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CSE 2023: Plan/ Strategy/ Daily Routine


@LetsGetThisBread  Bread, how was Pre?







Which monthly magazine is better- 

Vision/insights(new mains magazine)/Ray's focus/ epic

Insights MAINS Magazine has Basava Jayanti, Buddha Purnima, Char Dham Yatra, Puri Heritage Corridor, Tomar King Anangpal II as first 5/6 topics. MAINS Magazine.




How shit are the 'Theme' History NCERTs? One line has Chiefdoms, next has Satvahanas, next Shakyas, very next one Kushanas, then they start with Guptas in very next para. And this shit is spread over 3 chapters. First one talks of polity + society, next society, next A&C. All concerned with the same period 600 BC - 600 AD. Its a mindfuck, and I've been caught up in it for over 3 days. What kind of braindead people approve this sort of shit in our textbooks?



@Lucifer16  What's Mrunal 3a?


Cant we insert a table in one note? 

PS- couldn't find a way on google if there is some trick then lmk :(

Should be under Insert Tab >Table

Or look for OneMore by Steven Cohn on Github



Hey Everyone, I'd love to know your views on this:

1. How to improve Efficiency while Studying?

2. How to avoid the Perfectionist Trap, and Curiosity Rabbit Hole?

In past 3 days, I have spent

1. 6 Hours on 'Senior Citizens' (Vulnerable Sections)

2. 4 Hours on American Revolution

This left me with no time to do any other topic. At the end of those hours, I had super concise notes on both topics, yet genuinely felt like that meme: "I've won..But at what Cost"?



@morsmodre hey can u suggest some good source for world history?

What's 'good' depends on the kind of proficiency you're seeking I guess.

Speaking for myself, I looked at Arjun Dev NCERT, and coaching materials (Vision, Forum CBP, Vajiram), and realized I didn't have the mental faculty to read them. Also, they have topics like Feudalism, Enlightenment, etc, that were relevant in the broader context (as contributing factors to some events), but not as a Standalone topic that could be asked.

So, Scoured around, and found this:

Reading through American and French revolution, I could recall some of the things I had studied in 9th, 10th in History NCERTs, so I'm sticking with it.

So, what I'm doing is:

1. Read Wikipedia introduction, focus on causes & impact

2. Read Clear IAS article, focus on causes & impact

3. Glance through Shreyansh Kumat Notes (24 pages ones) to see if I missed any point.

Hope this helps


Hey Everyone, I'd love to know your views on this:

1. How to improve Efficiency while Studying?

2. How to avoid the Perfectionist Trap, and Curiosity Rabbit Hole?

In past 3 days, I have spent

1. 6 Hours on 'Senior Citizens' (Vulnerable Sections)

2. 4 Hours on American Revolution

This left me with no time to do any other topic. At the end of those hours, I had super concise notes on both topics, yet genuinely felt like that meme: "I've won..But at what Cost"?

@Neyawn Could you please share your wisdom on this?

@MichaelScarn   Thanks! Would take a look.




So, I realised that reading Vision CA is one of the hardest thing to do.

It takes lot more of time than anticipated.

Also, I couldn't go till Page 68.Somewhere around Page 48. So,It will take 3 Mondays all in all to finish one monthly I suppose.

Man, Monthly Mags are pure torture. One could remove all the gibberish, and reduce that Mag to 30 pages, without any compromise on content. Would never understand this fascination with 120-150 Page mags


5 Aug: 4 Newspapers, 5 Pre PYQs, some Ethics

Came across a profound comment today: Child Marriage is Child Prostitution/Sex Trafficking, with Narrow client base.


5 Aug: 4 Newspapers, 5 Pre PYQs, some Ethics

Came across a profound comment today: Child Marriage is Child Prostitution/Sex Trafficking, with Narrow client base.

Didn't do anything. I'm a useless lump of flesh & bones, without an iota of self-discipline.





Hi guys, prep wise things are going okay. Not great, not too bad either. Writing tests and doing newspaper regularly, although syllabus completion is not upto satisfaction.

Need some advice on non-academic problems. The thing is I have two crippling addictions that are affecting my efficiency a lot.

One is my smartphone,(YouTube and reddit) I know that I have to stop it and reduce it. There are a few days when I have it under control and then it goes haywire again. I tried reducing the time, locking my phone etc but doesn't work in the long run. I somehow slip off. When this smartphone addiction is at it's peak my sleep cycle gets disrupted and preparation also gets affected due to erratic timings.

