 

Consider yourself lucky cos mujhe toh - 2020 se 2022 kab ho gaya samjh hi nahi aa raha



Targets - 01/08/2022 .

1. Read world history in one go. Revise it.

2. Optional (3 hours- minimum)

3. Newspaper.



This one is for those who are in college (ideally, final year). I'm periodically hit by a wave of panic and anxiety regarding how I'm going to manage both college and cse prep in the months that lie ahead. I'm occupied in sem exams since mid July till mid Aug. I'm not doing any cse prep since July. Funnily enough, not being able to focus on college exams bc of this anxiety so ruining both. Any helpful advice is welcome (brownie points if you're in the same boat). 

Alert no.1- We are not in the same boat cos I'm not even doing any cse prep. Atleast you were doing it before July.  

Alert no. 2- I don't study. Neither do I know how to manage time or anything.

Alert no. 3- This is not a helpful advice.

But if you're doing BA then you need to put a lot of 'efforts 'in order to 'fail' the college exams.

Passing with above-average marks is as easy as drinking water. Idk about other streams though.

All the best for your exams.



Targets - 01/08/2022 .

1. Read world history in one go. Revise it.

2. Optional (3 hours- minimum)

3. Newspaper.

1. Revision not done     2. Done         3. Done.

Still would rate the day as 3/10.

Targets for 02/08

1. Revise WH + WH PYQ

2. Optional (3hrs)

3. Newspaper



Targets - 01/08/2022 .

1. Read world history in one go. Revise it.

2. Optional (3 hours- minimum)

3. Newspaper.

1. Revision not done     2. Done         3. Done.

Still would rate the day as 3/10.

Targets for 02/08

1. Revise WH + WH PYQ

2. Optional (3hrs)

3. Newspaper

1. Not done (WHYYYYY)

2. 2 hours only

3. Done

2/10 day. Wasted all of it reading random blogs. 

I scheduled an email (Titled - a letter to myself) to myself last year. It was delivered yesterday. Reading it was too painful bcos I failed to even achieve even 1% of what I planned. On the contrary, I did all the things which I planned I wouldn't do. (दु:ख | दर्द । कष्ट | अफ़सोस | वेदना | व्यथा | शोक | संताप | मातम | पीड़ा | विपदा | खेद | तकलीफ़ | कसक | अवसाद | आफ़त | कुढ़न | खिन्नता | गम | ग्लानि | ज़हमत | टीस | ताप | त्रास | दर्द | दरद | दुखड़ा | बला | बियाधि | मलाल | मुसीबत | यंत्रणा | यातना | रंज | रंजोगम | आर्ति | विषाद | शूल |)

On a slightly positive note- My phone had a hardware issue for the last 6 months, but now it's kinda fixed (on its own- its magic, its magic)

Hello everyone, am I allowed to barge into this thread?

@Morticia thanks for the warm welcome.

@D503 whole purpose of barging in is to leave after some time.

Less than 9 months left and I'm still at level 0.

Targets (21/09)-

Optional (2 units)

Economy (basic concepts)

Read (Haha Huhu)


Starting out a bit late. The targets for today-

Shubh Prabhat doston! 

Spent almost the whole day in college,beginning with admission form hassles and ending with boring Drafting class. Agin did nothing beyond newspaper. 

I have time till 3 pm tomorrow. Will try to cover what I committed for today. 

I need to reinforce the following- MightyyyyRajuuu jaldi kar. 

@Morticia Tbh, I was about to enquire about this chaand. 

@Pepethefrog Sab khairiat se dost? 

@Lawstice Papers going to JNU under this sarkar. Lol. Modiji-Lal maane khatra. Another lol. 

@Hi______ You can try if they are offering something like this bhai. But going by their track record, I suspect them to be offering anything meaningful. I toh doubt ki they will kidnap aspirants and ask for ransom from parents. 

Shubh Ratri doston! 

Yes sab khairiyat hai but

S in khairiyat stands for study hours, which do not exist.



@Morticia thanks for the warm welcome.

@D503 whole purpose of barging in is to leave after some time.

Less than 9 months left and I'm still at level 0.

Targets (21/09)-

Optional (2 units)

Economy (basic concepts)

Read (Haha Huhu)

haha, read just Haha Huhu, brilliant story. Sadly barely a few works of 'Viswantha Satyanarayana' have been translated into English. 1/10 day.

Same targets for 22/09. arghhhh, if i don't pull it off tomorrow, then.......... idk what i'll do


Hi guys. Targets for today(will go to attend only 1-2 classes). 

Shubh Prabhat doston! 

1.Not done.






7.Kar lung after having dinner.

@LetsGetThisBread Haha. Now as a next logical step, choose your favourite student as every teacher does.

I have to find  something to eat since its month end and the usual tiffin service is off.

Shubh Sandhya doston!

