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Civil Services Mains 2020 Results: In or Out ? Way ahead, gratitude and Pain

Anybody skipping 2021 and aiming for 2022.
anybody inching towards 30 and still preparing? What makes one hold on to it ? After my repeated failures, it seems futile :'(

I wish to know@Sherkhan1428  and others, what keeps you guys moving ? Leave aside "desh ka bhalai" for a moment; Do you realize if you had pursued a career according to your degree of graduation, you would have been in a much better position? Even if you clear the exam, you would be an "Uncle" in your batch with limited career growth due to time-bound promotions etc..  I don't intend to discourage anyone, but these thoughts keep assaulting me every second, hence the query.

Has anybody attended Vibhas Jha's Economy GS Module class 2020 at NextIAS? I did, but have misplaced the handouts. Can anybody help me by sharing them? Thanks in advance
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