And the other is addiction for sweets and chocolates. Late night snacking is one problem. Also during the day I have my fill and sometimes doze off, again wasting my time. My parents also don't seem to bother with my unhealthy eating habits.

Both the problems are quite long term and started primarily in college as a sort of escape from stress. Haven't been able to shake it off even after 1.5 years of graduating.

Can you guys suggest some ways to overcome this? I am putting around 4-5 hours of productive study every day but I want to get around 7-8 benchmark. Please help a fellow UPSC marathon runner out.:sweat_smile:

I am suffering from this too, phone addiction i mean , however it's not long hours of phone, its the lack of focus i develop after using phone/ screens/ seasons.

Past 2 weeks have been bad due to this. However i have managed it in the past, and i will manage it.

Things that have worked for me in past

1)  Don't use screens for entertainment/any notifications etc. , until at least 3-4 hours of waking up and studying.

Develop pockets where you allow yourself to enjoy it. e.g After lunch , after dinner. Attaching it with another activity will make for a fix starting time.

2) Delete Reddit. Its cancer. (Already don't use twitter)

3) A good habit is to replace your entertainment needs with something less addictive. E.g. music

4) Meditate 

            I have found i gravitate and get tempted more when i am stressed and don't have a clear headspace. Meditation helps (which is also not easy, I've heard  but again attaching with another activity has worked for me. )

Anyways these have worked for me, there are also some other improvements I will be trying. There are also some other extreme measures you can try like if you live with your parents, deposit it to them and tell them when you'll be using it again, for how much time.

Depends on how extreme you want to go. I've heard of a stanford professer who locks his phone in his car when he feels too much tempted by it.


I'm addicted to Reddit too. Unfortunately, getting rid of Reddit addiction is not as easy as Deleting the account/app, unlike other social media. Many FOSS front-ends for Reddit have come up, with multiple domains. Also, Reddit can be actually quite useful, if following good subs (And avoiding india-centric subs. Those are worse than cancer). I'm a commerce graduate; I'm more proficient in digital devices, yada yada than majority, all thanks to helpful anonymous humans on Reddit. But, ultimately, in the scheme of CSE preparation, its a HUGE distraction.


Hi guys, prep wise things are going okay. Not great, not too bad either. Writing tests and doing newspaper regularly, although syllabus completion is not upto satisfaction.

Need some advice on non-academic problems. The thing is I have two crippling addictions that are affecting my efficiency a lot.

One is my smartphone,(YouTube and reddit) I know that I have to stop it and reduce it. There are a few days when I have it under control and then it goes haywire again. I tried reducing the time, locking my phone etc but doesn't work in the long run. I somehow slip off. When this smartphone addiction is at it's peak my sleep cycle gets disrupted and preparation also gets affected due to erratic timings.

And the other is addiction for sweets and chocolates. Late night snacking is one problem. Also during the day I have my fill and sometimes doze off, again wasting my time. My parents also don't seem to bother with my unhealthy eating habits.

Both the problems are quite long term and started primarily in college as a sort of escape from stress. Haven't been able to shake it off even after 1.5 years of graduating.

Can you guys suggest some ways to overcome this? I am putting around 4-5 hours of productive study every day but I want to get around 7-8 benchmark. Please help a fellow UPSC marathon runner out.:sweat_smile:

I'm addicted to these too, for a slightly different reason; Reddit, Sweets, Candies. Just replace Youtube with Hollywood Movies.

Just yesterday evening, after a sudden urge to turn-around my sorry excuse of a life, I ended up browsing r/productivity. Some posts there were enormously helpful. A post was made there just two days ago: 'Discipline is overrated, Successful people cheat instead'. Do check that out. Specifically points on Momentum, Restart, and Managing your Energy. Its the first post when sorting by Top>Month.

Also, came across a comment on there, suggesting to read first 5 Pages of James Clear's 'Atomic Habits'. Like all Self Help books, its very repetitive. But, if you read just first 3-4 Pages of Ch 1 (about British Cycling team), and Summary given at the end of Chapters, it'll take just 10 minutes. Its PDF is available on Web Archive. Check that one out too.


Hi guys, prep wise things are going okay. Not great, not too bad either. Writing tests and doing newspaper regularly, although syllabus completion is not upto satisfaction.

Need some advice on non-academic problems. The thing is I have two crippling addictions that are affecting my efficiency a lot.

One is my smartphone,(YouTube and reddit) I know that I have to stop it and reduce it. There are a few days when I have it under control and then it goes haywire again. I tried reducing the time, locking my phone etc but doesn't work in the long run. I somehow slip off. When this smartphone addiction is at it's peak my sleep cycle gets disrupted and preparation also gets affected due to erratic timings.