As the tiffin service is off, so I was eating ice cream, but I chose a quite bad place for sitting and I ended up having a 2 hour+ debate/argument with a stranger (he interrupted me while I was talking to my friends, so the debate was uninvited), mostly related to Indian policymaking, society, religion, education, judiciary and constitution. 

can't express my views here cos I'll be cancelled by the whole forum community.

The lesson of the day: Stop eating ice creams.


Hi guys. Targets for today(will go to attend only 1-2 classes). 

Shubh Prabhat doston! 

1.Not done.






7.Kar lung after having dinner.

@LetsGetThisBread Haha. Now as a next logical step, choose your favourite student as every teacher does.

I have to find  something to eat since its month end and the usual tiffin service is off.

Shubh Sandhya doston!

As the tiffin service is off, so I was eating ice cream, but I chose a quite bad place for sitting and I ended up having a 2 hour+ debate/argument with a stranger (he interrupted me while I was talking to my friends, so the debate was uninvited), mostly related to Indian policymaking, society, religion, education, judiciary and constitution. 

can't express my views here cos I'll be cancelled by the whole forum community.

The lesson of the day: Stop eating ice creams.

I would have walked off making faces had some stranger interrupted me 😂

Kudos to you for having a debate, that too a long one!

Also, I've only heard@mightyraju talk about fiery political debates happening here. I also want to be a part of the "popcorn party"; please rant na Pepe😝

@DancingMaster neither wanna rant (cos i had a great time debating) nor wanna debate (cos@Lawstice is a lawyer). I enjoy it when the debate starts unintentionally, so yeah if that happens someday, I won't mind.

@Morticia i actually knew what will be the other guy's response to most of my points, so it was ezz was for me. 

POPCORN PARTY for the win, btw.

life is a to-and-fro movement of mind between "wagmi" and "it's over"

Good Morning!🌞

Back to posting targets on the thread!



1. Figure out Newspaper backlog ( 13 days) 

2. CA Magz - Download

3. Chalk out a Revision Plan - Make adjustments to current one

4. Set my studying space ( Again!)

Alllll set!

Schedule: 03/10/22

1. Environment- Chap 1 (NCERT)+ PMF 

2. Polity - 1/21 (Rev)

3. Eco - 1A -(Rev)

4. Eco 5A Lec

5. TIE ( Oct 1 & 2) + Notes+ 10 Pages CA Magz

6. Zoology : Biostats. Notes Rev. 

Targets repeat for tommorow. Did not study for even one minute today. Starting YPT from tomorrow. 

1. Did not use YPT but wrote a test today. First test, first 5 answers, of topics I thought I knew ....But..still recovering from the reality check

2. CA will start tommorow 

3. Read notes did revision, did not read anything new

Schedule - 05/10/22

1. Bare Minimum 

Eco Lec 5A 

TIE+Notes ( 4+5)

Biostats. (Measures of Central Tendency)

Env. - CH1 + PMF 

2. Revision 

Eco - 1A2

Polity- 2/25


 GC Qs - CH + Preamble 

WYSK- CH + Preamble 


This is me talking to myself (Please ignore) 

Ab toh SFG bhi aa hi gaya, pata nahi mujhe kya hua hai, Don't feel like studying these days ( Me to myself - yeh kaisa excuse hai!!😅). Anyways, will start by 11 am today. This week it for warm up by Monday sab sort ho jayega. 

Targets Repeat :/

no no, don't expose my self-talk in public, just like that. Please spare me some mental privacy ma'am.


Good Morning!🌞

Back to posting targets on the thread!



1. Figure out Newspaper backlog ( 13 days) 

2. CA Magz - Download

3. Chalk out a Revision Plan - Make adjustments to current one

4. Set my studying space ( Again!)

Alllll set!

Schedule: 03/10/22

1. Environment- Chap 1 (NCERT)+ PMF 

2. Polity - 1/21 (Rev)

3. Eco - 1A -(Rev)

4. Eco 5A Lec

5. TIE ( Oct 1 & 2) + Notes+ 10 Pages CA Magz

6. Zoology : Biostats. Notes Rev. 

Targets repeat for tommorow. Did not study for even one minute today. Starting YPT from tomorrow. 

1. Did not use YPT but wrote a test today. First test, first 5 answers, of topics I thought I knew ....But..still recovering from the reality check

2. CA will start tommorow 

3. Read notes did revision, did not read anything new

Schedule - 05/10/22

1. Bare Minimum 

Eco Lec 5A 

TIE+Notes ( 4+5)

Biostats. (Measures of Central Tendency)

Env. - CH1 + PMF 

2. Revision 

Eco - 1A2

Polity- 2/25


 GC Qs - CH + Preamble 

WYSK- CH + Preamble 


This is me talking to myself (Please ignore) 

Ab toh SFG bhi aa hi gaya, pata nahi mujhe kya hua hai, Don't feel like studying these days ( Me to myself - yeh kaisa excuse hai!!😅). Anyways, will start by 11 am today. This week it for warm up by Monday sab sort ho jayega. 