And the other is addiction for sweets and chocolates. Late night snacking is one problem. Also during the day I have my fill and sometimes doze off, again wasting my time. My parents also don't seem to bother with my unhealthy eating habits.

Both the problems are quite long term and started primarily in college as a sort of escape from stress. Haven't been able to shake it off even after 1.5 years of graduating.

Can you guys suggest some ways to overcome this? I am putting around 4-5 hours of productive study every day but I want to get around 7-8 benchmark. Please help a fellow UPSC marathon runner out.:sweat_smile:

I'm addicted to these too, for a slightly different reason; Reddit, Sweets, Candies. Just replace Youtube with Hollywood Movies.

Just yesterday evening, after a sudden urge to turn-around my sorry excuse of a life, I ended up browsing r/productivity. Some posts there were enormously helpful. A post was made there just two days ago: 'Discipline is overrated, Successful people cheat instead'. Do check that out. Specifically points on Momentum, Restart, and Managing your Energy. Its the first post when sorting by Top>Month.

Also, came across a comment on there, suggesting to read first 5 Pages of James Clear's 'Atomic Habits'. Like all Self Help books, its very repetitive. But, if you read just first 3-4 Pages of Ch 1 (about British Cycling team), and Summary given at the end of Chapters, it'll take just 10 minutes. Its PDF is available on Web Archive. Check that one out too.

It would be really helpful if you attach reddit r/productivity's post link ^D^

Was talking of Points 1, 2, and 6.


Friends, something off-topic, and something many people scorn at, or don't give two hoots about; yet something which might save you a lot of stress in the future. Some wholly and utterly unsolicited (unwelcome?) advice: Consider gradually reducing use of Google services, and think twice before buying Apple devices. Save yourself from the FAANGs (pun totally intended) of Big Tech:



Got a newfound love for life. Love you zindagi!

I was hospitalised for the last 15 days, in the initial days my fever was hovering around 101 all the time even after heavy paracetamol. Blood tests, canola, syringes and all the painful tests I had gone through. Sometimes I felt Im losing myself in the war, even the doctors scared me as reason for high fever could not be diagnosed. It was so painful that words wont be enough to explain.

Not only my experience but I heard about a 4 month old baby admitted in the hospital. In the emergency, I heard noises of family of a man in 30s crying who died of an accident. My nurse told me about another man who died in ICU. One of my roomates had to go through MRI to spot a blood clot in brain which was causing hazy vision to him. A diabetic aunty who was not able to move her right hand beyond a point after a road accident. An alcoholic college boy had destroyed his pancreas or liver I couldn't remember to whom the doctor said youll die in 3 months if you dont quit alcohol. You get to know many things when you stay such a long time in hospital.

I came home today. Heaven. We take most of the things for granted, quality time with family and friends, all the UPSC pain everything is a blessing. Every painless breath is a blessing.

Naukri aur chokri, you get these desirable and life is set we used to say in college. These 15 days changed my whole perspective for looking towards life. Healthy and a painless life is indeed underrated

And I swear from today Ill never crib about shitty things like career and UPSC. 

'Love you zindagi'

All the strength to you@Tata 

I set up a Countdown timer on PC when I started preparing for CSE 2023. It read 558 days till 25 May 2023. I've now wasted 300 of them. Things I study don't stick, since there are so many factual details to remember. I'm just lost trying to navigate through the mammoth syllabus, and can't envision how the rest of the days would be any different :(

Hello everyone. I don't know after how long i am writing something on forum. Kuch logon ko yaad honge;) Btw, I hope all of you are doing good.:)

 Feb- June were pathetic months of my life and it got even more worse when results were announced, as i failed again. So, after giving two attempts i thought to take a break from preparation, and think about other alternatives, meanwhile i have decided to appear in CSE 2024( after analysing all my mistakes)

Currently, preparing for state pcs(UPPCS). 

Also,have started doing Master's( Master in Sociology).

Kuch baatein hain, which i wanted to share with you guys. Personal level pe nothing was going good, nothing, thodi si cheezein sambhali hain abhi, but after a lot of destruction.

At one point of time, i was so frustrated that somebody asked me to attend  councelling sessions, and till now i attend these sessions. It really helps. It takes time, but eventually you start to feel good and positive.

Arey special mention to the most annoying/disrespectful people in this world  "Rishtedaar"( m#@..#@@@)un logon ne toh koi kami hi nahi baaki rkhi thi,  aur kahin galti se koi taunt reh gya toh wo ye taunt poora ke deta tha.."Arey aapka beta/ beti nikal lega/legi paper" iss dialogue se leke kya soch k aapke bete/beti ne ye preparation shuru ki".

Toh inn kuch mahino mein pta lga ki Supreme court wagarh mein judge toh faltu baithe hain, yahan toh har ghar har gali mein judge hain(without even required qualification). 

Inn sab ka seedha asar dikha, health pe, relationship pe, padhai pe, but who cares(even i didn't care about all these and ended up destroying my own peace of mind)

Kabhi kabhi sochte hain ki "what a life it was" se "what kind of life is this" tak aane mein keval 2 saal aur 2 attempt lge. 

Khair, baatein toh bahot hain but koi nahi, everybody is dealing with some issues. Nothing new..:)

Achi baat ye hai ki I am already feeling good. Acha lgta hai iss portal pe.  Also, kabhi waqt aur haalat ache hue toh will share some of the pictures I clicked.:) 

And even if i am not appearing in CSE 2023, I will still be active here from now on.

Ek aur cheez, Novel padhne ka shaukh tha(college time mein) wo ab fir se shuru kiya hai. Toh agar kisi ko achi novel suggest krni ho toh please feel free to tell( Kindly DM). 

Have a good day PEEPUL..❤️

Hey, Thunder! So happy to see you back here! And, glad you're doing good now.

I want you to know this: I don't use any Instant communication App, so even my "Friends" forget my existence for months at a time. You were the only person to wish me Happy New Year, this year.

You are a Beautiful Person, and whatever "Rishtedars" say is a reflection of their inner rotten self, not you.

Friends, I need some help.

This articlefrom August 2022 says:

>>> The personal law do not fall within the definition of ‘laws’ under Article 13 of the Constitution. The validity of a personal law cannot be challenged on the basis of fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution.

The above position was based on a Judgement of Bombay High Court, in Narasu Appa Mali Case (1951).

HOWEVER, in Sabarimala Case (2018),Justice Chandrachud, who was part of Majority opinion, had said:

>>> Justice D.Y. Chandrachud, in his separate opinion, held that the reasoning given in the Narasu Appa Mali judgment of the Bombay High Court in 1951 was based on flawed premises. Immunising customs and usages, like the prohibition of women in Sabarimala, takes away the primacy of the Constitution.

>>>  “Custom or usage cannot be excluded from ‘laws in force’. The decision in Narasu also opined that personal law is immune from constitutional scrutiny. This detracts from the notion that no body of practices can claim supremacy over the Constitution and its vision of ensuring the sanctity of dignity, liberty and equality,” Justice Chandrachud wrote.

Toh, my Question is: Does Justice Chandrachud's Opinion Invalidate the 1951 Judgment?

Does definition of 'Law', with respect to Article 13, include 'Personal Law' or not?

Is the My Courses Tab functioning properly or only I am facing a problem going inside a course? 

Not working for me either



Saturday sham aur Sunday padh kaise lete ho yaar. My brain stops working after 7 pm on a Saturday and on Sunday toh refuses to register it's existence. Please give some tips, I REALLY need to change this. 

My Brain stops working after 4 PM EVERY DAY 😆


Today, after many years, I sat upright on a Table-Chair, and studied for 3 Hours straight, without getting Distracted, or feeling Anxious and Overwhelmed.

I'm beyond Elated right now, and just wanted to share this little victory. This would have been impossible for me, just 20 days back.

What's the general consensus on Homeopathy? Is it any good, or is it Pseudo-Science practiced by Jhola-Chaaps?
What's the general consensus on Homeopathy? Is it any good, or is it Pseudo-Science practiced by Jhola-Chaaps?

love the meds<3 nasha hai



The Hindu is now increasingly an Advertisement Paper, with small doses of News sprinkled in between. The number of times it has changed its layout in last few years is rivaled only by the number of times I change my Preparation strategy within a day. Not that I'm complaining. Takes much less time to go through, and I've always pirated it. Those Telegram Channel owners, who share it first thing in morning, without any Advertisements hogging the feed, or expectation of Monetary Gain, deserve Padma Vibhushan for their selfless act of Public Service.


Friends thodi help kar do.

NCERT says:  Magnetite is the finest iron ore, with a very high iron content of upto 70%. Hematite ore has slightly lower iron content than Magnetite

PMF IAS also says the same.