Targets Repeat :/

Previous Targets: Not done 


Too much has happening around me. But would get back on track today itself. 

Target Today (08/10/22)- Read Newspaper

Additional updates

Goals - To clock 5+2+1 hours on YPT - Starting tomorrow - October 9th - October 17th 

- 5 hours For - GS + CA+ Revision/Note making

- 2 hours for optional 

- 1 hour - Practice 

I know, most people will think counting hours is futile. I agree, but only to an extent. If consistency is down - specifying hours helps, at least in my case, anyways- off I go! 

PS: Any other suggestions are welcome, most welcome! 

If someone has a decent approach to do things, then I guess putting in X amount of hours should take care of all other worries. So, according to me far from being futile, counting hours is one of the best thing.

This is the reason why i'm kinda envious of people(who know what they're doing) who put in more than 6h+/day, cos i barely manage to hit the 3 hour mark, even on days which I consider good (which are once in a month phenomenon). Also, it is not a creative field, so no one can surpass others easily just by sheer 'brilliance', so quality in some sense depends on quantity. 

Anyway, I wrote this just to remind myself that studying for 1-2 hours a day won't take me anywhere, except the rock bottom. 

What a beautiful day.
» show previous quotes» show previous quotes

Generally jis jgh dard hota hai usko dabate hai. You can try that :) 

Thanks for believing the fact that I didn't try that 🥲 *so thoughtful*

Update: It has gone on its own :)

[A pooor gag is hovering in my mind space but it can surely backfire, thus keeping it to myself 😆]

Speak up. Vaise bhi it's sunday, I guess, sabko sunday ko yahan hot takes post karne chahiye, just to maximize fun.

» show previous quotes» show previous quotes

Generally jis jgh dard hota hai usko dabate hai. You can try that :) 

Thanks for believing the fact that I didn't try that 🥲 *so thoughtful*

Update: It has gone on its own :)

[A pooor gag is hovering in my mind space but it can surely backfire, thus keeping it to myself 😆]

Speak up. Vaise bhi it's sunday, I guess, sabko sunday ko yahan hot takes post karne chahiye, just to maximize fun.

My coy brain refrains me from doing it :P

Aap batayie din acha vyateet hone ka kaaran?

kaaran ye hai ki i stopped looking for kaaran (meta baatein aap nahi samjhogi 🥱)


A good day guys.

1- Partially done.

2- Speed of round 40-45 pages

@Lawstice Ullu bnaate hai.From what I can see as a plausible strategy, one should do a good number of mocks but as the exam nears should shift more towards PYQs.

Also,PSIR peeps- Happened to read an article by pop ideologue Slavoj Zizek today after months, but the best one was this-


Shubh Ratri doston!

i bought the sublime object of ideology few days back. Tough read, lekin khud ko dilasa dete rehta hu ki haan aarha hai samajh.

Delusion is the second best thing after ignorance. 


Hi guys. Missed being on time, par this is my schedule for today-

Shubh Prabhat doston! 

Hi doston! Again short on completing Target 1. Geography is uninvited guest for me vis a vis syllabus of UPSC

@DancingMaster I don't follow him much par I know him from famous Peterson- Zizek debate.Also, I can recall the comment made by one of SRCC Professor- Most of the contemporary Marxism is what Zizek espouses.

@Pepethefrog Why so dukhi,dost! Sab sahi hoga pidde.

Shubh Ratri doston!

I'm the last person on this thread who'll be DUKHI. 

But maybe the tone sounds like that. Should I put a disclaimer before every comment, lol?


@mightyraju  Boyy You also put Bhau after people's name ? WE do that here too! Marx Bhau, Gadkari Bhau sounds soo cool right? xD

@Pepethefrog Hann boss, sometimes your posts do give Dukhi vibes.  One of your post in another thread really made me worried the other day. 

I'm addicted to this song rn : ABEEY YAAR BT HOGAY.  Issa mood now a days.

oh that "IT'S OVER FOR ME" comment. woh toh dil se likha tha.

chalo bhai abse no dukhi vibes. 


tdl 16/10

- walk 10k+ steps

- write few new drafts and edit one old draft.

- make coffee. name it 'responsibly'. drink responsibly.


tdl 16/10

- walk 10k+ steps

- write few new drafts and edit one old draft.

- make coffee. name it 'responsibly'. drink responsibly.

17k+ steps, rest also done-dana-done. 


Goodbye old friends. Though I was active on this thread long back and just for a short period of time, but I had fun here. I was neither consistent nor committed to this thread, just like my studies. Just like everything I try my hands on. But it is perhaps the only place where I jotted down my thoughts, so decided to jot down a few more.

Despite the cacophony about prelims being vague, factual, random, absurd, blah blah blah, I know I failed prelims due to my own complacency and I take 100% responsibility of my own failure. Hopefully, I will learn something or most probably I'll carry on with my futile existence squandering few more years, then few more..... Only time will tell.

To all those who cleared prelims, make it count. Best Wishes.

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