DR Khullar says:  Haematite  is best quality of iron ore, with 70% Metallic content. Magnetite is second best ore.

This website  says the same: Hematite ore has the chemical formula Fe2O3 and has a very high iron content of 70 percent. With the chemical formula Fe3O4, magnetite ore has much lower iron content than hematite ore.

Toh ab kiski baat maane?


Friends thodi help kar do.

NCERT says:  Magnetite is the finest iron ore, with a very high iron content of upto 70%. Hematite ore has slightly lower iron content than Magnetite

PMF IAS also says the same.


DR Khullar says:  Haematite  is best quality of iron ore, with 70% Metallic content. Magnetite is second best ore.

This website  says the same: Hematite ore has the chemical formula Fe2O3 and has a very high iron content of 70 percent. With the chemical formula Fe3O4, magnetite ore has much lower iron content than hematite ore.

Toh ab kiski baat maane?

which ncert is this ??

Class 10 Geography, Ch 5


Spotted this beast in front of Vajiram today.

Kaun se institute ki kaun si faculty isme padhaane ORN aa rahi bhyi…. 😆😁

Yahi sab dekh k one 28 years old coaching going kid says ki khOjha Sir Bihar k CM ban jayenge(with all seriousness& innocence). Because He has huge fan following!

Kya hoga is desh ka😭

I find people quoting him left and right even now 😐

Forget him I find quoting any of these UPSC teachers CRINGE at best!

I had even typed a comment requesting you to do your B.ed training with all seriousness in morning but then left halfway.

I've felt that people having qualifications for teaching posts & having qualified for similar exams do hell better than these people. Sometimes we all take help of these UPSC teachers because dearth of options but try comparing them with your school or college teachers recruited by a properly laid down process.  Yes, you might feel that they don't teach enough but you will feel the difference in whatever little they do. 

Nothing against anyone, wrote what I felt. I found the so called best faculties in coachings as below average & hence a rant maybe. Haha!

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Though, I even found most College Professors outright pathetic. Of the 60 odd teachers in my College, I could list 10-12 who were good at their profession. Some others made efforts, so they could get a pass.

However, some straight up told us they were teaching only because if was a requirement for their PHD. One was outright racist towards anyone Not from NE India. In other one's class, it was forbidden to smile. I could never get my head around how these scumbags ended up teaching in a college. Changed my whole perspective on 'Always Respect the Elders' and all that bull crap we are taught as children.

@mightyraju I studied from Rushikesh Dudhat sir in Rau's. He teaches well and helps in clearing doubts. Has good knowledge base in geography and environment

Didn't he pass away during Covid 2nd wave? Saw somewhere on Telegram. Though I don't know anything about CSE Coaching industry, so could have been another Rushikesh sir.


Came across something strange just now and had to share this. I know people impersonate on Telegram,but having a fake Quora account to promote some bogus faculty demands some next level dishonesty.


Someone made an account with Tina Dabi's name in 2019, 2 years after she passed, and was promoting that Bald Man who teaches Polity on Unacademy (don't remember his name). From their writing style, I could have swore it was the Bald Man himself, but couldn't call them out since I didn't have a Quora account (and didn't want to make one). 



Yaar koi sher suna do please 

Ye lo:


How can a person kill the Cricket fan in him? Please suggest.

Don't know how to kill the fan. However, I've avoided it for extended periods before.

What I did then was to cut off all news of cricket. Unsubscribed from pages on social media that mentioned anything cricket related. Consciously avoided Sports Section in Newspaper. Didn't think twice before shutting down someone wanting to discuss cricket stuff. And most Important, if I somehow got to know when a match was on, and couldn't resist the temptation, I used to only watch when my favorite batter or bowler were on the crease, or bowling.

However, all of this conveniently happened when I was busy with things I considered more interesting, so don't know if my method worked, or me avoiding cricket was just a product of circumstances. I also need to kill the fan.


I have a question: How do those of us from Non-Science backgrounds go about doing factual Science questions. In particular, Biology questions like Diatoms, Foraminifera, Millepedes, Copepods.

In most case, I don't have any effing clue about those organisms.


@Neyawn  Sir, PT Test Series Brochure mentions Simulator Tests as part of Test Series.

Nowhere in the Brochure is it mentioned that we'll have to pay Separately for Simulators. It only mentions:For Simulator tests, students will have to register and obtain the hall-ticket

However, apart from the Open Test, Registration links for other Simulators are redirecting straight to Payment gateway's website.

Is this a bug? If not a bug, is this not Deceptive Marketing?

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